Ch 4: Debut

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3rd person Pov:

At Union academy.

Within the auditorium are all Union Heroes and Heroes in training.

Ozprick: "Alright everyone listen up" He said gaining everyone attention.

Nezu: "As you're all aware, Tartarus has been attacked and destroyed by a unknown individual. Resulting in the death of 500 prisoners and 200 guards" he said.

Students then talk among themselves.

Glynda: "Silence!" She yell causing the students to be quiet.

Sirzech: "Due to this attack, we believe it was either League of Darkness or other villains organization begin their aggressive campaign against us" he said.

Michael: "So we'll need all of you to increase patrols and check out any villains sighting" he said.

Students/Heroes: "Hai" they said.

A few minutes later.

At Class 1A.

Currently the entire class of 1A are gather inside the classroom waiting for Izuku which wasn't long as he enter the room. Yet when Izumi try to hug him the unbelievable happened, Izuku (Decoy) bite Izumi shoulder off horrifying the students. However it wasn't long until Aizawa enter the room and gave Izuku a bag of food which he accepts and begin eating the food out of the bag.

Aizawa: "Izumi go see the nurse while I explain what happened to the class" he said which Izumi did.

Once she left Aizawa begin to explain that Izuku need large amount of food to satisfy his hunger for human flash due to the lack of proper food. He then explain several things like Izuku vocals are beyond repair thus why he doesn't speak and that Izuku is unstable to be near a large group.

Aizawa: "Which is why Izuku will be sitting in the very back and will not be sitting near anyone at lunch" he said then begin class.


Currently inside the nurse room is Izumi who is laying on the bed.

Izumi: "Why did Onii chan bite off a small chuck of my shoulder?" She ask herself.

???: "Probably because you and others starve him to death" a male voice spoke causing her to look only for a hand to grab her face and throw her out of the academy.

At the city.

Everything was quiet until an explosive caught everyone attention which lead the news around a dust cloud. It wasn't long until the dust vanish only to reveal a small crater where Izumi is laying on. However appearing above her is a unknown male who appearance is unlike anything anyone have ever seen.

Izumi: "Who are you?" She ask trying to stand but couldn't when ??? slam his foot on top of her stomach

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Izumi: "Who are you?" She ask trying to stand but couldn't when ??? slam his foot on top of her stomach.

Hatred: "I'm Hatred and I'm helping someone who is gonna change humanity from their current path which is at the moment nothing but corrupt and evil due to Union and their allies" he said gaining the attention of everyone.

Izumi: "What? That have to be lies" she said but she scream a bit when Hatred add pressure to her stomach.

Hatred: "There one thing I despise: that would be telling a lie after all look what happened to Izuku when he was falsely accused for a crime he never committed yet you and others ignore him all because he was quirkless and apart of a family of lies" he said making Izumi a bit upset.

Izumi: "the hell you're talking about?" She said.

Hatred: "All might aka Toshinori Yagi had be lying to everyone and I would know because" he said releasing One For All shocking Izumi as she never meet another user besides Toshinori.

Izumi: "How?" She ask.

Hatred: "That will be explain soon but first a example of the difference between your 'quirk' and true One For All" he said lifting his foot then grab her by the face to lift her only to slam her into a building.

Hatred: "That will be explain soon but first a example of the difference between your 'quirk' and true One For All" he said lifting his foot then grab her by the face to lift her only to slam her into a building

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He then begin dragging her across buildings as he run.

Until finally he throw her into the sky and fire a powerful energy blast that is infused with One For All

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Until finally he throw her into the sky and fire a powerful energy blast that is infused with One For All.

Until finally he throw her into the sky and fire a powerful energy blast that is infused with One For All

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Once finish Hatred look at Izumi only to see she's unconscious.

Hatred: "That the difference between your 'quirk'and One For All for I use my not as a power for justice but a gift for purging corruption. So remember this everyone! Humanity doesn't need heroes who only interested in fame and glory but rather people who stand up to corruption and those who abuse their powers like Union!" He said then vanish as 'heroes' arrive only to be glare at by the powerless and the poor.

Union AU: Izuku The Betrayed Owner Where stories live. Discover now