The future

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*6 years later*

Ada pov
Me and Anataisa was coming back from picking her up from school because someone decided they wanted to dump someone tray on them I swear I don't know what I'm going to do with her

We walked in and we saw Mrs.Divine giving Andrea snacks oh yeah she got in trouble at school also
"I don't understand why y'all can't just go to school and behave that's literally all y'all have to do" I said while sitting next Andrea
"Mommy that girl started it first" Anatasia cried out
"Yeah sure she did and what about Melissa" I said
"No comment" she said
"Yeah thought so" I said while rolling my eyes

Soon enough Kimia walked in
"MAMA!!'l Andrea said running towards with fruit snacks in her hand and mouth I just shook my head
"Hello Pooh bear" Kimia said picking her up
"Hello mother" Anatasia said
"Anatasia" Kimia said

They got some type of beef going on
I just laughed soon Esmé came in right behind her
"MA!" Anatasia said while running to her
You see
Anyways I got up and kissed both of my wives
"Ma can we go to the park" Anatasia asked
"Sure you and your sisters go get ready
"Ok" they both said hoping down and started running upstairs

" STOP RUNNING" the little feet we heard running stopped
I heard laughter behind me
"Y'all spoil them too much" I said while getting down from the chair
"You do to" Kimia said
"Yeah when they deserve it" I said
"Whatever" Esmé

I grabbed the car keys and started heading to the door
"If y'all not in the car in 5 minutes we're not going anywhere" I said before closing the door
I heard the twins and my wives start running
Ugh I love my family....

The End

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