The mate bond

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Kimia Pov

I woke up feeling very refreshed I looked at the time it was 5 in the morning I yawned and got up I went into the closet and found some workout clothes then I got in the shower

I put my hair in a ponytail mmh I need to get it done again I made my way downstairs to the main level some maids were already in there getting everything ready for breakfast in about 2 hours my favorite person in here came to me

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I put my hair in a ponytail mmh I need to get it done again I made my way downstairs to the main level some maids were already in there getting everything ready for breakfast in about 2 hours my favorite person in here came to me

"Good morning Kimia" Miss Divine said hugging me
"Good morning Miss Divine how's your morning going so far" I asked sitting on the stool across from the island we where talking for a bit I helped them with breakfast a few minutes later three grumpy Queens came to the kitchen but they looked as beautiful as ever Ada kissed me on my cheek so did Eamé and Amaranth they sat down Miss Divine brought out our breakfast and we all began to eat

"So where are you on your way to" Eamé asked me
"Work out wanna come ?" I asked before drinking my water
"N-"Amaranth was cut off by Ada
" SURE we would love to" Ada said smiling
The two glared at her but turned to me and smiled

I waited as they went to get ready a few minutes later they came down we all left
"Umm why are we walking" Eamé said looking around
"Because we are walking around well for right now at least" Eamé was walking in front of me I ran up and jumped on her back which she caught me we continued to walk we made our way to the trail that I also ran on I hop down

"Y'all might want to stretch out if not your gonna wish you did" I said bending over I heard a few gasps which made me get up and look at them they were basically drooling I giggled a little and went back to stretching after I was done we started

*45 minutes into the work out*

They were now all passed out on the ground while I stood over them laughing "it's crazy how can y'all be so fit but not at the same time" I grabbed some water and threw it on them they all shot up glaring at me which made me laugh

"Y'all come on get up we still got 2 hours left" I said

"NO" they all said at the same time
I laughed and helped them up and we made our way back to the castle when we got back the first place they went was to the showers I don't blame them I did to

After that the Royals wanted to meet with me the meeting was quick since the kingdom was in need for their fourth queen because there an unknown species here that I'm the queen of which is kinda cool I guess I learned a lot Eamé was the vampire queen Ada is Queen Sirens and Amaranth is Djinn Queen oh I'm also engaged

It was a lot more exciting than I just made it out to be I was also told that the maids,bodyguards servants ,slaves etc was also under my control which made my little plan with Whatever her name is much better I decided to ask Miss Divine about it I made my way to her room and knocked she came and opened the door

"Oh Kimia it's nice to see you come in" she said stepping to the side
I walked in her room was also big not bigger than mines but big she told me to sit down which I did
"What brings you here" she said grabbing a tea cup
"I have a question about someone" I said

"Sure go ahead" she said sitting back
"The small girl that follows the queens around who is she?" I asked
She took a deep breath before speaking

"Willow she was a very special person to the queens she was to all the people in the kingdom she was sold to the queens to be a slave but they thought she was just so special so they made her their lover and everything was fine perfect really ....until a new species was discovered no one knew who it was or why it was here

Willow grew sick as if she was losing power no one knew why there was no cure out there to fix her so she started losing value she became a normal human that the queens were trying to protect then the kingdom slowly started to fall apart so the queens had to let her go each one was starting to lose feelings for her anyways she was like something for them to focus on while they look for their 4th mate

Willow wanted things that the queens couldn't give her Willow wanted a family they couldn't give her that their only allowed to have children with their mates they couldn't marry her because she wasn't their mate but the parents of the queens told them that if they didn't find their mate within a few years that they had to marry Willow and Willow would have to take the 4th queen spot

The queens wasn't really ok with that because what if their mate came along she would have been thrown to the side so a few months before the wedding you showed up and stopped the whole process Willow lost her shit went crazy really she was madly in love with the queens but they wasn't all their love went to you and I don't think theres anyone that can take you away from them"

Miss Divine finished talking drinking some tea
"Willow tried to kill me last night" I said bluntly
Miss Divine spit her tea out

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