Ch 21: Industrial Village Burn

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At The hidden rain village: Amegakure.

Standing in front of the village are three individuals who's join the Enteral Federation recently.

Raku Kataoka (Naruto oc):

Raku Kataoka (Naruto oc):

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Naito Suba (Naruto oc):

Naito Suba (Naruto oc):

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An: I don't own any of these ocs so give credit to the creators that create them

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An: I don't own any of these ocs so give credit to the creators that create them.

Isoro: "So this the place that been helping Union and their allies with resources" she said.

Raku: "Yup but they gonna lose their resources supplier" she said.

Naito: "... We aren't alone" he said then all three dodge an attack.

All three look at the attacker to see that it's Hanzo the leader of the hidden rain village.

All three look at the attacker to see that it's Hanzo the leader of the hidden rain village

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Isoro: "So our intel is right: Hanzo is alive" she said.

Hanzo: "Indeed I am and it seems Danzo was right about Enteral Federation trying to end the supply line" he said.

Naito: "Ah so the rumor was right. Danzo have save your *ss from death much like how he escape Snake by using an teleport scroll that he stole from the namikaze clan" he said.

An: I have no idea if there's an namikaze clan or not.

Hanzo: "indeed he did but now it time for you three to die" he said and fire an toxic jutsu at the group however they dodge.

Then the three attack Hanzo with everything they have which lead to an battle that last for an hour.

However Hanzo decided to do Dance of the Sickle Blade: Falling Descent Blade at all three which would had kill them.

Except Snake Uchiha appear and block the attack using the susanoo which surprised Hanzo.

Snake: "I suggest you three rest while I deal with this f*cker" he said which the three did and vanish.

Hanzo: "So you're the Uchiha that Danzo told me about" he said.

Snake: "Yup but unlike the Uchiha I don't seek revenge but rather peace and justice like my mentor Hatred seek" he said surprising Hanzo at this information.

Hanzo: "Then you will die" he said charging at Snake but what happened next surprised the recovering three Shinobis.

Snake: "Fire Release: Sinful Fury!" He said then fire a flame blast full of intense heat at Hanzo who scream as he is burn alive until all that remains is dust.

Three: "Woah" they said a bit surprised at how easy Snake kill Hanzo.

Snake: "Now then let's end the supply line" he said then unleash Amaterasu all over the Amegakure thus burning the empty village into nothing but dust and complete melted ruin.

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