Chapter-33: Moving forward

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Jake stands there shocked as I hold Alicia tight. After a while we pull apart and I see a couple tears falling down her cheek. I wipe her tears with a huge smile on my face. The emotions I have felt since I found out the news yesterday. "How is this possible?" Alicia asks with a sweet smile. I shrug. "I don't know honestly. I just went to the doctor yesterday for my normal check up and they told me the news. All I can think about is god has plans for me and isn't ready to take me yet. However this happened I am going to make the best of it. I have my life back" They both smile as Jake steps forward and pulls into a hug. "I am so happy for you Abby. What will you do now?" Jake says as we pull apart. I take his question in. "I really don't know." they both share a look before smiling at me. "Well we are proud to be here for your new life!" Suddenly I feel my eyes go wide. "Is Tiffany off?" I ask hopeful. Jake smiles like he knows why I asked. "Yes she's off" I feel a massive smile crease my lips. "I hate to end this so soon but I need to go do something" Jake and Alicia share a look before looking back at me with a smile. "No worries, we will just go back to our day that someone interrupted" Jake laughs. I playfully shove him. "I will be at the club tonight to celebrate tonight, see you there?" I respond with a smile. "Well I do won the place so I sorta need to show up" Jake laughs. I jokingly glare at him. "Is this going to be a theme with you because if so I will go hang myself now" We all laugh before I give them both one last hug and watch them walk away. Feeling confident I walk over to my bedroom and take off my current clothes. I search my closet for my cute strapped white short top. I put it on over my bra then I search the closet for my cute white shorts. I fide them at the bottom of the closet. After getting dressed I walk over to the mirror and look at my reflection and to see the smile it has makes my heart flutter. I have never felt this happy in a very long time and I feel so blessed that I have this new opportunity to really enjoy life and it all starts now. I begin to curl my hair. After I want to say 30 minutes I am completely finished. My hair is still the pretty burgundy color because I get it re dyed every month. Once I am ready I finally leave the house and walk to my car and get in. After a few attempts it starts. With a new determination I begin driving. I am in my thoughts the whole drive over to Tiffany's. All those thoughts fade when I get to her house and Park next to her car. A strange feeling waves through me as I remember the last time I saw her. I sorta walked out and we really haven't talked since. Gosh, I am about to really give this girl many mixed signals aren't I. I shake my thoughts away and get out of the car and make my way slowly to the door. There is a very good chance that she is sleeping. I hesitate for a moment and linger at her door. Maybe I should come back another time and let her sleep or maybe I should just call her. It seems that my body and my mind aren't on the same page because as my intrusive thoughts continue my hand knocks on the door. Well fuck me then I guess we are doing this. After a moment I knock again a little louder this time. I wait one more minute. Suddenly the door unlocks and slowly opens revealing Tiffany with her messy hair in her face. She runs a hand through her hair and glares at me. "What the hell." She says. I feel my body tense up unable to speak. She looks at me and inches closer. "Abby?" She asks seemingly concerned. Impulse takes over my rational thinking as I lean in and softly kiss her lips. She quickly pulls back eyes wide for a second then they turn serous. "Okay Abby what the hell is going on?" I sigh. "There's something I need to tell you, May I come in?" After a moments hesitation she holds the door open and lets me walk in before closing the door behind her. I turn to face her as she folds her arms and gives me her full attention. "Okay so I know I have been giving you mixed signals." She rolls her eyes. "That's an understatement." She responds her tone frustrated. "The truth is, I had cancer and only had a small amount of time left so I made a vow not to get close to anyone. I promised myself that I wouldn't let myself get into a relationship because I would really hurt them once I passed but then I met you and I really fell hard for you the day I met you and out of a moment of weakness I fell into the trap. But now I am in remission and want to pursue whatever this is." I watched her expression change through all of that and now she stands there seemingly taking everything in. "So the other night when you kissed me then left that was because you were sick and didn't want to get attached? Abby do you know how that made me feel? Of course I didn't know what I know now but still I felt like an idiot that night. I felt like I drove you away somehow. Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" I look at her and step a little closer. "I never really told anyone about it and I understand why you felt that way but Tiffany when we kissed the second time I really felt something. I did what I always do and pushed those feelings away for your protection." She puts her hand up stopping me in my tracks. "What about how I feel? What if I wanted this to happen even if there was a chance I could lose you?" I look away from her for a moment then look back at her with a small tear falling down my cheek. "I didn't want anyone to go through everything after I passed away but now I am not going anywhere and I know what I want and that's you Tiffany. I knew the moment I met you that I liked you. What do you say, forgive me?" She sizes me up for a moment as I wipe my eye. Suddenly she gives me a weak smile. "Are you really in remission?" I give her a weak nod. "You really do like me?" I give her another weak nod. Suddenly she walks up and presses a soft kiss on my lips. We pull