Act like nothing happened *

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( *-means there's a smut in the chapter)

Ada pov

I woke up in the middle of the night it was probably around 3 I didn't see Kimia  no where I rubbed my eyes and got up I walked out and made my way downstairs I heard a door open

I looked to see Ken and Kimia walking in I felt my blood boiling I was about to start yelling when I saw they were covered in blood I could smell it was Princess Jades my blood ran cold

I decided to go back into the room before Mia go up there and don't see me I slowly started to fall asleep with that on my mind

*The next day*

I woke up to being cuddled by Kimia she was looking at me with her doll eyes gosh she looked so innocent and so pure but she was far from it I kissed her I noticed that our two matés wasn't in the bed with us I sat up Kimia sat up as well she straddled me she wrapped her arms around my neck I felt the room start to heat up I looked into her eyes I saw nothing but love and lust

I felt a warm feeling between both of our womanly parts
"Ada please" Kimia said in a moan I smirked and started kissing her neck which made her let out little moans I sneaked my hands into her shorts I let my hands rub her throbbing clit

"Mmmm fuck" Kimia said lowly I started rubbing faster Kimia started grinding her hips with the rhythm of my hand
"F-f-fuck ADA" she screamed my named as I slipped two fingers inside of her
I started thrusting my fingers inside of her very fast
"Please don't stop please don't stop" Mia said while throwing her head back I kept my same speed and started rubbing her clit at the same time
"FUCK BABY IM FINNA CUM ADA!!" Kimia said while gripping my shoulder
" come baby cum for mommy" I said in her ear
"Mommy I'm cuming" Kimia said in a whining tone

"There you go bambina" I said while helping her ride out her orgasm as she came down from her high her lips connected to mines and I happily kissed back

We took a shower together and got ready for the day today was a lazy day we didn't have any meetings just planning for our wedding next month we got dress and ate breakfast together Divine asked me to pick out flowers with her I kindly accepted I kissed my lover before making my way outside.

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