Chapter-25: Interns Nightmare

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"Alright, interns, listen up. You all have been here for a few weeks now and should be accustomed to how we do things here. Now, make sure that you do everything your resident tells you. We try to make sure that everyone in the intern program passes, but not all the time is that the case. So don't mess up! Alright, everyone's dismissed" Chief Warns says in a stern tone. Chief Warns is a tall black man with no hair, medium build, and brown eyes. His personality is different, he has times where he is really cool like the day he let me use the helicopter to be there for Jake's proposal and then there are the days where he gets on my ass for the small things I tend to do wrong but I guess in a way he's not a bad guy or even a bad boss. Me and I want to say five other interns all report to our resident Sandra, she is a short black women with long braded black hair, she is overly skinny and could really use a burger, she has light green eyes and always has a sweet personality. I am stuck working with our attending Loren. She isn't a nice person, but she's a great worker, I guess. She is a blond tall white girl with a medium build. She has dark brown eyes and has the personality of a bitch. Lets see who else is there. Ah, Liam. He is built like a truck, he has neck long dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. The coolest thing about him is he's British. We don't really talk all that much because he is always busy but man is he nice to look at. I walk out of the room and manage to catch up to Loren. She snarls when she see's me. "Ah So you're prepping for me today. Okay room 318, The patient's name is Mr. Perkins and he needs to be prepped for surgery. We are repairing his lungs. I'll be there in 30. make sure the patient is ready" I give her a stern nod and we disperse in opposite directions. The amount of respect I have for her is next to nothing because she treats everyone like she is the queen bee around here. I make it to room 318 and quietly knock on the door. Slowly I open it revealing a sweet old man who has the cutest smile when he see's me. "Hi Mr. Perkins I am doctor Ann Brooklyn but you can just call me Nat. Any pain right now?" he smiles as I grab his chart. "No ma'am just ready to get out of here." I give him a warm smile. "Well sir that's why I'm here. I am going to get you prepped and then you will go to surgery. We will have you out of here in no time" He gives me a warm nod with kindness in her eyes. I spend the next couple hours prepping Mr. Perkins and finished just in time for Loren to proceed with the surgery. The first half of the day goes really well. I have prepped three people and watched a heart transplant for another. Sad to say I haven't made any friends here just yet so I am now sitting at a table by myself for lunch just scrolling on my phone. "NATASHA!" Loren's voice yells at me from across the lunchroom. I look up at her startled and notice everyone looking at me. Before I have a chance to speak she slams a binder down in front of me. "Did you actually read Mr. Perkins's file?" She snarls. I am about to respond again but she cuts me off. "Obviously you didn't because he almost died on the operating table because of a screw up you did. This is why I can't stand interns like you. So uncapable to do basic shit. You are off my service!" I look around ashamed that I just got yelled at in front of all these people. "Oh and when Mr. Perkins wakes up, I'll make sure to tell him that he almost died because of a stupid ass intern" after that she walks away and for a moment I just sit there shocked unable to comprehend what just happened. Its then and there I feel a tear fall down my cheek. I quickly wipe it and push myself up out of the chair and dart out of the lunchroom and dash over to the locker rooms. When I notice I am alone I walk over to my locker and begin to cry. I normally never get this emotional but this whole experience has been a train wreck. I'm beginning to think that I don't belong here. I sit in front of my locker and put my face in my hands and that's when I hear a door opening. "Natasha?" Sandra's voice says behind me. I push myself up and wipe my eyes. "I'm sorry, I'll go back to work." She grabs my arm when I try to leave. "Stop. follow me" she responds in a stern voice. I do as she says and follow her. My gut drops when she walks straight up to Loren. "Hey! You don't get to yell at my intern over one mistake, She is my intern! If you ever do that again I will personally make you regret it. Stop acting like a bitch and realize that you don't run this place!" Loren crosses her arms. "your intern is not ready to be here, she is completely incapable of doing basic shit. She shouldn't be here!" Loren claps back. I feel my heart sink but Sandra steps closer to Loren. "She is the best intern we have had in a really long time, maybe get the fuck off your high horse and stop being jealous that an intern is going to be better then you!" Loren's eyes go wide and with a huff she darts away. Sandra turns to face me. "Did you mean everything you just said?" I say in a embarrassed voice. She gives me a sweet smile. "Everything I ever say is the truth. You are a great intern and I really thing you will make a great surgeon!" I feel my confidence slowly resurface. "Now shake it off and go back to work. If Loren bothers you again tell me and I will deal with her." With that