away and gaze into one another's eyes. A sense of understanding warms over me as I pull her into a passionate kiss. We pull away again breathless. "Are we really doing this?" I ask. She just pulls me into another passionate kiss. We pull away again and this time she takes off her top throws it on the couch. "Shut up and kiss me" she responds before pressing another kiss on my lips. She practically pushes me into her bedroom and before I know it we fall on her bed with her on top of me. She begins kissing down my neck as I let out a soft moan. "Wait wait wait" She stops and looks at me her hair falling around her beautiful face. "I've never done this before" A wide smile forms on her lips as her eyes tell a different story. "I'll guide you" she responds before gently kissing my neck, she traces her lips down to my breasts. "Take your shirt off" she demands. I sit up and pull my shirt off over my head. She plucks it out of my hands and throws it on the floor. She begins kissing the side of my neck and traces down before stopping. I smile at her as she gazes into my eyes. We pull each other into another kiss as she pushes me on the bed and lays on top of me holding the kiss. The kiss deepens as she traces her hands down my stomach then she relocates that hand to my lover back and pulls me closer. We pull away absolutely breathless. "My turn" I say as I suddenly flip her on her back and begin kissing down her body, she moans softly as I unbutton her pants and pull them off her and toss them on the floor. I begin to press a kiss on the top of her stomach and trace my lips down to her vagina, she moans as I keep going. "Wait! I thought you said you never did this before" she says breathless. I perk up and smile "I lied" I respond before crawling back up her body. I hold myself above her and gaze into her eyes, enjoying her facial features and her natural beauty. She bites her lower lip. "Why'd you stop?" She asks. I press a soft kiss on her forehead. "Because I need you to be longing for more and you need to go to bed but don't worry I'm not going anywhere" Her face lights up. "You know I would be asleep is someone didn't wake me up and confess there love to me" I chuckle still gazing into her eyes. "Whatever just kiss me" I respond. She takes her hand and places it on the back of my head. "With pleasure" she responds before forcing me into a very long very passionate kiss. After it lingered a little longer we pull away and I lay my head on her side still cuddled up together. She turns to her side and we gaze into one another's eyes. "You're a strip tease you know that right?" I chuckle and pull the covers over us, then I scoot closer and let her place her head in between my head and my breasts, I gently lean my head on top of hers. After a little while longer she falls asleep and knowing that she's comfortable I don't want to move so I feel myself melt in her embrace and after a little while longer I drift off to sleep. I wake up to an empty bed but I can hear her shower running. I check my phone. Its currently 930. I scoot off the bed and put on my top. Her bathroom door slowly opens reveling Tiffany wearing blue jeans with a super cute netted black top and a red bra underneath. Her hair is still wet. She gives me a weak smile. "Hey sleepy head" She says before facing the mirror. I walk over and lean against the door frame. She begins brushing her hair. "That was something wasn't it?" she asks in a calm yet subtle tone. "It was. Did you enjoy it?" I see her face fall in her reflection. "I..." she pauses and takes a deep breath. "What's up, do you think it was a mistake?" she looks up at me from her reflection. "No of course not its just.." She pauses again and remains silent. After a little while she finally turns facing me with her hair now brushed. "I think you are amazing but... I don't know I guess I feel like I fucked up... i mean.." she stops herself with the look of confusion in her eyes. "Tiffany I can't understand if you don't tell me. I can take it I promise." She shifts her focus back to the mirror. "Ugh.. why am I fucking like this" she cries her voice agitated. I shift my position and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Tiffany seriously what's going on?" Her shoulders slump and she faces me. "I just told Serena that I was in love with her and wanted to be with her not even a week ago and here I am making out with you. I don't know I just feel guilty..." she pauses and something changes in her eyes. "I don't want you to think it was a mistake I... I" she begins to stutter. I put both my hands on each of her shoulders and gaze into her eyes. "Tiffany, take a deep breath. If you are not ready to pursue me that's fine, but you shouldn't feel bad. You and Serena made up didn't you?" She shrugs as I keep my eyes locked on hers. "Serena wants you to be happy right, she wanted you to move on right, the way I see it you aren't doing anything wrong." She gives me a weak smile as I drop my hands from her shoulders. "You're right, I'm sorry I am being so damn complicating." I give her small smile and gently put my hand on her cheek. "You're not being complicating Tiffany." Her eyes change as the confusion disappears and compassion appears. "Kiss me?" she asks sheepishly. "You don't need to ask silly" I respond before pulling her into a soft tender kiss. Once we pull away I see a huge smile on her face. "So? Are we a thing now or?" I ask. I can see hope in her eyes as she smiles. "I want to talk to Serena first. Is that okay?" I look down for a moment but a glimmer of hope fills my heart. "You do whatever you need to do, I can finally say that I am not going anywhere" She smiles. "I need to finish getting ready, give me a few and then we can go to the club together?" I nod and walk away. She doesn't really take much longer to get ready, all she did was put her hair in a pony tail but she left two strands on both sides of her face. She smiles at me. "Ready?" I smile at her and hold open the door. She walks out and I