Chapter-40: What hides in a killers eyes

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Slowly I begin to open my eyes, darkness surrounds me. Pain courses through my body as I try to sit myself up. Slowly, I gently place my hand on the left side of my forehead. My body tenses up at my touch. I am looking around and I can't see anything. Slowly I push myself up and try to find something. The smell of the room is grotesque, almost like there is something dead, slowly waving my hands in front of me, I manage to feel a solid wall. My thoughts are rumbled and my emotions are confused, hurt, sad, its all uncontrollable. As I keep feeling around the wall, there is finally something different, a light switch. I flip it on and a small light flickers on in the middle of the room. I look around in horror. The walls are disgusting, there are human remains sprawled out all over the floor, some bodies are so old that all that's left of them is bones, the source of the dead smell is a young women's body tucked into the corner. I shiver in fear as I slowly put my hands over my mouth. I feel my emotions take control as tears fall down my cheek like rain falling from the sky. I notice old wooden stairs and although my body refuses to move I push through the basement. I know this door is locked, I know there is a good chance I am going to die, I just. My thoughts are interrupted when the basement door opens and Mr. Johnston appears in the doorway. I feel myself panic and back away from him slowly. He slowly makes his way down the stairs holding a tray of mashed potatoes and chicken. He gives me a worried glare. "My dear, you aren't afraid of me are you?" He says in a low condescending voice with a hint of care. I can't seem to get any words out as the shivers continue. He slowly sets the tray down on the floor directly next to the staircase. He looks me up and down, licking his lips in the process. "Oh dear, I can see how afraid you are. I promise. I am not going to hurt you. Well, as long as you play nice." He says as he creeps closer towards me, I back away from him until I hit a wall. "Please... d-don't hurt me." I cry as he keeps stalking towards me. I flinch as he stops in front of me and raises his hand towards my head but instead of hitting me he caresses my cheek. "Oh you lost, beautiful soul. I already said, as long as you play nice I won't hurt you, now come eat my little sunflower. He moves out of the way, giving me a clear path to the food. I manage to get to the food and slowly pick up the plate. He stares at me creepily as I take a bite of the chicken. This is the most disgusting food I have ever had in my whole life. "Ah, you don't like it. I can see it on your pretty little face. Try the potatoes." I set the chicken down and slowly take the fork and scoop of some potatoes. He watches me eagerly as I raise the fork to my mouth. After I take a bite, the taste is bitter and severely undercooked. "Not that either huh, well that's fine." he says as he walks up and takes the plate from me. "What do you want with me?" I cry. He stops and looks me in the eyes. "See you later." He responds. I watch in horror as he walks back up the stairs and slams the door. At this point my body is just still as the smell and the scenery is to much to handle. Suddenly the door opens again. "Come up the stairs." he barks. I hesitantly do as he says, once I get to the top he grabs the back of my neck with force "eek..." is all that comes out of me as he forces me to another room of the house. He throws me in the room and slams the door. I look around the room to a singular bed in the middle. There are bars on the window and that's it. I have watched way to many horror movies and read way to many books to know that there is no way I am escaping this room. The confusion sets in, I need to think of something, I need to know why, is Mr. Johnston a serial killer. All of those thoughts disappear when the bedroom door opens to Mr. Johnston holding one of the bodies from the basement, this body still has some flesh still on it. "Ahh, please stop." I scream as he suddenly throws the body on the ground in front of me, causing me to fall on the bed. He shuts the door and glares at me. "My beautiful Serena, there is still no need to be afraid." He says as he makes his way over to the bed and sits next to me. My eyes are focused on the dead body. My breathing is fast and my heart is pounding. I am so scared that I can't move. My body tenses up as he leans in. "This was Jessica, she was almost as beautiful as you. She was kind like you, joyful like you. Let me tell you a story about Jess here. You see, I have been following her for just under a year before I had the opportunity to take her, and man she screamed, almost got me caught. I had to kiss her right then and there. So you know what I did. I slit here throat and watched as she fell. The sound of her choking on her own blood it was like music to my ears. After she died I staired at her limp body for hours admiring her curves. The slash on her neck added character." He pauses and looks at me. