My lost love

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Amaranth pov

Once me and Esmé left we made our way to the leader of the guards we saw Mark getting the last bit of people up the stairs he walked up to us and the look on his face tells us that it's really bad

"So it's the werewolf again but this time they got the help of some witches i don't even know who the fuck they are" Mark said getting annoyed
So we all came up with a plan I could feel the pain that Kimia was in
We all split up I went with one group Esmé went with another

When I got outside I heard a faint laugh
"Well,well,well if it's not Amaranth" I heard a familiar voice say I turned around to see someone I thought I was never gonna see again
"The one and only how you doing love I heard you got married today" she said walking towards me
"What the fuck is your problem" I said
"I told you if I can't have you no one can" she said

Marry was my first mate but she was very abusive and just a bad person all around
I felt my throat starting to close up
"You had the nerves to cheat on me with them bitches" Marry said while walking towards me
Marry moved her finger in a closing way which caused me to not be able to speak anymore

"Then you had the nerves to get that black bitch pregnant I hope her fucking babies die"
Anger was the only thing I could feel but I couldn't move if you haven't caught on she's a witch
" Now I'm gonna end you" she said
She snapped her fingers and everything went black.

Esmé pov
I felt one of the connections with my mate drop I knew it wasn't Ada or Kimia and that led me to think that it was Amaranth I could hear my mates asking questions but I was in no state to give them answers tears started to fill my view of seeing I pushed the last wolf off of me he fell back into a tree bench I heard a crack ass he fell down the cliff I got up and started to look for Amaranth

I saw a body laying on the ground I ran to it and it was her i heard laughter coming from somewhere
" awww was that your mate that I killed mmmm I'm sorry.... Or not" Marry said while laughing
I was left with no words
"Well that's what you get for taking something that doesn't belong to you"

I used my vamp speed to get over to her with no hesitation I ripped her heart out watching her body fall to the ground I went back over to Amaranth and pick her up carrying her back into the venue Ada mind linked me and told me that Kimia was about to give birth I didn't I have time to put Amaranth somewhere so I brought her with me

When I walked into the room they all looked at the door Ada and Kimia facial expressions dropped I didn't say anything I put Amaranth in a chair near me and went over to Kimia
"Baby I don't know all I know is that we need to get these babies out and get to somewhere safe ok" I said trying to hold back tears
She nodded

"Ok I want to you push on the count of 3?" The woman said
"Ok" Kimia said

Kimia started pushing I'm sure both me and Ada's hand were broke by how tight she squeezed our hand after 3 pushed we heard a baby cry I smiled at the sound one of the women wrapped baby girl in a blanket and placed her in this basket type thing

"Ok you got one more mama but I need you to push way harder ok" the lady said
Kimia only nodded
Kimia did one long push and a few seconds later we heard a baby cry they did what they did to the first baby FF I explained the girls what had happened we were still processing that we just lost a mate I was hold baby number one who we named Anatasia we named baby two Andrea it was the name Amaranth wanted we sat there talking

"I'm ready to go" Kimia said
"Ok baby we finna leave" I said while placing a kiss on her forehead Ada was to detracted with Andrea I made sure we had everything a driver was waiting on us downstairs I picked Kimia up while Ada had the twins we got in the car and left

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