Chapter-34: Fostered

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"Welcome to your new home, girls!" I say with a sweet smile. Taylor and Zyra admire my house but stand still almost as if they are afraid to get comfortable or if they are in to much of a shock to move. The process to adopt Zyra and Taylor was not all too difficult. After all I make the money to be able to take care of them, I have the house and most of all I have no criminal background. I know there story and it sucks not having someone want you but I plan to change that and hopefully give them a life they deserve. Suddenly Taylor runs up and pulls me into a warm hug griping me tight. "Please tell me you won't abandon us like everyone else does" Her question catches me off guard and hurts me at the same time. We break the hug and I look in her eyes. "I am not going anywhere that's a promise. You are stuck with me and I look forward to getting to know you better. Both of you. Now come on let me show you your rooms." They both give me warm smiles as I pick up there suitcases and begin walking towards there room.       [ONE MONTH EARLIER] Taylor, Emerald, and I walk out of the front doors together, laughing at Taylors joke. Taylor and I stopped short when we saw our parents' car waiting for us. Taylor and I share a look before I look at Emerald. "We will see you tomorrow, yeah?" Emerald gives me a warm smile. "Yeah, bye, guys!" With one last look, she skips off towards her dads car. Taylor and I walk towards Jamie's car. She smiles as we approach. I open the passenger seat door and get in. Once Taylors in Jamie begins driving. "So girls, how was school?" Jamie asks with a sweet, calm voice. "It was great! How was your day, mom?" Taylor responds, joyful and happy. I see something in Jamie's eyes, something like regret and sadness. Fear begins to seep into my body as my stomach churns and my heart begins to race. I know that look, I've seen it all too many times. "It was good, sweetheart and good. I am glad you had a good day. What about you, Zy?" I shake out of my trance and fake a smile. "It was good." Jamie smiles, but that look in her eye persists. The rest of the drive home is total silence. Jamie parks her car behind Ty's. "I gotta pee," Taylor says as she jumps out of the car and sprints inside. Jamie looks at me, her smile gone. "Zyra. Can we talk?" she asks her expression soft. I sigh as I feel like I know what's about to happen. "How long do we have?" I ask. She looks at me and takes a back. "Zyra sweetheart -" I put my hand up and glare at her. "I know what's happening. I have been through this so many damn times, I know the signs. I know the weird patterns." I go to leave, but she grabs my hand. "Zyra, I need you to listen to me. It's not what you think." I pull my hand away and keep the glare. "You and Ty are giving us up, aren't you." Her expression doesn't change, and that confirms all of my fears. I choke back tears and keep a straight face. "I'm assuming Ty is inside waiting and as soon as I get inside you are going to sit us down and tell us some ridiculous story about how you can't take care of us anymore and you want to talk to me now because you know Taylor is going to be heartbroken and you need me to calm her down." Jamie's face falls more, and sadness settles in her eyes. "Zyra, please just listen to" I throw my hands up, interrupting her again. The part that pains me so much about all of this is I know the signs, and Taylor doesn't. I give her a stern look. "Let's just get this over with." Before she has a chance to respond, I get out of the car and slam the door. I get in the house, and Ty is sitting on the couch, and Taylor is also on the couch playing on her phone. Ty gives me a knowing look. I take my backpack off and toss it on the floor near the door. I take a seat next to Taylor and put my arm around the back of her neck, relaxing my hand on her shoulder. She looks at me and smiles, then she leans into me and rests the back of her head on my chest, and goes back to playing Choices on her phone. A few moments later, Jamie enters the house and takes a seat. She sighs and looks at me. "Girls, we need to talk. Taylor, can you put your phone down and pay attention, please?" Jamie says, her voice stern yet sad. Taylor perks up and sits up, stuffing her phone in her pocket. I don't bother sitting up as I look at Taylor and see genuine joy in her eyes. Knowing that I need to be there for her, I push myself up and sit up next to her. Jamie looks at Ty then at us. "Okay, so there is no easy way to say this, but Ty got a job in Seattle, and he is going to take it. The truth is girls, our foster license expires in a month, and Ty and I talked, and we aren't going to renew it. So that means in a month we won't be your legal guardians anymore, and you will most likely go back into the system. We are so sorry, and please don't think we regret having you guys living with us.." Jamie pauses, and I am afraid to look, but I do anyway. I shift my gaze towards Taylor and watch as color leaves her face, and the joyful eyes that she had are long gone. Her eyes are now watering, and I see a tear fall down her cheek, and I don't know how to explain it, but I could feel her heart snap because my heart suddenly hurts. "What..." Taylor responds, her voice cracking in the process. I rub her back softly and glare at Jamie. "Taylor sweetheart I--" Taylor suddenly pushes herself up her face now damp with tears. She doesn't say a word and dashes out of the room and slams our bedroom door, leaving the moment tense. Ty and Jamie look at me, and I just dust myself off and stand up. "Don't worry, I will talk to her," I say stern. "Zyra, it's not what you think," Jamie responds. I face them with anger seeping through my body. "It is exactly what I think. You picked a job over us." Ty looks up at my comment. "That's not fair, and you know that!" he responds. "Fuck you" I respond. Jamie and Ty look at me wide eyed. "Language young lady" Jamie responds her voice raised. I finally just want to let it all out, I am so sick of holding my emotions inside. Every time someone has given us up like this I held my tongue, not today. "No. Seriously fuck you both. You want to talk about how I am not being fair well how's this for fair, for what feels like the 30th time we are being abandoned. I saw it coming but Taylor didn't, she never see's it coming because she doesn't see it like I do. Now my sister is in that room crying because she thought that she finally found somebody that would actually love and take care of us but no here we are. Being rejected again and this time for a job. So don't you dare tell me that I am not being fair. Now if you excuse me I need to go calm my sister down again." They don't say a word as I storm away. I walk into the bedroom and slam the door behind me. I see Taylor curled up on the bed heavily crying. I can see her stomach pressing hard as her sobs tear a hole trough me. I sit on the bed and suddenly she pushes herself up and pulls me into a hug holding me tight burying her face into my shoulder. She continues to cry as I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly. the more she cries the more I hold her. We stay in this position for another 10 minutes or so until she finally pulls away her face red. I press a soft kiss on her forehead as she looks into my eyes. I see heartbreak and sadness in her eyes. I take my hand and place it on her cheek. "I promise that I will never go anywhere, just because everyone else wants to abandon us doesn't mean I am going to abandon you." She seems to take my words in. "I love you" She stutters. We press our foreheads together and stay in this position for a few minutes. "I love you too sis." I respond. After a little longer we pull away and she looks at me. "I'm going to take a nap... I'm so tired now" I watch as she turns away and lays down on the bed with her back facing me. I feel my heart ach as seeing her like this kills me. I softly put the covers over her body then after a moment I leave the room to Jamie and Ty talking in the kitchen. They look as I enter. "So what's the plan?" I say in a annoyed tone. They share a look amongst one another before facing me with guilt in there eyes.

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