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Ada pov

I moaned as Amaranth grabbed my boob taking it in her mouth I felt kisses going down my back which gave me the chills
Right before Amaranth made her way down Eamé phone started ringing which made me roll my eyes I pushed Amaranth off of me and sat down next to her while Eamé the phone

Eamé seemed concerned which made me worried she came back and told us that it was Divine calling her telling her that Kimia,
Willow and 5 other guards were now in the hospital she said that they all wasn't waking up I felt anger run through me I told they ass we shouldn't have left her there I hurried and got dress it was mid day where we was so probably 3 in the morning where Kimia is we hurried to the airport FF

We made our way into the hospital having supernaturals in here was never a problem  they told us their room number they had them in one big room together why I have no idea we walked in and saw them all laying down yea we use to have a past with Willow but like I said a past our main focus wasn't on them it was our mate

We walked over to her I rubbed my hand across her skin it was ice cold I felt tears wanting to fall down Miss Divine Walked in with a doctor
"What the hell happened?!!" Amaranth said that made Miss Divine put her head down while the doctor jumped and began to speak

"Well these 5 guards were caught beating on Miss Willow which caused her to pass away but as you can see she didn't go down without a fight"

"OK what does that have to do with our mate"Eamé said snapping at him
"Were y'all aware of Willow being A month pregnant?!"
When he said that all three of us froze and with that Kimia started to wake talk about great timing

"Were y'all also aware that Queen Kimia is also a month pregnant?" the doctor said with a smirk on his face we all turned and looked at Kimia who looked at Willow dead body is that a tear I see what the fuck!!!!??

What she crying for that bitch for? when the fuck did she get pregnant? and how the hell didn't we know this? All these questions I had I looked at Miss Divine who had a look of ashamed on her face something is going on that we don't know about the doctor left out Kimia finally looked at us

Kimia pov

Damn I really woke up in some bs I looked at my mates who seemed pissed off Miss Divine looked like she was  confused
"When-" I cut Eamé off before she could finish "Let me tell y'all everything first then you all may ask your questions" I said

They all sat down and looked at me I felt like a child getting in trouble by their parents
I told them about how when I first went to go find Willow how she told me about their past and how she did not like me she said she was gonna kill me I told them that I made a deal with her she could try to kill and I'll do the same 

I guess it was the Mate bond that made me want to kill her I didn't like the fact of her being with them nor touching them

But when I found out that she was pregnant I stopped she then told me that she knows that she wasn't gonna live out through her whole pregnancy and that she knows that the wolves were gonna come get her so she asked me to carry for her at first I wasn't so sure but she begged me to so I said yes

So yesterday we got in touch with her aunt and she did it for us Willow was still physically carrying them while I was co- carrying them meaning she made sure they stayed alive while I made sure they got all the vitamins and nutrients that they need since she wasn't eating health at all

We also found out that when she takes her last breath that's when they physically become apart of me but when they do everything about them change such as DNA how they will  grow up and look so it would actually be like their mines biological I said

"They?" Amaranth said confused lord my baby can be a little slow sometimes you can't do anything but love her
"Yea since she was fucking both of y'all there's two little potatoes..... hoe" I said the last part low but I know they heard me because Ada held her chest as if she was offended I shrug and started laughing

They looked at me and started smiling ugh they're gonna be the death of me

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