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𝙺𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚊 𝚙𝚘𝚟*

I walked along the streets it was now 3 in the morning I've been walking for what felt like hours it's been maybe 35 minutes I've been walking I was now in a whole different town I came upon a cafe that was open 24 hours thank god because my feet were killing me I made my way in.

There was two people in there some old man who was knocked out cold sleep in the corner and a woman who seem to be on some type of drug but I don't blame her.

If I didn't have a goal I'll be on drugs to just like her and there was the people that were working there which was a teenage girl who seemed to be around 18 or 19 and a older woman who could be probably 29 I smiled and waved at both of them me who didn't look like I just got out of hell they waved back I saw a smirk come upon the teenage girl face I knew what she was thinking already

I sat down somewhat away from everyone waiting for the girl to approach me
Soon enough she made her way to me
"Lexicon" she said while sitting down I'm guessing that's her name so I have her mines in return

And that's how we kicked off our conversation it was now 5 and Lexi that's the nickname she allowed me to call her shift was over like 2 hours ago but the conversation was good that she decided to stay with me for a little while longer I told her my life story from the beginning to the end what else do I got to lose but I didn't tell her about my tattoo I felt the need to keep that part of me a secret something about it just screams danger and right now I'm in no place for that  

Turns out Lexi was 17 and was in college she told me about her parents they were this rich family that's from LA they moved because her mom who's a actress was doing a movie out here and when it was over they loved it here so much that they decided to stay of course I asked her if her family is so rich why does she work here she told me because of the independence Lexi says that she love the feelings of being independent the feeling to be able to say she worked hard for what she has and I kinda understand that

It was now 7 in the morning and it was a Saturday so the cafe closes a little early she offered for me to come back to her apartment with her I was second guessing it but she finally convinced me to I graduated high school two years ago I never really thought about going to college until Lexi started telling me about it and from there I decided that was something that I wanted to do so as the days went by Lexi helped me she let me stay with her until I felt like I wanted to leave I enrolled at the college she was going to.

Well I'll take that back she made me enrolled at the college she was at

At first she was paying for everything but I myself don't like when people do too much for me so I got a job at the same Cafe over the months everything was going good me and Lexi was like best friends I met her family they were really nice they had 3 daughters and 4 sons Lexi was the youngest of the girls I also learned that they adopted the two oldest boy and girl who's name are Carman and Camila they welcome me into their family with open arms which I was very grateful for their family seemed nothing like mines my family felt fake the sweet faces they'll put on was fake the way they tried to make our family seem so perfect was fake but the Andrews everything was real

So over the past years I grew nothing but closer to them all that I now look at them as my family and they look at me the same way there has been so down falls where I got into it with Lexi but we always bounced back from it after a year of staying with her I wanted to move out but Lexi grew comfortable with me being there so I decided to stay just because she wouldn't let me go

I was now happy where I was I was comfortable I felt complete.

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