The after party

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Wedding venue*

Wedding venue*

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*the flowers

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*the flowers

Kimia povI am now a married woman ahhh I'm so excited and I think my girls are to because the whole time they were kicking the hell out of me we were now getting ready for the after party and I was changing my dress into another one Ada was helpin...

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Kimia pov
I am now a married woman ahhh I'm so excited and I think my girls are to because the whole time they were kicking the hell out of me we were now getting ready for the after party and I was changing my dress into another one Ada was helping me

Kimia povI am now a married woman ahhh I'm so excited and I think my girls are to because the whole time they were kicking the hell out of me we were now getting ready for the after party and I was changing my dress into another one Ada was helpin...

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* Kimia's dress

* Kimia's dress

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*Ada's dress

*Ada's dress

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*Esmé outfit

* Amaranth outfit Me and Ada made our way out I saw Lexi and her parents and siblings waiting on me I went and hugged mama"Awww baby you look beautiful" mama K said while hugging me "Thank you" "Congratulations Mia" James Lexi little brother said ...

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* Amaranth outfit
Me and Ada made our way out I saw Lexi and her parents and siblings waiting on me I went and hugged mama
"Awww baby you look beautiful" mama K said while hugging me
"Thank you"
"Congratulations Mia" James Lexi little brother said i said thank you we all made conversation

It was now time for our first dance of the night Amaranth grabbed my hand Esmé grabbed Ada's and we made our way to the dance floor we've been practicing this dance for days they didn't wanna dance twice because Esmé don't know how to dance and she says she doesn't wanna embarrass herself more than once

So we'll split the dance meaning I'll dance with Amaranth for 5 minutes same with Esmé and Ada then they'll pass us around ( that doesn't sound right.....) and I'll dance with Esmé for 5 minutes same with Ada and Esmé then we'll pass around one more time and I'll dance with Ada and Esmé we'll dance with Amaranth

Me and Amaranth was laughing at Esmé the whole time we were dancing it came time to do the turn and I got a sharp pain in my lower stomach which caused me to fall into Esmé arms once I got to her
"You okay?" She asked me with a concern tone
"Yeah I'm fine" I said now getting over the pain I can tell she didn't believe me but I was to tired to convince her otherwise

After our dance the last turn came as we were turning I felt something start to run down my legs my face dropped but I put a smile on my face once I got to Ada she had a smile on her face
"Hello beautiful" She said while placing a kiss on my cheek

"Hi" I said
"You okay?" She asked
" No actually I'm not" I said trying to hold back tears as a sharp pain came to my stomach
"What's wrong" Ada said full alerted
I couldn't even get the words out the liquid was still flowing down my leg
"My water just broke" I said

Ada took a deep breath
"Ok that's fine totally fine come on" Ada said helping me off the dance floor I could see the confusion in everyone face and just when I thought nothing couldn't get worse a very contraction hit me hard as hell which caused me to let out a loud scream I started crying at this point

Amaranth and Esmé came over and asked us what was wrong Ada told them that my water had broke I thought Ada was the most dramatic out of the four of us I was wrong it was both Esmé and Amaranth we was long away from the castle so going there was out of the question someone called 911 but they wouldn't get to us in time

And they guards were no where to be seen
"I swear those fuckers are everywhere but where the fuck they supposed to be" Esmé yelled
"Baby please calm down" I said while holding her arm her eyes softened at the sight of me
"The fuck did y'all do walk here?!" Ada yelled getting angry

Everyone got up and made their way outside to check their cars no one car wasn't starting
"What the hell is going on" Ada said as some guards were running towards us
"Your majesty we're under attack" they all said right when he said that another contraction hit this time harder
"Is anyone here a doctor or who could possibly know what to do" Amaranth the only calm one said

A older woman came I was happy she was black I asked that when I go into labor that I wanted all African American(black) people helping me when I saw my mom giving birth and how them people with her it was horrible they helped me up the owner of the venue heard what was going on and set up another part up for me I couldn't thank her enough

They helped me up the stairs once we got up there the older woman who name I now knew as Mable helped me put my legs up to see how much I dilated it was only a little Amaranth and Eamé kissed me and Ada and told us that they'll be back and that they were about to help the guards get everyone somewhere safe we told them to be safe as they left

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