Ch 12: Glimpse of Power

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An: okay so the title On Earth from the original story got me slightly confused so I decided to change that.

3rd person Pov:

At Union academy.

Within the headmasters office are the headmasters, staff and General Magath discussing about the current situation.

Within the headmasters office are the headmasters, staff and General Magath discussing about the current situation

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An: that what's the guy look like if anyone was curious.

Magath: "Explain how the f*ck did you all allow this to happen! Not only did you didn't learn your lesson the first time but also framed an student all over for your Star Student's!" He said furious that the headmasters framed Dio.

Ozpin: "At the time we thought Dio was using his stand to do those crimes but we're trying everything we can to settle the situation" he said lying.

Magath: "Doing everything you can, isn't enough anymore. By orders of the Marley Government Council, Union academy is hereby remove from the alliance. Effective immediately" he said shocking the headmasters.

Danzo: "Now General Magath let's not go that far" he said.

Magath: "Sorry but it's out of my hands. We're taking back our titan shifters and the beast titan" he said getting up.

Sirzech: "What about Eren? He still have the Attack and Founding titans? You need us for taking him down?!" He said.

Magath: "No we don't. Plus it's clear to why Eren left Union academy. We will be hunting and taking him back to us. We'll be taking our leave" he said leaving the office.

Once he left, the headmasters can only stare in shock and disbelief.

Michael: "I can't believe this" he said.

Ironwood: "I know. I'm still processing on believing" he said.

Aurille: "Not only did we lost the Attack Titan but we lost 900 soldiers who join Yeagerists for no reason whatsoever" he said.

Pariston (HXH): "But now we lost the alliance with Marley" he said.

Aultcray: "All because of an traitor and a villain" he said.

Suddenly a phone rang which caught everyone attention.

Honest: "Whose phone is that?" He ask which soon reveal that it's was James Ironwood who answered his phone.

Ironwood: "Yes? ... Say what! How many are there!? WHAT!?" he said.


Not far away there is an Schnee dust mine that is being attacked by none other then Yeagerists which is being lead by Eren Yeager himself who's in titan form.

Not far away there is an Schnee dust mine that is being attacked by none other then Yeagerists which is being lead by Eren Yeager himself who's in titan form

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