Ch 10.5: Reunion

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An: btw this will be a family moment so please show respect to this chapter.

It was a few hours since the I Island have been teleported and currently it civilians are happy to finally get away from Union corruption.

However inside Izuku office is the Shield family, Eri and Kota as all four are waiting for someone which didn't took long as the door open. What happened next cause the shield family to gasp in surprise and happiness while Kota and Eri cry tear of joy.

Entering the office is Izuku himself who smiling happily at seeing Eri, Kota, and the Shield family.

It wasn't long until both Eri and Kota rush and hug their father figure.

It wasn't long until both Eri and Kota rush and hug their father figure

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Watching all this from the shadows is Hatred himself who smile at seeing his adopted son reunited with Eri and Kota

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Watching all this from the shadows is Hatred himself who smile at seeing his adopted son reunited with Eri and Kota.

Hatred: "You deserve this Izuku Anastasius" he thought then vanished.

Union AU: Izuku The Betrayed Owner Where stories live. Discover now