Chapter-35: Sometimes words shouldn't be said

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The club is packed as Natasha, Tiffany, Abby and I walk inside. Alicia walks up to us with a huge smile on her face. "You all made it! Let me just do a few things then I will join y'all for girls night and you miss Serena are going to find a man" Everyone laughs as Alicia fades away in the crowd. "You all. I don't know about all this plus, I have kids now I really shouldn't be out clubbing." Tiffany looks at me and smiles. "Since when did you become such a buzzkill. Zyra and Taylor are fine they are in the back with Emerald and after the place closes they are going to Alicia's for the night. So miss killjoy lets get some drinks and find you a man" Abby and Natasha cheer at Tiffany's comments. I jokingly roll my eyes as Tiffany grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd to the bar. We crowd by the bar and I watch with a smile on my face Abby and Tiffany share a small kiss. A young girl walks over to us with a sweet smile, I notice that she has a super nice nose piercing. "What can I get you girls" The girl says in a sweet tone. "Aubrey! How's the bar treating you" Tiffany responds with a smile. Aubrey's smile goes wide. "I am loving it. Now drinks?" Aubrey responds optimistic. "I can't drink sadly but why don't you hook up my girls with those famous shots we always sell" Tiffany responds. Aubrey winks at Tiffany before disappearing. I look at Tiffany curiously. She notices and gives me a weak smile. "I am cutting back because I don't like who I am when I drink, but that won't stop me from letting you all have fun" Tiffany says with a compassionate tone. Aubrey returns with a trey filled with a dozen pretty rainbow shots. She sets them down in front of us. "Enjoy!" She says before disappearing again. Natasha and Abby immediately grab one and down them. I look at both of them brow raised. Natasha smiles. "What? I get like maybe a day off a week let me have some fun. Drink!" Natasha says. I grab one and down it. "Wow!" I say as I grab another and down that one too. "Told you. They are Theo's special." Tiffany says as she guides all of us to the dance floor. "There, he looks like a nice guy." Abby says as she points to a well dressed gentleman. "No, he has a ring on his finger, next" I respond with a smile. "Y'all keep trying I am going to get y'all more drinks" Tiffany says before disappearing in the crowd. I look around and realize that Natasha has disappeared as well. "Where did our group go" I laugh. Abby smiles as she sways to the beat. "I don't know but I love this song, hey what about that guy?" I follow her finger to a man wearing a tank top with jeans. "Who dances with jeans?" Abby laughs at my comment as Natasha suddenly reappears holding a brand new drink. She sips swaying to the beat. "Okay, what about him?" Abby says as she points to a dark skinned man with a small pony tail. "Okay he's kind of cute." I respond just as Tiffany returns with a trey full of drinks. "Pick your poison, I have vodka redbull, sheerly temple and a tequila sunrise." Before anyone has a chance I snatch the Sheerly temple. "Alright wish me luck." I say before making my way towards the dude with a pony tail. He smiles when he sees me. "Hi" Geez Serena real smooth. He smiles clearly drunk. "Pretty girl, name?" I laugh at how gone he is. "Serena what's your name?" he doesn't respond and tries to kiss me, i swerve away from him and watch him stumble to the floor. Now that was dramatic. He stands up and glares at me. "You... hik... Tripped me" he snarls as he walks towards me. Tiffany suddenly grabs his shoulder and pulls him to face her. "Leave Robbie you're plastered again." Robbie glares at her before walking away grumbling to himself. Tiffany and I share a laugh as she guides me back to the group. "Well that didn't go well" I laugh. "No but the way he fell was hilarious!" Abby responds. We all laugh as Alicia walks up to us holding a water. "Did you just dodge Robbie like he was the plague?" she laughs. I shrug and down the rest of my drink. "Maybe." I laugh. "Sorry for joining you all late, this baby has me going to the bathroom I swear every second." Alicia says in a sweet tone. "Speaking of I need to go again, Have fun girls." With that Alicia disappears again. The night continues as everyone points out dudes and all of them are either jerks or they are married. Lets just say I am completely plastered. Lets see, I had two sheerly temples, I had about four more of those shots and I had two vodka redbulls and am currently drinking another. Natasha and Abby are also plastered, Natasha has disappeared and Abby and I are stumbling around the dance floor. Tiffany went to the bathroom I believe. "May I ask you something?" Abby says with a sweet smile. I turn to her and laugh as she has like 6 eyes. "Yeah?" I respond. "I just wanted to know if me being with Tiffany bothers you at all?" I look at her, we at least I think I am. "No hik. I think you two are adorable and you are making her so happy." I respond. I think I got most of those words out correctly. Her smile widens as I keep sipping my drink. Tiffany returns shortly after. "I found Natty. Lets just say I needed to take her to the back room." Tiffany laughs. "I found her passed out at a booth. Guess she checked out early for the night" We all laugh as my legs begin to feel tired. "Speaking hik of booths, I need one." I respond as I begin stumbling as well as Abby. Tiffany jokingly rolls her eyes and lets both of us wrap one arm around her. She guides us towards a small booth near the stage. "You two are done. Let me get you some water." Tiffany says with a small smile. I watch as she disappears in the crowd. I face Abby and chuckle. "When did she become so protective" I laugh. Abby shrugs. "You know what. I know why we can't find me a man." Abby faces me and chuckles. "Why because you're picky?" She responds. I jokingly roll my eyes. "No, its because I gave up a good man to help Alicia. I... I wish I never did that, he was so damn good to me. I should have thought about myself." Suddenly Abby's eyes go wide as she looks behind me. Slowly I turn to see Alicia standing right behind me. Part of me hopes she didn't hear me but the look on her face gives me the impression she did. She looks at me taken a back before walking away quickly. "Oh shit" I respond as I try to push myself up and follow her. "No" Abby says as she stumbles up and helps me sit down. "Fuck" I yell. A moment of silence goes by before I force myself up and glare at Abby. "I need to go find her and apologize." She gives me a knowing nod. I begin walking away stumbling through the crowd. I manage to spot her making her way towards the back. I manage to grab her arm. She faces me with anger in her eyes and in a sudden flash she slaps the holy hell out of me. My left cheek stings as I hold onto it. "Woe what the hell is going on here?!" Jake says as he makes his way towards us. "I want you to leave now!" Alicia says in a angry growl. "I--" Is all the words I can muster up. Jake glares at Alicia. "What the hell is your problem!" He says before putting a comforting hand on my back. "Here, you're to plastered to drive. I will take you home." Jake continues before guiding me away from a fuming Alicia. He guides me outside towards his car. "Taylor, Zyra" I panic as I try to stumble away from him. He gently redirects me back towards his car. Suddenly Tiffany appears out of nowhere with Abby hot on her heels. "I got it from here Jake. Thank you I really appreciate you." Tiffany says with a weak smile. Jake gives her a weak nod before giving me a stern nod and walking away. I look at Tiffany and Abby and begin to tear up. "Come on lets get you home, and don't worry about your girls. They will be safe at Jake's tonight." Tiffany says in a soft sweet tone.                   

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