Chapter-19: Auditions

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In the last month things have been really looking up, Emerald, Alicia, Natasha and myself have just been settling down and just enjoying what summer brings us. With Emerald not having to go back to school for a little while it helps us plan for the rest of summer. The clubs renovations is going amazing as a matter of fact later today we will be holding auditions for Emeralds band. Two spots are already filled which is singer and guitarist, other then that we have many positions left and I for one am excited to see who all shows up. Alicia and I have been inseparable, Natasha hasn't been around all that much because of her job but the time she is here we spend quality time together. Serena and I have grown extremely close, Its almost like I have two best friends in her and Natasha, as a matter a fact she said that she is going to be at auditions today and told me that she needs to tell me something so I'm very interested in seeing what that is about. Emerald has adapted really well and it seems like she always has a smile on her face. Life as of right now is going just as its supposed to. Right now Alicia and I are standing in the middle of the club just admiring what its becoming. "Can you believe this is happening?" I look at her with a wide smile and slowly take her hand and hold it tight. "No, I can't, but I am happy that it is happening." She smiles and presses a soft kiss on my cheek just as Emerald with Zyra and Taylor walk out the back room. "Dad! its so awesome back there." I look at her and smile as her hair is put up in pig tails. "Jake!" a voice says behind us. I turn around and see Serena walking towards us hand in hand with Tiffany. "Serena! How are you?" she pulls me and Alicia into a quick hug and gives the girls a wink before retaking Tiffany's hand. "Dad! we are going to go back, it was nice to see you Serena. You look super pretty as always" "Thank you Emerald" with that Emerald and the girls all walk back to the back room. "So let me guess the thing you wanted to tell me is the fact that you and Tiff here are a couple" she looks at me wide eyed. "How did..... ah we kind of made it obvious didn't we" Alicia and I share a laugh "yes, yes you did but we all suspected it would happen sooner then later" Alicia responds. Tiffany blushes and looks away with a wide smile on her face. "Wow, you two really suck" Serena responds with a chuckle. "okay, in all seriousness we are happy for the both of you." I respond. "Yeah, and you two make a very cute couple" Alicia says after. Soon before we know it the building begins to fill up with many different people to audition. After the talk with Tiffany and Serena we all went out separate ways, Alicia went to the front to greet everyone, Tiffany and Serena went to sit down and as for me I am just standing near the bar and watching what Emeralds dream is becoming a reality. I am caught daydreaming when someone taps me in the shoulder. I look over to see a well dressed Theo looking at me. "Hey, what's up man" i say as we high five then hug. "Nothing much, I love what you are doing here man it looks great." Thank you Theo" "So look I actually came to talk to you. You see the bar I was working at didn't feel like me anymore and so I left, so I was wondering if you would hire me here as your bartender?." I look at him awestruck "really?" he smiles "yes really, I see what you are building here and I want to be apart of it, I mean think about it a club/bar/lounge with live music. That's something I would love to be apart of." I give him a small smile "Theo I would love that, the only problem is I wouldn't be able to pay you until we start making money." He just laughs "Dude, I'm not doing it for the money. So what do you say?" After a moment of thinking I hold out my hand and he shakes it. "Welcome to Vision" He smiles before walking away. Alicia runs up to me with a wide smile "Its time to start babe" we share a small kiss before I walk up to the stage to the crowd cheering and slapping. "Hey everyone, if you done know who I am, my name is Jake Wilson and welcome to our club Vision. Now you are here because we are holding auditions for our in house cover band lead by my lovely daughter Emerald who is currently hiding in the back. Now first things first we want to let everyone know that whoever gets the jobs will be paid. Now here's how we decided to do this. We will pull you up here one at a time and have you give us a small solo of your respective position and after everyone is done we will pick the winners. I wish everyone good luck. Now without further a due let the auditions begin!" For several hours we watch as everyone goes up and auditions, Emerald joined us just vas it started, there were some that were really good, some that with a little practice could be good and I hate to be rude but there were some people that were just awful and most of those people Emerald always gave me that I disapprove look. Finally the last person finishes and I return to the stage. Wow, That was a lot to take in. Please stick around for at least thirty more minutes as we discuss backstage you all have given us much to think about." with that me, Emerald, and Alicia all walk backstage and sit down. "So what are we thinking?' I ask. Emerald gives me a face "I know who we are not adding to the band" I look at her "be nice Em" she looks at me and smiles "what dad some of them were terrible." Alicia smiles. "some were but be nice" Emerald sits back in her chair for a moment and thinks. "you know who I really liked at drummer was Serena" Emerald says with confidence. "Yeah, she was really good. Who knew?" Alicia responds. "I agree, I mean we were all awestruck" Emerald sits up "so there. Our drummer is Serena" Alicia and I share a look "okay that works for me" I respond. We discuss everyone for the next fifteen minutes. After we are finished we all stand up. "dad, may I announce the winners?" "Of course kiddo" Alicia and I follow Emerald back out to the stage. "Alright after careful consideration we have come to a decision and to announce that decision please welcome my daughter Emerald." She gets a small cheer. "Hi" she says shyly. "so for base guitar we decided that Derek would be best suited for our band" small claps erupt as Derek walks up and shakes my hand before standing next to Emerald. Derek has really grown on me ever since that one time at Serena's. we have been in contact quite often and here is some good news, he told me that he has been sober for a month, he tells me that he hasn't touched a single bottle of alcohol. "Okay and for the drummer Serena will be best suited for out band" The crowd cheers as Serena pulls me into a hug and stands next to Derek. I take center stage again "Thank you all for coming and auditioning. As of right now Vision should be opening in a month. We really hope to see all of you there. Hope you all have a great night!" with that everyone disperses, Emerald goes backstage to hang out with her friends, Derek walked over to talk to Theo and Serena walked over to Tiffany. Before we know it the place is practically empty.

