Chapter-16: The Reveal and mending friendships

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"Dear son, This is going to be hard to read... I need to tell you something and I know you are going to be pissed at me and probably won't talk to me after this but you deserve to know. My dearest son, what I did to you was unforgivable and I know that it hurt you deeply. I don't think I can do anything to make this up to you so I won't try to push you. Just know that I love you and will always love you and hurting you was the biggest mistake of my life. Okay now the real reason why I wrote you this letter... Jake Emerald isn't your little sister. She's your daughter. I found out because everything aligned. Jake I am so sorry that this happened and I should be in prison for what I sis to you... No legal department knows I told everyone that she was my husbands so that way you'll be protected. I hope you can forgive me someday as I don't know if I will ever forgive myself. Please if you ever need to talk I'm here but if you don't want to talk I get it. I'm so sorry... From Mom"

I walk into the apartment my hair wet and a towel wrapped around my body. "I'm here what's going on" I say as I close the front door behind me. I stop in my tracks as I see Jake tearing up. I walk over to him and wrap him in a hug he shivers at the touch of my hair. "Hey Babe what's going on, Nat what's going on" Natasha motions me to sit. Once I am seated she hands me a letter, I take it looking at her confused. "Just read it" She says softly. I read it and as I get deeper in the letter I put my hand over my mouth in shock. Once I finish the letter I look at Jake "I... does this mean you were... raped" his face falls and another tear falls down his cheek, for a moment he is silent as I can tell this is really hard for him. He sighs heavily "yes... When I was I think 13 my mom was drunk and came onto me one night, she was so persistent and I couldn't stop her, she ripped of my clothes and threw me onto the bed and she just... did it and it was the most disgusting thing I have ever done. I didn't tell anyone because that's a memory I don't want in my life... My mom swore she wouldn't tell anyone but every night for years that's all I could think about... Incest in the family and I was the one that did it... It hurts to think about and now Emerald is wrapped in all of this and this could mess her up and I can't do anything about it." once he finishes he wipes his watery eyes as Natasha and I both put our hands on his shoulders. "Jake I know this is hard and honestly its so fucked up... I know there is nothing Ali and I can say that will make this pain any better but what I can tell you is you don't have to do this alone, we are here for you and will help you through every step." Natasha says in a sweet sincere tone, Jake takes a deep shaky breath "I... I think we need to do a DNA test, I need to know for sure before I tell Emerald..." I rub his shoulder "how? she will know somethings up because they will need to draw her DNA?" I ask. He looks at me and shrugs "Every year we would get our blood tested to make sure that we were healthy, ill just tell Emerald that its that time of the year and ill make sure the doctor knows something different..." Natasha stands up suddenly and looks at us in concern "Speaking of Emerald, her and Zyra are at the pool without parent supervision." Jake and I shoot up at her comment and look at one another. "you two go... I'm going to call the doctor and set up an appointment for tomorrow.." Natasha and I look at him in concern "Jake want me to stay here with you or Nat?" he shakes his head and looks away "no... ill be there soon I promise" without another word he walks into his room shutting the door behind him. Natasha and I share a look before walking out of the apartment together grabbing my towel before I leave. Natasha and I walk side by side as I am really trying to take all of this information in, its all so fucked up and if its true and Emerald is Jake's daughter, no only will Jake have to tell her but the pain that Emeralds going to be in will be unimageable. I try to shake those thoughts away when we get to the pool. Zyra and Emerald look up at us and smile as they swim to the side of the pool. "What took y'all so long?" Zyra laughs. Natasha and I share a look but I seem to be unable to respond. "just some grown up drama everything is all good, shall we swim?" Natasha says in a sweet tone giving me a knowing look afterward. She throws of her flip flops then runs and jumps in the pool, let me rephrase she just did a backflip in the pool, you know sometime I really think she isn't my sister because some of the shit she can do amazes me. I drop my stuff and jump in the pool cannonball style. Once I resurface the girls laugh at me. "What?" I smile. "Oh nothing Mrs. basic" Emerald laughs. I playfully shove her and she splashes me. After thirty minutes or so of swimming and splashing each other Jake walks into the pool area and smiles at us. He is really good at hiding his emotions because how he is acting and his posture you wouldn't know he was sad. "Hey Em can you come here for a sec" he asks as he walks to the chair where our stuff is. Emerald jokingly rolls her eyes and swims over to him then proceeds to get out of the pool to meet with him. I cant hear what he is saying to her but based on the smile on Emeralds face I don't think its anything bad. She gives him a stern nod as he takes off his shirt, they hold hands and jump in the pool together as soon as they resurface I laugh at Emerald "who's basic now" I say in a snarky tone, her eyes go wide "oh you did it now" she laughs as she begins splashing the hell out of me, I splash back in retort but she just over splashes me forcing me to go underwater and pull her under with me, we both resurface laughing "hey Em can we go to the hot tub?" Zyra asks in a sweet tone. Emerald nods and with one last smile her and Zyra swim towards the pool. "I'm going to join them" Natasha says with a sweet smile, Jake and I watch as the girls swim to towards the hot tub once they are in we face each other and swim closer. We hold one another close and just float together in each others arms. For a while we don't talk and just keep holding one another. The warmth of his body feels like a comforting blanket. "How are you holding up?" I ask before I press a soft kiss on his lips. He sighs. "Honestly it's a lot to process, but honestly if the DNA test comes back positive I have to tell her, look at her" he pauses and lets me look at the girls in the hot tub laughing and enjoying one another's company, returning my attention back to Jake he lets out another weary sigh. "this news might hurt her..." we hold each other tighter and continue to float around the pool. "Jake what about your feelings, you're affected by this news just as much as she is." he smiles and presses a soft kiss on my forehead. "Honestly babe... I think I always knew, I mean after I was raped.... the timing couldn't have been more perfect... Its just the thought of it all hurts... I spent all of my life trying to forgive my mom for what she did and I just don't know if I can... But I do know one thing, that little girls means the world to me and weather this is all a sick joke and she's just my sister or this is all true and she is in fact my daughter nothing changes... I mean I practically raised her anyway, all this does is change what we are to each other..." he presses a soft kiss on my lips. "Well Jake I admire your thinking but you are allowed to be hurt, I mean this is a bomb shell and if its all true that's big news. I just don't want you to hold any emotions inside." he presses a soft kiss on my right cheek and gives me a warm smile "I love you Alicia" his words puts a huge smile on my face "I love you too babe" we pull each other into a intense passionate kiss but as we push deeper we hear "ew get a room bro" from Emerald from the hot tub. We break the kiss and laugh as we look at them. We spent I want to say a couple more hours at the pool. Once we get inside Zyra and Emerald rush to the room and close the door laughing. "Kids" Natasha laughs as she disappears in her room. For a moment Jake and I laugh before he walks towards me and pushes me towards the wall. I smile at him as he presses his lips onto mine, he proceeds to trace his lips down my chin to my neck causing me to moan softly. I open my eyes to Natasha in her pajamas looking at us with a huge smile on her face. "Babe" I say as I point to Natasha. Jake stops what he is doing and looks at Natasha and laughs "ew go away you perv" he laughs.

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