Ch 14: Rise of Faunus

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An: Basically one of the Anti League members that Hatred mentioned and Menagerie.

It's been a month since the broadcast of Star Student's crimes. During those days Union lost a lot more reputation which lead to students abandoning Union. However as Union suffer more Haven, splitter cells and LOD gain a lot more.

At Menagerie.

Currently at White Fang throne room there's a meeting involving Sienna and a member of the Anti League.

Currently at White Fang throne room there's a meeting involving Sienna and a member of the Anti League

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Sitting on the throne is Sienna herself.

Sienna: "Let's me get this straight you're from Hatred old world before it became know as Zero Point?" She ask looking at a young woman who is an Anti League member

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Sienna: "Let's me get this straight you're from Hatred old world before it became know as Zero Point?" She ask looking at a young woman who is an Anti League member.

Sienna: "Let's me get this straight you're from Hatred old world before it became know as Zero Point?" She ask looking at a young woman who is an Anti League member

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Ashe: "That's correct and I'm Ashe to the new comers" she said confusing Sienna until the door open revealing Adam and Hazel on the other side.

Adam: "Who the f*ck are you" he ask looking at the woman who sweatdrop.

Ashe: "I'm Ashe but you know my friend as Hatred" she said surprising both men.

Hazel: "Why are you here?" He ask a bit curious but also afraid as he knows that fighting an friend of Hatred is an death sentence.

Sienna: "She finished explaining her backstory and why Menagerie should join Anastasius group" she said surprising the two.

Adam: "Why would you be offering that?" He ask.

Ashe: "Unlike your League of Darkness true goal, both Anastasius group and Anti League have a similar goal: freeing humanity of corruption" she said confusing the two men.

Sienna: "which is why I accepted into joining Anastasius group as Anastasius group will bring light in Union corrupt shadow" she said.

Suddenly explosion caught everyone attention which they run outside to see Atlas ships invading Menagerie.

Hazel: "Look like Union have some spies in Menagerie" he said.

Ashe: "Thus why the Anti League are prepared" she said aiming her bow at the sky and shoot a arrow into the sky.

What happened next surprised everyone, except for Ashe, as the arrow explode into a emp blast that only effects Atlas ships.

What happened next surprised everyone, except for Ashe, as the arrow explode into a emp blast that only effects Atlas ships

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Thus causing the Atlas ships to crash into the sea where hidden sea monsters attack the survivors.

Hazel: "... We will be leaving" he said as an Grimm just appear then grab both him and Adam then flew away.

Once the two men and Grimm are gone, Ashe press a button which cause Menagerie to teleported to Haven where they are floating in the sky.

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