Ch 11: Allies New & Old

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An: Basically the same as the original but different.

Izuku Pov:

It's been two days since the one sided battle between Hatred against both Ace Ops and Yagi family. Which I admit was satisfied to see the false heroes getting karma however thanks to Hatred friend broadcasting the whole fight a whole lot happened.

For example: many people, mostly the powerless that was manipulated by All Might Ideology, start to join Haven.

Another is that back on Earth, there have be splitter cells of the True Heroes and powerless working together.

However what I find out is that people started to call me many things like: Humanity Savior, Rightful Emperor of Humans, and the most annoying title: Father however I don't mind if children called me that but adults calling me that feel weird.

An: ... I mean unless you are in a church or have religion then yeah people will called the pope Father.

Anyway I must admit that with the Anti League help Haven and it's military have be given a lot of resources, ships, and troops.


Titanium: 550 trillion
Tungsten: 550 trillion
Vibranium: 550 trillion
Food: 750 trillion
Water: Infinite
Manpower: 550 billion
Weapons: 600 billion
Ships: 300 million

Which might be overkill but like Hatred say:

"Don't underestimate Union for you don't know when they just pull some nonsense sh*t to overwhelm their foes"

So yeah I take that advice to mind as I understand why Hatred say that thus why I decided to bring in some help thanks to Hatred help.

3rd person Pov:

Entering his office room is Izuku current allies: Stain, Aoyama, Nagant, and Dio.

Dio: "So why did you called us?" He ask.

Izuku: "To introduce you four to new allies" he said as a familiar portal open and exiting from that same portal is Hatred himself who stood beside Izuku.

Exiting Hatred portal are new and old faces that surprised Izuku current allies.

Demeter (Fgo): "Hello I am Demeter" she said.

Cecilia: "hey I'm Cecilia" she said.

Oleana: "Hello I'm Oleana" she said.

Reika Rikudou: "Hello I'm Reika Rikudou" she said

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Reika Rikudou: "Hello I'm Reika Rikudou" she said.

Nezu: "As you're aware I'm Nezu one of the True Heroes that is helping the powerless on escaping Union corruption and joining splitter cells" he said

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Nezu: "As you're aware I'm Nezu one of the True Heroes that is helping the powerless on escaping Union corruption and joining splitter cells" he said.

Nezu: "As you're aware I'm Nezu one of the True Heroes that is helping the powerless on escaping Union corruption and joining splitter cells" he said

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Falbium: "I'm Falbium one of the Satan kings that is supporting you" he said.

An: btw to everyone who weren't aware but I am giving you all permission to use my redesign of Falbium.

Hatred: "Now that you know why these two are here I need to go back to Anti League real quick to get a few others who gonna help you out" he said entering the portal again as it closes behind him.

Falbium: "... Okay am I the only one who thinks his portal is terrifying?!" He ask which everyone raised their hands in agreement.

Union AU: Izuku The Betrayed Owner Where stories live. Discover now