Ch 22: Battle against Evil

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An: This is a special crossover chapter everyone! So be prepared for a lot!

Its been a week since Union lost one of their major resources supplier. Now Enteral Federation, Anti League, and League of Darkness are taking a short break due to Union being in chaos. However they still send cells to attack Union allies in small waves.

At Haven.

Currently Izuku is in his office doing some paperwork when suddenly a portal above his office open causing him to get up in an stance. Only for a individual to drop onto his desk with a groan which cause him to sweatdrop.

Izuku: "This got Hatred all over it" he thought as the individual got off the desk which give him the chance to see who's this new comer is.

Izuku: "This got Hatred all over it" he thought as the individual got off the desk which give him the chance to see who's this new comer is

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???: "F*ck! That the last time I believe Hatred in looking down an portal! ... Probably" He said getting up only to turn around and look at Izuku.

Izuku: "Hey" he said then dodge a knife through at him.

???: "Sorry for a split second I thought you were my world Izuku but after seeing you dodge my knife with quick reflexes I realized you're not" he said relaxing his muscles a bit.

Izuku: "Well considering what Hatred told me about how others me are like I don't blame you" he said causing the individual eyes to widen in surprised.

???: "No f*cking way you're this Anastasius that Hatred f*cking adopted!?" He said.

Izuku: "Yeah?" He said a bit surprised that his father figure Hatred would told other people.

Y/N: "Sh*t man, well I'm Y/N or Red Hood" he said offering an handshake which Izuku accept.

Izuku: "Izuku Anastasius" he said as both males stop shaking hands.

Suddenly a holographic screen appear in front of both males faces with Hatred on the screens.

Hatred: "Now that you two knows each other better I need you two to meet me here" he said sending coordinates which Izuku open a portal that the two enter into.

At Izuku world: Mountain Glenn (Rwby)

On the other side of the portal the two are facing Hatred who's look at the two with a serious glare.

Hatred: "Alright here the situation: A villain of Malicious Regime will arrive here at any moment" he said surprising the two males that they gonna be facing a threat unlike anything they have face.

Izuku: "Why would the purest evil organization be sending one of their villains here!?" He ask.

Hatred: "Apparently they want Enteral Federation to face a real challenge thus they send one of the weakest villain in their ranks to cause conflict" he said which Y/N frown after hearing how Hatred focus on the word conflict.

Y/N: "So they're sending someone from Herald of Conflict group" he said which Hatred nod while Izuku is a bit confused.

Hatred: "I explain who's the Heralds at a later date Izuku, because I'm sensing him here" he said suddenly a bright light appear above Glenn then Hatred create an barrier around them as this happened.

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