Ch 18.5: Memories of Old

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An: This will involves Hatred telling Izuku Anastasius about his first home.

At Patch.

Far from civilization are Hatred himself who is standing over an familiar graveyard near the cliff

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Far from civilization are Hatred himself who is standing over an familiar graveyard near the cliff.

Izuku: "So this where you went" an familiar voice spoke causing Hatred to look to see Izuku Anastasius himself.

Hatred: "It's kinda funny. See back in my old world there this is the same spot where I buried the bodies of my dead wife and daughter" he said which Izuku Anastasius sigh remembering how his family was slaughter by his world Union and their souls erase from the afterlife.

Izuku: "I remember how you buried them near your teachers graves: Summer and Nana" he said.

Hatred: "Correct but what you don't know is my first home was near the graves before my world change which became the Anti League capital base" he said surprising Izuku Anastasius about this new information.

Izuku: "Huh well that's something I never knew" he said until the two heard an portal open which reveal this world Raven Branwen.

Izuku: "Huh well that's something I never knew" he said until the two heard an portal open which reveal this world Raven Branwen

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Raven: "The battle for Vale are ready to start" she said which Izuku nod then look at Hatred.

Izuku: "Well then shall we go and start the battle to liberate Vale from the corrupt council control?" He ask.

Hatred: "... Let's give those f*ckers hell" he said then all three enter the portal not noticing an ghostly figured of Summer Rose appearing there.

(Ghostly) Summer Rose: "I wish you luck" the ghostly figured said then she vanish.

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