Ch 22.5: News!

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Breaking News!

Lisa (Screens): "Good afternoon everyone. I'm Lisa Lavender bringing you all important announcement from Union and their allies. Yesterday evening, Atlas and Union sent five hundred soldiers and hundred pro heroes to the ruins of Glenn. However upon arrival all six hundred have die due to a new bomb created by a unknown terror group. This bomb had somehow killed soldiers through titanium and lead plate armor. That wasn't all as the aftermath of the bomb have made Glenn a unlivable area to all life.
Now we bringing you all the live speech of Union and their allies" she said as the screens show Union headmasters and their allies on a stage.

Ozpin (screens): "This is dark times for Union and our allies but we won't surrender nor give up! We will stop the lies that the Enteral Federation and their allies Anti League are spreading! We will stop the crimes and evil that League of Darkness are causing! For Union and our allies are heroes and justice of good!" He said as many reporters and rich people cheer then the screen return to Lisa Lavender face.

Lisa (screen): "There you have it folks! The live speech of Union and their allies! We can only hope that Enteral Federation and their supposed view of humanity are stop! Until then this is Lisa Lavender of the Remnant news signing off" she said as the news end.

An: ... So what is your thoughts on the bullsh*t that Lisa and Ozpin just say about Enteral Federation and Anti League everyone.

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