Chapter-27: Complications

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Its such a nice Monday afternoon, Emerald is at school, Alicia is out with Abby doing a baby check up, she didn't want me to come because she wants to do girls day with Abby and of course Natasha is at work, I am currently being lazy and laying in bed. I sit up and pull out my phone and shoot Serena a text "I know you might be at work but I was hoping we could see one another I am bored lol" I toss my phone on the bed and walk to the bathroom. My hair has grown to my shoulders, my highlights have long faded by now, I know I should probably get a hair cut. With something to do I throw on my slippers and grab my car keys when my phone suddenly dings. I grab it and notice its Serena. "I am not at work... I called in. Honestly I need you. I am not okay." After reading that I can't help but feel bad, Alicia has told me everything about what's going on but all we have heard is Tiffany's side. I begin to type a message back "Keep your head up Seri! I need to go run a quick errand and then I will come pick you up. Maybe we can go get lunch and talk deal?" After the message is sent I walk out of the apartment and make my way to my car, my phone dings as soon as I get inside. "Okay..." Poor Serena, I have never seen her this down before. I toss my phone in the cup holder then start the car. After living in Raleigh for a little while now I have grown customed to everything, We barely need the GPS anymore. After a short drive I get to the hair salon and walk inside with a smile. A girl walks up to me but stops short when she sees me. "No way, Jake right?" I raise my brow, "Yes? How do you know my name?" The girl smiles at my response. "Don't you own that kick ass new club Vison? My friends go there every weekend." I can't help but smile. "That's me, I'm glad you like it." Her face softens. "What can I help you with today?" she says as she guides me to chair in the front of the solan. " I was thinking of shaving the sides and keeping some of the top." She smiles and begins setting me up to cut my hair. "So, How did Vison become a thing?" she asks as she begins cutting my hair. "It was my daughters idea, I just made it happen." I respond in a calm gentle tone. "Is your daughter the little girl that sings in the band you're in?" She curiously responds. "Yes that's my little girl" The girl smiles as she gently moves my head to the side. "She has a beautiful singing voice, When I first heard her I thought she was a professional." She tilts my head to the other side. "Thank you, yeah she's a special girl" After a few minutes we are finished and she takes everything off of me. "How do you like it?" I look in the mirror at my new hair which is shaved on the sides and back and has just enough on top for me to spike it. "It looks great thank you!" She smiles as we make our way to the cash register. I pull out my wallet "No, We got you covered, It's the least I can do for the man that opened a badass new club." She says in a sweet tone. I laugh "What's the catch?" she raises a brow "nothing, just come again and maybe next time bring that daughter of yours" I smile and pull a 20 out of my wallet and hand it to her. "Well here at least have a tip." She takes my money reluctantly. "Have a good day!" I say before waving bye and walking out the solan. It doesn't take me all that long to get to Serena's. I shoot her a message telling her that I'm here just before I pull behind her car. She doesn't respond, I sit in the car for a little longer, its been a few minutes now and she normally would have responded by now. Sighing I shut off my car and get out. I walk up to the door and give it a gentle knock. After a little while she opens it revealing a girl I don't recognize, she is in her pajamas, her hair is a mess. She holds the door open wide, I enter and she closes the door behind me. She doesn't say anything to me and slumps on the couch. I stand in front of her and hold open my arms, she looks up at me and groans. "Come here Serena" I say in a calm sweet tone. She rolls her eyes but listens and slowly pushes herself up and pulls me into a hug but holds me really tight. I hold her back and hear her crying in my chest. I rub her back as we hold the hug. After a long while we break the hug and she gingerly dries her tears. "Serena, talk to me." she looks at me with hurt in her eyes. We both sit on the couch in silence as it looks like she is processing her emotions. "Sarena." she looks at me her eyes watery. "That fight we had was bad Jake. I didn't want it to end like this and I tried I really tried but" she pauses and lets out a shaky cry. "I really think that our friendship is over and its because of me." I watch as a tear falls down her cheek. "Serena. You don't know that" She looks away from me and wipes her cheek. "You don't know her like I do Jake." I put my hand on her knee and give it a light squeeze. "I literally am her boss and have spent the last couple of months with her. Yeah she is stubborn but you know the one thing that she always talks about... you. She adores you Serena." she doesn't respond at first instead shifts her head to me and lets out a weary sigh. "I don't know Jake. She hasn't messaged me in a few days." I sigh and take my hand off her leg. "Serena, the last couple days she's been devastated and she hides it really well, but I caught her crying in the break room just last night. You two just need some time and I bet things will be better soon." Her face softens as another tear falls down her cheek. I push myself up and hold out my hand to her. "Time to get up" she looks at me curiously "what?" she cries. "Get up, the Serena I know wouldn't be moping around, I am really hungry and believe we agreed on lunch" she doesn't respond for a moment but reluctantly she take my hand and lets me help her to her feet. "You're annoying, let me get changed" she says with a sly smile. "You love me, oh and fix that shitty hair" I laugh. She flips me off as she disappears into her bedroom. My phone dings and I pull it out of my pocket to a message from Alicia. "Jake... Please come home its urgent..." I send her a quick response. "I am at Serena's, are you okay?" Just a minute later she responds. "No... Come home" I am in the middle of responding when Serena returns to the living room wearing blue jeans with a purple top and her hair is brushed. "I need to go, somethings going on with Alicia." She looks at me concerned "Is she okay?" I shake my head "I don't think so. I'm sorry to leave like this" she walks up to me and pulls me into a strong hug. I hold her back and we embrace for a little longer. We break apart and she gives me a small smile. "Don't be, Thank you for listening, I really needed that. Now go and keep me updated please" I give her a weak smile. "Of course, You're important to me Serena and I will as soon as I know what's going on" We say our byes and I leave with a bunch of thoughts running in my mind that consume me all the way home. I rush inside the house to Alicia crying on the couch with Abby comforting her. I rush over to her, Abby gives me a saddened look as she lets me take over. "Babe, What's going on?" Alicia looks up at me her face streaming with tears. "The doctor told me that there is something wrong with the baby and if I don't abort it soon the baby could kill me." I look at her shocked. "What? That's impossible we just saw the doctor last week and she told us that everything was fine!" She buries her face in her hands as I look up at Abby. "Can you please comfort her I am going to call Natasha" Abby gives me a stern nod as I put my finger under Alicia's chin and force her to look up at me. "I am going to figure this out okay." She gives me a weak nod. I press a soft kiss on her lips before walking to my room shutting the door behind me. I pull out my phone and dial Natasha's number. Pick up, pick up I think to myself. "Jake? I am kind of in the middle of something can this wait?" Natasha answers frantically. "Its Alicia, apparently when she had her doctors visit today they told her that her baby is going to kill her if she doesn't abort it. Do you know anything about this? What's going on?" The phone shifts on her end like she is walking somewhere, I hear a door shut on her end. "What? No I don't know anything, who did she see?" she responds determined "Why does that matter?" I respond a little angered. "Watch your tone with me Wilson. Its important, who did she see?" She responds sternly. "Okay, shit let me ask" I respond before walking out the room. "Babe. Natasha needs to know who you saw today?" Alicia looks up at me confused. "Dr. Jones." Abby responds. I give her a thankful nod as I go back into the room. "Dr. Jones" I say. "Son of a bitch, I'll call you back" before I can get another word out she hangs up on me leaving me confused. I shove my phone back in my pocket and walk back into the living room. Alicia looks up at me as I walk towards her.    

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