Ch 15: America join Haven!

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An: btw there's a few twists.

At the White House.

Gather at the White House are several hero groups like Justice League, the Avengers, and America Pro Heroes

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Gather at the White House are several hero groups like Justice League, the Avengers, and America Pro Heroes.

The reason is because the president and his guest invited them to discuss the situation involving Union.

The reason is because the president and his guest invited them to discuss the situation involving Union

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An: I be honest I have no f*cking clue who this person is irl yet I lives in America.

An: I be honest I have no f*cking clue who this person is irl yet I lives in America

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An: btw this senator Armstrong is an member of the Anti League.

Ironman: "Let's me get this straight. Your from an group called Anti League which your group goal is purge Union corruption throughout all Omniverses?" He said looking at Armstrong who nod.

Armstrong: "Yup however if you don't believe me ask both your allies strange and fate" he said which both Avengers and Justice League did.

However looking at Armstrong is the America number One Hero: Cathleen Bate.

Cathleen: "is what our world Union done true?" She ask with her eyes cover by her hair

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Cathleen: "is what our world Union done true?" She ask with her eyes cover by her hair.

Armstrong: "Yup however these Union brats are nothing compared to what Axis Union Order did" he said remembering the sins that group are doing.

Cathleen: "... We need to cut our alliance with them immediately" she said which surprised Superman and Ironman.

President: "Already did and with Armstrong help we managed to join forces with Haven group: Enteral Federation" he said surprising Avengers and Justice League.

Armstrong: "Although the name is a bit rip off I can't change their minds" he thought with sweatdrop until he notice a spider talking to Union allies in secret.

Without hesitation he grab Spider head revealing to everyone that he is a traitor.

Without hesitation he grab Spider head revealing to everyone that he is a traitor

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An: it's the worst one from Rise of Red Hood.

Spider: "I'm doing America an favor by exposing your lies to them!" He said making Armstrong chuckle.

Armstrong: "Sorry to disappoint but you're wrong as the only one that is lying is Union" he said crushing Spider arm thus cutting the connection to Union.

Black widow: "We're disappoint in you" she said as the Avengers kick Spider out of the group which Armstrong smile and break Spider neck killing him.

Armstrong: "Oh and if you worry about Union trying to attack don't as they knows that attacking an nation would lead to war with them losing" he said smiling.

Union AU: Izuku The Betrayed Owner Where stories live. Discover now