Going to the city

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Kimia pov

Yesterday was very fun let's just say I'm in good grace with most of the guards here which is lovely today was now Friday I'm not sure what is planned for today but I'll see soon I got up happier than ever I really need to talk to Lexi I miss her .... Anyways I got in the shower and washed my body while singing songs

After I got done I wrapped my towel around me and walked to the wardrobe I'll do something light today

I decided that I want to go into the city since the castle is outside of city it's probably a total of 45 minutes away from the city I did my hair I'm also thinking about dyeing my hair I'm not sure what color yet today I kept it natural I did my ...

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I decided that I want to go into the city since the castle is outside of city it's probably a total of 45 minutes away from the city I did my hair I'm also thinking about dyeing my hair I'm not sure what color yet today I kept it natural I did my eyebrows slightly I threw on some natural but long lashes I outlined my full lips adding a clear gloss to bring it all together  I looked in the mirror and approved myself and made my way out walking down the beautiful hallway

I made my way to the kitchen as I felt eyes on me I looked around to see everyone looking at me I flashed them with a bright smile and waved I saw my favorite person other than the three royals miss Divine I sat down she turned around and looked at me her mouth dropped to the floor

Miss Divine is 34 she's around 5'5 she had beautiful brown skin long sandy brown hair dark brown eyes and a smile so bright she really has a pure soul

"Queen Kimia you look rather lovely"she said bowing
"I'm not queen yet 'Miss Divine and even then I never want you to address me that way or bow you're my friend and like a motherly vampire to me" I said giggling she did also a few minutes later I felt arms wrap around me the scent told me that it was Eamé I melted into her arms

It's only been a few weeks and I've already grew comfortable with them which is crazy because it takes me a long time to trust someone sad to say I trust them with my life Eamé made her way next to me while holding a conversation with Miss Divine a few minutes later I felt a kiss on my cheek I knew that was Ada even though she's really bubbly out through the day but in the morning physical contact for to long isn't the way to go with her a quick kiss would do for now

She did the same to Eamé and sat next to her Finally Amaranth slow self came down she kissed me and Ada and tried to kiss Eamé but she pushed her away Amaranth held her heart as if she was hurt which made us laugh

We made conversation with each other as we ate turns out we all have a full day today Ada has a meeting with her parents about something which is about 5 hours long then she has another meeting with someone for 2 hours and she has dinner with her parents from 5 to 8 then that's it for her Eamé has a meeting from 2-4 then training with the vampires from 5:20-7:00 then dinner with Miss Divine from 8-10

Amaranth have training from 1-4 then a meeting from 6-8 then dinner at 9-11 which means she'll probably be eating by herself me I'm going to go see Lexi We made up a whole day together as I was getting ready earlier we're gonna go shopping around 2-4 then her parents want to have dinner at 6-8 then Lexi wanna take me out since we didn't go out for my birthday

Anyways the three Royals went to get ready it was now 11 we got a hour left I decided to go check on my little birdie I made my way to her cell I opened the door she was asleep on the ground mmmm she getting really big NOT in a bad way she usually doesn't eat at all which made her very skinny but now she getting bigger but in her stomach area mmh I wonder

I walked up to her and placed my hand on her stomach I felt a warmness it wasn't harmful but comfortable  I took a second to process things this awful piece of shit is pregnant......

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