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. I watch in horror as he puts a knife up to my throat. "This is the same knife that I used. I told you this story because you are alive because you didn't act like her. You came peacefully." I feel myself shaking as the tears keep streaking down my face. He lets me go and puts the knife away. He watches me closely for a moment before pushing himself up. "Be a good girl and you won't end up like Jessica here." He says as he bends down and picks up Jessica's body and throws it over his shoulder. "I'll be back beautiful." He says creepily before slowly walking out of the room, slamming the door after. I hear the door lock click. I am so scared, I can't move, the tears keep on streaming, my vision's blurry, as I am stuck in this position. The images of the body, the look he had on his face. My thoughts numb, my body numb. All I do is fall on the bed and look at the blurry ceiling in front of me. The waterfall continues as I force my eyes closed, hoping, praying that this is all just some terrible dream. Well, it isn't as I am jolted up when the door opens. He walks in as I scoot away from him in fear. He shuts the door behind him. "You have such beautiful hair, its so long too and the color is perfect for you." I don't respond as I scoot off the bed and back into the corner of the room looking at him trembling. The tears have stopped, park of me thinks because I don't have any more left. "Tell me, how did you keep that hair so beautiful?" He asks in a calm yet demanding tone. Words don't want to escape my mouth. His eyes change as he begins to walk towards me. "You know, you are way to quiet." He snarls as he stops in front of me. He raises his hand towards me causing me to flinch, he grabs the back of my head then proceeds to pull my hair forcing me to look up at the ceiling. "Please don't hurt me." I cry as he presses his lips to my cheek, then he takes his lips and whispers in my ear "I am going to need you to start talking or else I will hurt you. Now I am going to let you go and you are going to answer every question I am about to ask. If you don't." He pauses and pulls my hair harder, this point I am practically leaning back. "Please stop." I scream. "I love it when you scream." He whispers before licking from my ear down the bottom of my neck, I shiver as the feeling of his slimy tongue on my neck persists, he then lets go of me and pushes me onto the bed. "Sit up." I do as he says while he takes a seat on the floor in front of me crossing his legs. He looks up at me with greed in his eyes. "Now, answer my question?" He snarls. "I get it redyed every month and cut the split ends." I respond, barely able to get the words out. He looks up at me curiously. "How long have you managed to keep this up for?" I look down at my hair as the bottom of it rests on the bed. "2 years." He looks at me as a creepy smile creeps on his lips. "Your skin care is amazing too. What's your secret?" He asks with a smug smile. "Nothing, I just take good care of my body." Suddenly his eyes go wide and he shoots up. "You know what? Where are my manners, you need to take a shower." I shake my head now and back away as he holds out his hand. "Don't make me kill you, take... my... hand..." His voice stern. Knowing that I don't have a choice I take his hand and he practically pulls me out of the room. The rest of the house looks like a normal house, you wouldn't think some crazy freak lives here. He drags me to the bathroom then closes the door after we enter. I look at him as he looks me up and down, a disgusting smile curving his lips. "Good, now, take your clothes off." My lip quivers as I reluctantly begin to take my top off, after tossing the top on the floor I take off my sweats. I stand there scared as he looks me up and down again. "I need you to take all of it off Serena." He snarls. I feel a few more tears leave my eyes as I pull my undergarments down my legs. He watches me attentively as I unlace my bra and watch as it falls to the ground. "Ooh, yes." He says as I cover my breasts. "Now take your shower, you have to keep that body in good condition." I look at curtainless shower and begin to make my way slowly towards it. I bend over and turn the water on. "Wow. Now that's the best ass I have ever seen. Damn girl." He says as I step into the shower. The water hits the top of my head and slowly begins to cover my whole body. I stand there motionless still hugging my body. "Aw come on this show is boring." I watch in horror as he begins to strip, after he is completely naked he stalks towards me putting on a condom he took out of his pocket. "P-p-please d-d-don't." I stutter as he gets in the shower and forces me against the wall, my back facing him. "P-please" I cry as he proceeds to lean into my ear as water falls around us. "I love it when they beg." He whispers before sticking his penis in me. "Ahh, no!" I scream as he begins the motions, throbbing my body against the wall. "Ahahahaha" I cry loudly as he begins to moan in  my ear. "Oh yes, this is ugh, ahh." He squirms as he begins to hump