she walks away. It takes me a moment but I get my composure and begin to go back to work. I notice Loren leaving Mr. Perkins's room. A few moments after she leaves I sneak into the room. He gives me the same warm smile as before when I enter. "Hi Nat! Loren just told me that you almost killed me" he laughs as I approach him. "You don't seem mad, I am so sorry" he puts up his hand. "People make mistakes young lady and based on my experience with that doctor I don't really like her all to much. Is there any way you could be my doctor from here on out" I feel a sense of warmth overcome me. "Unfortunately I am just an intern so I don't have a choice in the matter." his smile fades for a moment. "Go get your chief for me please." I look at him confused but I give him a stern nod and page my chief. It doesn't take him long at all as in a matter of minutes he enters the room. "You paged Dr. Kimberly." he asks in a sweet voice. I point at Mr. Perkins and take a step back with my hands behind my back. "Hi sir is everything okay?" Mr. Perkins smiles. "I am good sir but I needed to tell you that I don't want to be under the care of Dr. Jones anymore, she has been rude and has said some rather unprofessional things about Nat over there. I would like to be under Dr. Kimberly's for the rest of my stay here." The chief looks at me then back at Mr. Perkins. "Normally sir we aren't allowed to do that but Natasha here is one of if not the best intern we have here so I will gladly allow this request." I look at the chief in shock just as Loren walks in the room and the first thing she does is glare at me. "What is happening here" Loren says in anger but the chief throws his hand up stopping her in her tracks. "Natasha is now this gentleman's doctor" He says in a stern voice. "But she can't" Loren tries to protest but the chief throws his hand up yet again. "Enough, you are to go to my office at once there is something we need to discuss." with a huff she glared at me one more time before darting out of the room. "Have a good day Mr. Perkins and Natasha take care of him" with that the chief leaves and I remain standing there still in shock. "I... You didn't have to do that..." he smiles at me. "yes I did, a good doctor deserves to be recognized" I give him a warm smile. "Well I am very thankful for that and I will come back in a couple ours to make sure everything is all good and we should have you out of here by the end of the day, you rest now Mr. Perkins."With one last look I walk out of the room and make my rounds for the rest of the day. When i checked up on Mr. Perkins he was all good and was able to be discharged tomorrow. I told him that the doctors are going to take good care of him and that I will be back to personally discharge him tomorrow. Loren hasn't bothered me the rest of the day but I feel that's not the last we will see of her. I am currently driving home, the night sky so gorgeous, I pull into the parking lot and park next to Jake's car. Once I get inside the apartment Alicia is watching T.V on the couch. Everyone else is seemingly asleep, well I assume Jake is at the club which makes me curious why Alicia isn't with him. I toss my belongings on my bed then sit next to Alicia on the couch and lean my head on her shoulder. I still have my shoes on but am exhausted and don't really want to take them off at the moment. "Rough day?" Alicia says in a sweet sincere tone. "Yeah, it's been a day!" She leans her head on top of mine and for a moment we just stay like that taking in the moment of just being here with one another. As the older sister sometimes I forget that she can comfort me sometimes and I don't need to be the protector 100% of the time. After a little while longer I tell her everything that happened today to the last detail. I tell her how Loren makes me feel like a total failure and how it was Sandra and Mr. Perkins that brought my confidence up. We stayed in the same position for the whole explanation. A few moments go by and in those few moments Alicia is silent. Finally she takes her head off mine and lets out a weary sigh. "Wow, That is a lot to take in all at once, where do I begin." I take my head off her shoulder and look at her. She looks at me and takes my hand. "Lets start with the obvious, why are you letting some bitch mess up your confidence?" I look away at her question and let go of her hand. "Um sis that wasn't a rhetorical question" Without looking at her I run my hand through my hair. "I don't know Ali, I guess I just want this to work out and Loren is super high up and I really feel that if she doesn't like me it will mess everything up, it will ruin all the schooling, all the hard work and all the sacrifices I made to become a doctor. Its a lot of stress that I thought I could handle." I pause and finally look at her and can see the hurt in her eyes. "I cried today Ali, you know me I don't ever cry but I was so worried that I fucked up it just become overwhelming" She gives me a calm look and puts a hand on my knee. "Sis, you don't need to be ashamed about anything and so what you fucking cried today, have you seen me I cry all the fucking time, it just means that you are human and not a robot after all. On that note I owe Jake 100 dollars!" she chuckles and it actually makes me smile as I playfully shove her. "In all seriousness Nat listen to the story you just told me, Sandra and the Chief of surgery vouched for you and not to mention a patient vouched for