My turn *

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Kimia pov

After watching Ada leave out to the garden I went to go look for Amaranth I found her training some new guards I sat on a bench that was under a tree the tree looked like something out of a fairy tale there was a big tower that was a clock it was in town but it's so big that you can see it from here it read 3:45 only a couple more minutes before training is over I sat there watching them

I can't wait until I start training my specie my demons just be chilling they don't really fight only when needed cause they tends to lose control but I'm here now I just have to wait until I'm no longer pregnant but with the women and kids sometimes the males we have a meditation session and we get to know each other a few days ago me and some of the kids not only the demon children the other species had a play date

I felt kisses on my neck I snapped back into reality and realized that they stopped training and that it was only me and Amaranth outside

"Hey love" Amaranth said
"Hi" i said shyly even when sweating she smells amazing I let my eyes scan down her body I felt a wetness form between my legs as I saw her print through her gray sweatpants call me a pervert I don't care
"See something you like" Mara said with a smirk on her face
"Indeed I do" I said while licking my lips a weird noise came from her something I never heard before but it was sexy I was about to say something but I felt Mara lips on mines we started kissing each other very intensely her arms ran up my back and undid my dress I let out a soft moan an which seemed to turn her on even more

I was left with my bra and my dress pulled all the way done to my knees Mara pulled out one of my boobs and started sucking on it
"Ooo fuck" I said softly I let my hands run through her soft blonde hair. Mara  pinched and played with my other nipple before switching I threw my head back as I enjoyed the attention she was giving my boobs she pulled back making a popping noise as she disconnected her mouth from my nipple I took her shirt off letting her leave on her sports bra my hands made their way down

To her sweatpants I pulled those down I could see how hard she was which made my mouth water I pulled her boxers down also and her dick sprung out my eyes winded as I saw how big she was it was maybe 10inch but it was thick as hell I could see small veins going up and down it that also made my pussy throb Mara already had cum leaking out of her tip I took my hands and started stroking it letting the cum oozes out of her I connected my lips to her sensitive tip and sucked hard which made her let out a loud moan

I took her full length into my mouth letting her dick go all the way down my throat thanks the goddess for not giving me a gag reflex
"Ahhh fuck" Mara breathed out I started bobbing my head up and down I felt Mara wrap her hand in my hair and started forcing my head down

She let out a bunch of fucks and other cuss words before nutting down my throat I let some stay in my mouth as I got up and connected my lips with hers we pushed the cum back and forth into each other mouth before I kept it in mines I got up and sat on her lap which caused her dick to go inside me both of us let out a loud moan I started bouncing up and down and up I grabbed Mara chin and tilt her head back I spit the cum that was in my mouth into hers I watched her swallow it

" fuck fuck fuck daddy right there" I said while holding onto Amaranth tight
Mara hands went under my ass and started helping me bounce up and down
"Fuck your pussy is so tight" Mara groaned out
I moaned until I couldn't moan anymore she gently flipped me over on my back and my put legs on her shoulders and started thrusting into me

"Please what princesa" Mara said while holding my chin making me look at her
" please fuck me harder please" I begged
" my pleasure love"

And with that she started thrusting hard as hell I let tears run down my face Mara wiped them away she turned me into a back shots position she teased her dick around my hole
"Please daddy stop teasing me" I said

"Be patient love" and with that's she shoved her full size into me which caused me to scream bloody murder she quickly placed her hand over my mouth and started beating my shit in I'm sure we scared the fucking animals
Mara slapped my ass hard which caused a tear to fall down my face

" f-f-fuck daddy I love you so much" I moaned out
"You love me?" Mars said while grabbing my throat pulling me towards
" ye-y-shit yes I love you... fuck right there I'm finna cum" I said while starting to shake

"Cum on this dick princesa" Mara said while keeping her same speed
" oh fuck daddy mmmm fuck" I said while creaming all over her I soon started squirting after she pulled out I was about to fall forward but she caught me I took a deep breath I turned around and started licking her clean she helped me back into my dress I helped her as well we laid there for a moment and I soon fell asleep in her arms

I woke up it was dark outside I looked at the time it read 9:06 I basically slept the rest of the day away I sat ups and saw that Amaranth had bathed me and clothed me I was a little hungry I rubbed my big belly and got out of bed I made my way to the kitchen when I got down there I saw Esmé sitting at the islands on her computer doing what I think is work

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