Red light, Green light

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Kimia pov

After telling Miss Divine what happened I made her promise to not tell the queens she said she'll try they can see right through her lies but she said she'll try I have a little birdie to see I made my way down to her cell when I opened it she was in a corner crying

"Hi sunshine how you feeling" I said sitting in a chair in the middle of the room
She didn't answer me which made my body get hot soon the room got hot she started screaming I was unaware that the room was hot as hell if you was to touch any medal it  wound have burned the hell out of you

I calmed myself down and returned to normal
"Come here" I said to Willow she slowly got up and made her way to me I took my finger and put it under her chin I felt a source of power coming into me my eyes flashed red then blue then red again before going back to my normal brown eyes

Willow ran to the corner and started throwing up she was throwing her guts out I looked at her with no emotion I wonder what that's about anyways I have a little game for her I told the three queens that I was taking one of their slaves since that's what they call them 

I had one of the guards come and chain her up ready to go he didn't dare question what I was doing the three queens was at a meeting they were looking for Willow I just told them that she was busy and that she will be joining them later on

We got in the car that was waiting on us I told the driver where to go and we left the ride was salient and quick Mio helped me out and dragged Willow out I've been making up this game for a minute now

We made our way to our play area Mio threw Willow to the ground there was a line of guards with guns in their hands Mio went to join them I began to speak to Willow

"So you see today will be the first chapter of me keeping my promise to you. You tried to kill me now it's my turn to do the same. But mines have a twist or two you will always make it out alive maybe with a missing leg or with blood all over you or maybe a organ missing but you will live until I grow tired of you until I see no use of you" I said looking down at her she didn't dare to look at me

"So shall we continue today you will play a favorite  childhood game of mines known as red light green light seem simple yes ... anyways one of the twists each guard here you have done something to so think of it as revenge"  I said bluntly

I did some more research on Willow she wasn't the sweet innocent girl she was played out to be turns out she hurt a lot of the guards children wives disrespected them in very ugly ways but nobody ever did anything because she used the queens protection as a way to get out of things but not this one so I granted them this chance to get their revenge

"Now shall we began?......"

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