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I finally woke up very early the next morning, just in time for Lord Lowell to appear and pick me up.

A question to ask from yesterday loomed in my consciousness, but I was reluctant to bring it up again. For the time being, all I care about is trying to perfect my power so that I can protect the people I care most. I shouldn't even be swayed by vague flashback scenes.

"You got up earlier than usual this morning. How much sleep did you get?" As he arrived out of nowhere, Lord Lowell queried.

I initially thought Aella had put in place a shield to hinder anyone from promptly wanting to enter here. But I suppose that means he's powerful enough to shatter through a shield. He's also held in higher regard than Aella, so I'm sure it'll be effortless for him.

"I did gain enough of sleep, don't worry. What is our mission for today?" I brazenly questioned.

He said, "We're heading to the Grimtol Fort."

In bewilderment, I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Grimtol Fort? Are you found to be very high? Are you aiming to kill me?" I asked at the very same time.

The primordial demon reigns supreme at Grimtol Fort. He's been there for so long because the Primordial Heavenly Father has imprisoned him. However, I am not yet prepared to face such a formidable potential enemy. Not unless Lord Lowell intended to lure me there and assassinate me.

"You'll go there with me. What do you fear?" Lord Lowell said.

I looked up and diverted my attention away from him.

"That's showing exactly what I'm utterly terrified about." I spoke.

But I didn't envision that voicing these certain phrases could very well cut my heart like a perilous dagger.

"I'm not going to let something awful happened to you through there. Will you not trust me on this?" After a minute of quietness, he said.

I didn't respond and simply stood up, taking up the sword he had crafted for me. He asserted that this one was bestowed to him by the Primordial God and that it would protect me.

I said, "Lead the way."

I've only heard horror stories about that placeat all, but I have no inkling where to go to get there. My father won't allow me leave Herst Keep Palace to go to the Palace of Rouguemont, thus much more what about the ancient demon's fort.

He said, "Hold my hand."

I took one glance at it.

"I can fade away on my own." I insisted.

I'm not sure why, but I find myself wanting to disassociate myself from Lord Lowell at points of time. I don't want him interfering with my life or shots on goal. I don't want him to be someone who, someday soon, makes me vulnerable. If the time comes, I wouldn't want him to be used against me.

He replied, "All right."

He vanished in a moment, and I followed him with my energy, vanishing as well.

We arrived at the Grimtol Fort in less than a minute.

I looked everywhere, but it wasn't as dreadful as I had envisioned. The surroundings are gloomy, but they are filled with vibrant blooms. There are cherry blossom trees, a luscious field, as well as an effervescent waterway. Even though the ancient demon was put here in prison, I suppose the Primordial God still have shown mercy and spared his survival.

Anamnesis of a Love's Eclipse (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now