you, no not only did he vouch for you but he basically kicked Loren out and made you his doctor and your just an intern. You need to realize your self worth. There are going to be many more bad days and this Loren bitch will keep trying to push you down and you and I both know why, she jealous. Think about it sis, someone that's that "high up" is jealous of a newbie. You are Natasha Ann Brooklyn and you are a badass. Own it!" I don't have words at first so I just pull her into a hug. "Thank you sis, I needed that" We break the hug and smile at one another. "Of course sis, now I am going to bed. Jake is at the club and I took the night off because I am exhausted, between you and me this kid is kicking my ass." We share a laugh as she pushes herself up and walks to the room. I take a moment before pushing myself up and finally taking my shoes off. I put them next to the door and when I turn around there's Emerald standing behind me. "Fucking hell" I yell as I put my hand on my heart. She just laughs. "Oh good to know giving me a heart attack is funny to you" I laugh. "What are you doing awake kiddo?" I follow up, she doesn't respond and just pulls me into a hug. "I really miss you, I never see you anymore so I stayed up just so I can give you this hug" I hold her back tightly as I had no idea she felt this way. "I'm sorry kiddo" she doesn't respond and holds me tighter. "Don't be, will you sleep with me tonight?, I know you won't be there when I wake up but at least I can steal you for a night" Her tone sweet yet groggy. Finally after a long while we break the hug. "Of course kiddo, I need to take a shower and then I will join you." She smiles and walks away. This job is messing up a lot of things. I shake out of my own thoughts and walk over to my room to get my clothes. I spend the next 30 minutes in the shower and the whole time I was thinking about everything and if this job is really worth it. It seems to be driving a wedge between everyone that I care about, or am I just imagining everything. This is all so damn confusing, as of right now I have no idea what I want. I turn off the water and step out of the shower and quickly dry off. I throw on my pajamas and brush my hair. My hair is very long now and I love it, Putting it up in the morning is no joke. Finally I leave the bathroom and slowly walk to Emeralds room to find her turned over with her back facing the door underneath the covers. I smile warmly to myself and get underneath them with her. I press a soft kiss on her cheek before turning over and closing my eyes. "I love you auntie" I hear her soft sweet voice say. "I love you too kiddo" After a little while I fall into a deep sleep. I am shaken awake by Emerald and she looks annoyed. "That thing that you always have to carry is making noise." she says in a slightly annoyed tone. I realize what she is talking about. "I'm sorry kiddo" she smiles and turns back over. Quietly I exit the bed and walk to the bathroom where I left my pager. I seem to have left my phone in the bathroom as well. Fuck the chief is paging me two hours before I have to be in. I felt like I only got like five minutes of sleep but oh well. I throw on my work clothes and dash out of the apartment snatching my keys, phone and pager. It normally never takes me long to get to the hospital. Once I get there i park and dash into the hospital leaving my phone in the car. Once I am inside I dart over to the chiefs office but once I get inside Loren is already there and they are both seemingly waiting for me. "You paged?" I say practically out of breath. He looks at me worried. "We paged you 40 minutes ago" Loren responds in a snarky tone. "That's enough, you may go now" The chief says. Loren leaves with a huff and of course she shoulder checks me before leaving. "Although I don't agree with her tone lately she is right, when someone pages you, you need to answer asap." I give him a stern nod. "Yes sir" he looks at me and I can sense that something is up. "I wish I didn't have to inform you about this but Mr. Perkins passed away earlier this morning. He had a heart attack in his sleep. I am sorry Natasha, but I want you to know that his passing was not your fault in any way. You have done everything right." He pauses and walks up to me and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Casualties like this hurt, Often we get attached to patients, but we can't let it mess us up because if we overthink about it, then we will be working distracted." With that, he walks out of the room, and I feel my heart fall to my stomach. How is this possible he was just fine when I left. The surgery went well. Why did he suddenly have a heart attack. I keep in my thoughts as I make my way over to the locker rooms. I see Liam walking towards me. He stops me and smiles. "Hey I heard about your patient, keep your head up okay" I give him a weak smile "I will, thank you Liam" he and I both walk away and I enter the locker room but suddenly I am shoved to the wall with a forearm pressed against my throat. I realize it's Loren. "You are never going to be a good doctor, you think just because the Chief likes you that you'll pass the internship. I am going to make your life a living hell. If I were you, I would quit" She says. She lets me go, and I fall to my knees coughing. "Oh, toughen up, I barely choked you. Weak ass bitch" With that she walks away leaving me to sit there defeated.

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