follow her. "Are we taking your car?" she asks. I sigh. I would rather take yours." She locks her door and  looks at me. Suddenly she holds out her keys. "You drive" I look at her wide eyed. "Uh, I've never driven a luxury car before. I wouldn't trust me" She laughs and takes my hand and gently sets her keys om it. "I trust you" I sigh and turn facing her car. "What year is this thing?" I ask. "Um, 2025 I think, I dunno, come on though I don't want to be late" I walk over to her door. "Okay put your thumb right here" I do as she said and the car unlocks. She smiles and holds the door open for me. I get in and she closes the door, a few seconds later she gets in the passenger side. "You look so lost right now" She chuckles, I glare at her with a small smile creasing my lips. "Okay so go ahead and set the keys down here, step on the brake and press the button" I do everything she says and the car hums to life. "Okay now you just drive, Oh right, so the shifter is a little different you throw it in reverse like this" she demonstrates. "Okay now we are good to go" I slowly put the car in reverse and softly press the gas pedal. The car suddenly moves back quickly, "Ah!" I lam on the break. She bursts out laughing. "I may have forgot to tell you how touchy the gas pedal is" I glare at her trying to compose my laughter. "Gee you think" I take a moment and recompose myself before backing out of the driveway. I manage to do that slowly, I put the car in drive. "Step on it" she says in a confident tone. I look at her brow raised. "Come on wuss" I step on the gas and the car zooms pushing me in my seat, we fly down the road until a stop sigh suddenly appears. I slam on the breaks and we both lean forward. "Damn girl." she laughs. I throw the car in park. "You drive now" I say. She laughs and opens her door. We switch places and away we go. She gets us to the club really quickly and parks her car next to Jakes. There is already a hugs line outside the clubs door "You totally chickened out" she laughs. I playfully punch her shoulder, "Ow hey!" she laughs before punching me back. We laugh at one another. "Okay, I need to go do manager shenanigans, but feel free to come on in." We get out and I follow her past the crowd to the front door where a security guard awaits. "Hey Tiffany" He says with a smile. "What's up Amari, she's with me" Tiffany responds. He gives her a stern nod and holds the door open for us. We walk in to everyone seemingly waiting for us at the bar. "Ah there she is, finally" Jake laughs as he walks up and pulls Tiffany into a quick hug. "I need to get ready to open, do whatever you want and I will come find you later?" Tiffany says in a sweet tone. "Okay" I respond. She leaves and Jake walks up to me. "How's the new life going" he laughs. "Dude its literally been a day" He chuckles as the door opens and Serena walks in with a massive smile. "Hey everyone" She says as she walks in and pulls Jake into a hug. After they pull apart she faces me and smiles. "Abby!" she says with a smile but before I can respond Emerald runs out and grabs Serena's hand. "You're late we need to go over the song, Hi Abby!" Emerald says with a sweet smile. Serena gives me a cute wave as Emerald drags her towards the back room. I laugh to myself as Alicia walks up to me with a smile, her hair is down and she is wearing the same outfit she was earlier. "Ali!" I say. She smiles. "How was your day?" she asks. I look away and just so happen to be looking at Tiffany talking to Theo. "Are you blushing" Alicia says teasingly. I playfully push her. The night goes smooth as Tiffany opened the club and executed it perfectly. I got to watch Emerald and her band in action as she sang In the air tonight by Phil Collins and let me just say that Serena is a kick ass drummer. When the drum solo came up she was nearly as good as Phil is and that's saying something. Unfortunately I have barely seen Tiffany but I understand given the fact that she is literally running the club. Its roughly 1 something in the morning and I am in the middle of the dance floor dancing my heart out. I wipe my brow as Serena walks up to me. "Hey, can I steal you for a second" I give her a stern nod and follow her off the dance floor. she leads me to a quiet spot in the corner. "Thank you, I am sweating" I laugh as I take a sip of my Sherly temple. "So Tiffany talked to me" I look at her but can't read her eyes. "Look I--" she puts her hand up and smiles. "I am not mad, I actually came to thank you. I felt really bad that I couldn't be what she wanted me to be. But now she has you and I am happy for her. She told me how she feels bad and all that but this is exactly what I wanted her to do. Find someone that will cherish her like I couldn't. I just wanted to let all of that out" I take her in for a moment and feel a sense of warmth overtake me. "So would you be okay with me asking her to be my girlfriend" I watch as her face shifts into a massive grin. "Of course, that will make her night, but let me just say this. If you hurt her I will kill you" she responds with a chuckle. "I would never" I respond. She looks around for a moment but stops and points over to the other side of the club. "Ah, there she is. I'd catch her before she wonders off again." I smile. "Thank you Serena" She gives me a sweet smile. "Go get her tiger" She says, I give her a quick side hug and begin making my way towards Tiffany. Finally after pushing through everyone I manage to catch her. She smiles as I approach. "Abby I am sorry I thought I would have had some--" I interrupt her by pulling her into a passionate kiss. When we pull apart she gazes into my eyes with happiness. "You taste good" she says with a chuckle. "Be my girlfriend?" she looks at me shocked. "I... was about to ask you the same question... I would love to be your girlfriend" she responds. I feel my heart pound out of my chest as she pulls me into another soft kiss.                               

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