Ch 1: True Traitor Revealed!

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An: btw I check the fandom and any sources to see if this info was true and it's true.

3rd Pov:

Evernight Castle at the Land of Darkness.

Within the castle is the league of darkness leaders and members that have assembled to discuss about Union.

Salem: "... Two years these 'heroes' have become weak and reckless" she said.

AFO: "Yes but all this happened because they framed Izuku Yagi for being the traitor and they just don't care" he said a bit sad to what happened to Izuku.

Tomura: "Even though we're villains we aren't fully heartless and what worst they are celebrating more" he said.

Cinder: "that because they celebrate an entire week before broadcast him to the entire world" she said.

Emerald: "Those *ssholes" she said.

Dabi: "I agree with you" he said.

Toga: "I want some of Izu-kun blood but they lock him up tight!" She said.

Adam: "Then, What should we do?" He ask.

Salem: "The choice is easy: we reveal the truth" she said.

Cinder: "You don't mean" she said.

AFO: "Yes we're gonna reveal the true traitor" he said.

Meanwhile at Union academy.

Zooming to the academy there's a meeting between the headmasters of Union.

Ozprick: "Any progress on the traitor general?" He ask.

Ironwood: "Nothing. We can't get any info out of him even though it been two years" he said.

Nezu: "I hope y'all burn in hell" he thought before speaking "Keep trying" he said.

An: basically he and a few others care about Izuku but can't do sh*t do to the other headmasters black mailing them.

Ironwood: "We're trying but" he try to say but got interrupted by Sircon

Sircon: "No buts general! If he doesn't talk within 24 hours we will execute him for his crimes" he said.

Michael: "I agree. Executing him will set an example for other villains who dare cross our path" he said.

However the door to the meeting is slam open causing the headmasters to look at Winter.

Ironwood: "Winter? What are you doing we're in a" he try to say but Winter interrupted him.

Winter: "I'm sorry general but you all need to see this" she said.

Ozprick: "What is it?" He ask.

Winter: "it's the League of darkness they're broadcasting nationwide" she said turning on the tv.

Everyone watch as the tv screen reveal AFO and Salem.

AFO (Tv): "Hello citizens of Japan and 'heroes' of Union. We, The league of darkness, have an announcement to make, relating to the Union traitor" he said.

Students pov:

Katsuki: "We already know and dealt with him!" He said.

Ruby: "Yeah, Deku was the traitor!" She said.

Lida: "He's in prison! So you lost!" He said doing his karate chop motion.

AFO (Tv): "Most, if not, all of Union believe that Izuku Yagi was the traitor when in truth he was never the traitor" he said.

Rias: "No, that's impossible! There's video proof!" She yell.

Issei: "Yeah!" He yell.

AFO (TV): "We know the heroes display a video of the entire event but they only showed part of it. Allow us to show everything" he said then the tv show the entire video.

It's reveal that it's was Toga who was disguise as Izuku.

Yang: "w hat?" She said a bit shocked.

Izumi: "Izu wasn't the traitor?" She said a bit horrified at the truth being reveal.

AFO (Tv): "The heroes was so quick to judge that they sentence a innocent young man to Tartarus. Where he was torture, beaten and r*ped. That wasn't all" he said as the tv show images involving Izuku being beaten by many like Class 1A: Rwby, Orc and so many others.

AFO (Tv): "Izuku Yagi was born quirkless, thus this lead to his parents to neglect his entire existence while his sister and friends to bully him to the point of death. What's worst was that they're the Star Student's of Union Academy!" He said causing all citizens to become shock that then lead to anger. It was then Salem spoke.

Salem (Tv): "We would like to reveal the true traitor. Your dept has be repaid, Yuga Aoyama" she said.

Class 1A eyes widen in shock as they then look at their, not so shining friend, Aoyama who is on his knees crying.

Salam (Tv): "You done your service to us. So as promised both you and your parents will not be killed" she said.

AFO (Tv): "This is a warning to you heroes, we are coming and we will come with our entire army real soon" he said as the broadcast end.

Once the broadcast end, there was a moment of silence before all hell broke loose.

Denki: "Aoyama, You're the true traitor!?" He yell.

Mineta: "How could you be the traitor!?" He yell.

Shouko: "Izu kun was imprisoned because of you!" She said

An: Shouko is Todoroki twin and one of the few that never bullied or harm Izuku.

Just then Aizawa and Nezu came into the room.

Aizawa: "Yuga Aoyama you're under arrest" he said putting cuffs on Yuga.

Nezu: "Tell us. Why did you do it?" He ask trying not to release his anger.

Aoyama: "I wasn't born with a quirk, I was quirkless" he said which shock everyone.

Aoyama: "my parents knew what would happened. I wouldn't survive this world quirkless. So my parents sought out a way until AFO found us and gave me my quirk however I would be indebt to him" he said.

Nezu: "So what were you mostly responsible for?" He ask.

Aoyama: "The Attacks on USJ and Camp" he said.

Nezu: "Okay. But you must come" he couldn't finish when Aoyama chuckle interrupted him.

Aoyama: "it's funny seeing how you all betray Izu without a thought" he said causing a lot to get enraged.

Izumi: "You don't dare to speak about Onii chan like that!" She yell.

Aoyama: "didn't your parents: All Might and Green Telek disown him? If so then he isn't yours Onii chan anymore" he said.

Katsuki: "Shut up you sparkling bastard! De- Izuku will come back to us!" He yell.

Aoyama: "Tch. I highly doubt it. After all you all show him your inner darkness. Your true selves" he said.

Aizawa: "what do you mean by that" he said.

Aoyama then explain how he only betray them to keep his parents safe yet they all betray Izuku who had never once thought of betraying this society or everyone.

Aoyama: "Now everyone knows that Underneath your masks of heroism is evil worst than the villains" he said.

Nezu: "Take him away" he said which Aizawa did but Aoyama have one last thing to say.

Aoyama: "Trust is such a fragile thing isn't it~" he said then both Aizawa and him left.

Nezu: "Anyway the headmasters and I are heading to Tartarus to bring Izuku back" he said exiting the classroom.

Soon the class talk about how they failed Deku but the one who felt the worst is Izuku ex girlfriend: Ritsuka Fujimaru (FGO) aka Gudako.

Gudako: "Don't worry Deku we're bringing you home" she said.

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