Ch 10: Heroes vs Hatred

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Currently the five Atlas ships are losing against the unknown ships while the Ace Ops and Yagi family are facing against Hatred.

Winter: "Hatred, this is your last chance. Surrender or we will used force!" She said.

Suddenly music begin to play gaining the Ace Ops and Yagi family attention as the music is coming from all around them.

Hatred: "Then come and face me if you dare" he said.

An: play the music.

Harriet: "Take this!" She yell charging at him.

Winter: "Harriet don't!" She yell but Harriet didn't listen.

Harriet lung at Hatred attempting to kick him but fail as Hatred grab her leg surprising her.

Hatred: "Weak" he said crushing her leg causing her to cry in pain as he throw her at Clover with enough force to knock her out.

Marrow: "Harriet!" He yell.

Winter: "Vine. Elm. Go!" She ordered which both nod.

Vine/Elm: "Hai" they said then charge at Hatred.

Vine used his semblance to hold Hatred in place then Elm used her hammer to knock Hatred into a wall but immediately Elm switch her weapon to range which she fire at Hatred causing an explosion.

Elm then look at the others with a smile as she hold out an okay sign.

However the music begin to get louder, suddenly Hatred just appear behind Elm and punch her into a wall yet his punch managed to knock her out

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However the music begin to get louder, suddenly Hatred just appear behind Elm and punch her into a wall yet his punch managed to knock her out.

Hatred: "Soft attempt" he said then dash at Vine only for Hatred to block an punch from All Might and Izumi yet her punch was weaker than her father.

All might: "Your days are over villain!" He yell but to everyone surprised Hatred was unaffected by their punches.

Hatred: "Nana would be disappointed in you" he said shocking All Might as he knows about All Might mentor.

Suddenly Hatred release One For All at full max shocking the Yagi family as Hatred then slam his other fist into Izumi sending her into a wall.

All might/Inko: "Daughter! Sweetie!" Both yell but Hatred wasn't done as he grab All Might by the neck and throw him at both remaining Ace Ops which knock out both Marrow and Vine.

Just then Inko use her quirk to cause an entire building to fall onto Hatred thus burying Hatred.

All might: "I think you got him honey" he said getting off Marrow and Vine thinking that Inko defeat Hatred.

Winter: "I don't think so as it gonna take more than just an building to beat an unknown villain" she said.

Hatred: "Which is correct" he said shocking Winter and the Yagi family, Izumi managed to get out of the wall, as the remain building just exploded into dust as it reveal that Hatred survive.

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