me harder jolting my body against the wall, the water from the shower making my vision blurry as he slowly begins to kiss the top of my neck and trickle down slowly, his slimy tongue licking down to the top of my back. "P-p-please" I cry as he pushes harder until finally. "Ohohohoho yes! What a rush!" He yells as he pulls his penis out and gets out of the shower leaving mw to crumble to my knees to loud sobs, My body hurts, my heart is throbbing and all I can do is curl up into a ball as once warm now turned cold water falls all over me. "Oh, Serena, You were by far the best I have ever had. Your begging really turned me on." I can't look at him as all I can see the the floor of the tub. I hear him shut off the water. He grabs my arm and forces me to my feet. "P-please." I cry as my body begins to shiver due to the cold. Without saying a word he drags me out of the bathroom and walks me back to the room. He opens the door and shoves me into the room so hard that I fall to the ground. I look up at him terrified as he looks down at me like I am nothing and he is the king. "There is pajamas in the closet, I suggest you change. Dinner will be in 20 minutes." He slams the door shut and I lay there for a moment shivering. I let out a loud painful scream that I am well assured the whole house heard. After a few more moments of trying to compose myself I push myself up and slowly walk over to the closet and open the door revealing black sweats with a black clearly revealing top. Struggling with the wet skin I put on the clothes then I crawl onto the bed and curl up into a ball and close my eyes. All I can think about is Jake, Tiffany and my beautiful kids Zyra and Taylor, how worried they must be, how I might not ever see them again. My thoughts consume me as I try with all the minimal will power I have left in me not to think about what just happened to me, how it felt, the gross feeling of his tongue on my neck. I need to get out of here, I need to do something before he decides that he is done having his fun and kills me like all the other girls currently in the basement. Slowly I sit up and begin frantically looking around the room for something I could use against him. To my best efforts the room has nothing. Come on Serena, you need to think. He is twice your size but the element of surprise might work, if you rush at hum the moment he opens that door you just might be able to throw him off guard enough to get away from him. Okay that will work, it has to work, now to navigate the house, based on what I have seen so far it's a one bedroom house and a one story house so finding the front door might be easy. I need to be quick because he is crafty and if he catches me I really don't know what will happen to me and I really don't want to die. I am a mother now. I can't leave them, they have already been through so much. I keep talking myself up and slowly my anger begins to overlap my fear and sadness. When he opens that door I am going to hit him with all the strength I have. I need to get away for Zyra and Taylor. I refuse to let them down. I love them. Now come on Serena, pull yourself together, you will not die today. Suddenly I hear his footsteps walking back up to the door. Time begins to slow down as he jiggles with the door handle. I jump off the bed and get in sprinting position. The door slowly opens and I run full speed at him "AHH!" I scream as I shoulder check him and to my amazement he smacks against the wall. From there I sprint down the hallway and manage to find the front door. I hear his footsteps behind me. "Get back here you bitch!" he yells as I look back just in time because he begins to lunge against me. I side step him and watch as he crashes through his small coffee table in the middle of the living room. I quickly make it to the front and unlock the door and dash out of the house. I have no shoes on and the ground is harsh but I don't care I need to escape. I stop in my tracks roughly in the middle of the driveway and look around terrified. There is nothing, no houses, no people, its like he lives in the middle of nowhere. I run my hand through my hair as I try to keep myself calm but the panic is ramming its way through. "There's nothing. Nowhere to run to." I hear Mr. Johnston yell from the house. I keep looking around frantically as I keep walking away from the house. I put a good distance between the house and me so if he decides to chase after me I at least would hear him coming. "Come back to me beautiful." He yells. I ignore him and keep looking. Eventually I see something in the distance, my mind grow horrid when I see what it is up close. Its a 10 foot high, heavy barbed wire fence. I feel tears stream down my cheeks as there really is nowhere for me to go. BANG. I suddenly feel a burning numbness on a part of my body. Shaking I put my hand where the pain is and raise it to my eyesight. On my hand is my own blood, as that's all I can see before I collapse to the ground, after a long moment everything goes black.                         

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