Ch 25: End of Season 1

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It been a few weeks since Hatred attack Union and things are going straight to hell because of it.

Not only did Hatred cause two headmasters and Issei to have prosthetics but Keyaru have to wear a mask to hide his hideous face.

That wasn't all as apparently many Union and their allies operations have be discovered and got destroyed by Anti League, League of darkness and Enteral Federation thus weakening Union and their allies.

However at the moment the Enteral Federation are planning an attack on Union themselves.

At Enteral Federation.

Currently Izuku is in a meeting with his allies, discussing about the attack on Union Academy.

Izuku: "As you're all aware our target is Union academy itself" he said showing a map of the academy.

Nezu: "Thanks to some intel I gathered. The vault is our main focus as it contains powerful items that our enemies won't hesitate of using" he said.

AFO: "Then it simple. We split up into two forces: One will distract Union while the other enter the vault" he said.

Hatred: "Which won't be difficult as their powers and defenses won't handle our might" he said which everyone sweatdrop.

Izuku: "Then it agree we strike Union in a few hours" he said which everyone agree and leave.

However only Hatred and Izuku remain in the room then they look at each other with serious glares.

Hatred: "So you want to reveal yourself to Union and the world" he said which Izuku nod.

Izuku: "It been nine months since I escape that hellhole so it time to reveal myself" he said which Hatred smirk.

Hatred: "Show Union how f_ck they are son" he said then vanished.

A few hours later.

At Union.

Everything is peaceful and quiet at Union only for explosions to destroy that quiet thus causing Union to wake up and see what happening only to be godsmack.

The Enteral Federation, Villains, and Anti League are attacking the academy without showing mercy.

Ozpin: "Everyone defend the academy!" He said only to get punch in the face by Salem who is human.

Thus begin the battle.

However in the vault a few special people are there and leading them is a familiar female.

However in the vault a few special people are there and leading them is a familiar female

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Otylia: "Alright everyone. Get everything you is able to get" she said which her team nod then done as command.

At the same time she is walking up to a pod where Amber is sleeping only for her wake up when Otylia restore her.

Amber: "What going on?" She ask which Otylia explain what happening.

Back to the battle.

Currently Union are losing against the combine forces of Enteral Federation, Villains and Anti League.

Only for Anastasius to appear but to Union shock Izuku (Decoy) is standing beside him too.

All Might: "What is the meaning of this!" He said only to wince when AFO punch his stomach.

Anastasius: "Listen well and behold Union! For I will reveal my identity to the world!" He said then remove the illusion shocking Union that Anastasius is Izuku himself.

Izumi: "Impossible! My brother is standing beside him!" She said only for Izuku (Decoy) to poof revealing that it was a dummy which shock Union.

Izuku: "That right! The Izuku you had was a decoy created by my adopted father Hatred!" He said then appearing above All Might is Hatred himself.

Hatred: "You're no symbol of peace. You're a symbol of deception" he said then took away his quirk shocking everyone as All Might show his true form.

Izuku: "Behold Union! As your so called symbol is no more!" He said then a explosion caught everyone attention which shock the Headmasters as it reveal that the vault is destroyed.

Hatred: "Oh and fun fact. The decoy I created had been secretly been destroying your powers" he said horrifying Union then Enteral Federation, Villains, and Anti League vanish completely shattering Union reality that they're not gods.

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