"So, your own band. We never asked but how are you feeling Em?" Taylor asks with a sweet smile on her face. I feel a huge smile on my face "I feel great. I'm excited to get my voice out there." "Well we are happy for you" Zyra responds. I look at her and smile. Suddenly Taylor's phone dings. "Ah Zy, we need to go moms waiting outside.' "yes of course, you go first I need to tell Em something." We all stand up and Taylor pulls me into a hug "Love you girly" she says before breaking the hug and leaving. "what's up Zy?" She looks at me nervously and for a moment doesn't say anything. "look Em. there's something i need to tell you..." she pauses again almost like she is incredibly shy all of a sudden. Suddenly she presses a soft kiss on my lips catching me completely off guard. Once she pulls away I am completely speechless. "oh my god... that was a mistake wasn't it... I.. I need to go I'm sorry" and before I can even come up with any words she leaves. My mind is racing as I keep replaying what just happened over and over again in my mind like a song on repeat. Did she really just kiss me? Does Zy have feelings for me? What the hell is going on? I am so in my thoughts that i had no clue that Alicia was trying to get my attention. Finally I look up at her. "we are ready to go now. Are you okay love?" I look up at her "Yes..." she looks at me with a worried glare in her eyes. "Okay kiddo. Lets go" We say our bye's to everyone, Dad locks up the club and the whole ride back home I am just in my thoughts. Once we get home I walk up to Mom and Dad. "I think i am just going to go to bed. I love you guys" They both look at me confused. "okay sweety, we love you too" Alicia responds with a smile. They are probably worried that me of all people is going to bed at 8pm but i really need to process all of this as i really don't know how to feel or how strange its going to be between Zy and me especially during the cruise that's happening here in a couple days. I crawl into my bed and curl up underneath the blankets and sheets.

"Does something seem off with her?" Alicia asks as she takes off her clothes only leaving on her pink bra and pink undergarments. "No, I don't think so anyway. Probably just exhausted after today, I mean she did have to sit through several hours of auditions and some of those people were really awful." She chuckles at me as I get undressed. Alicia and I sleep only in our undergarments just in case if Emerald barges in our room one night. Its better for her to catch us in this then completely naked. "That's fair. Jake there is something I need to tell you... and you can't freak out" I look at her with a brow raised. "Babe I'm serous" I sit on the bed "okay babe, what's up?" she sighs and walks to the bathroom and is in there for a moment before walking back out holding something behind her back. "I didn't want to tell you unless I knew I was sure but... I'm pregnant" My eyes go wide as she hands me the positive pregnancy test. After a moment of processing I jump up and pull her into a warm hug and she holds me back. "This is amazing babe" We hold each other for a little longer as I feel genuine happiness in my heart.

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