Sex on the ceiling *

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Kimia pov

I wrapped my arms around Esmé she tensed up a little before relaxing I kissed her cheek
"Lovely" I singed
"Yes love?" Esmé said while looking at me
"What you're doing" I said while sitting in her lap
"Trying to get work done but a little brat named Kimia  is stopping me from doing so" Es said while looking at me I pouted

" I am not a brat" I said while crossing my arms
"Sure you're not" Es said while going back to her work I rolled my eyes and got up I decided to fuck with her I took my hands and rubbed the middle of her pants Es shoot me a glare but went back to her work which made me mad

I closed her laptop and got on her lap and connected our lips before she could say anything I felt her hands make their way around my body with quickness she grabbed my neck and pushed me back onto island table basically having my legs spread before her

"You've been a naughty girl haven't you" Esmé said while her left hand ran  down my panties stopping right above my clit. She started to play with it in a circler motion which caused my back to arch I was getting horny by the second

Finally she pulls my panties far enough to access me she connected her mouth on my private part I moaned loud as she ate me out it was slow but very passionate as if she was connecting with my body my moans were slow but loud

I held my breath as I felt her tongue go inside me I let my right hand run through her hair as my left hand kept me up still keeping her slow pace she hit that spot which caused me to grip her hair I heard a growl come from her

I tried to close my legs but Esmé slapped my thigh which caused me to open them back soon her pace started to speed up I felt a rush of different emotions I felt myself getting close as I was about to release Esmé pulled back
"Wha-" I was cut off by hard slap I moaned loud in pleasure but held my face in disbelief

Esmé pushed me all the way onto the table pulling my panties off at the same time I felt something rubbing at my entrance I whimpered at the feeling
"May I?" Esmé asked
I nodded my head
"I need words princesa"
" yes daddy" I moaned out I could feel the pressure of her opening me up

Soon her full length was inside me she started slow but started to speed up my walls clench around her dick causing both of us to moan after a few rounds she finally pulled out and let her nut out on my stomach.

Author comments

That was horrible 😂

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