The Wedding

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Kimia pov
I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my room door last night me and my loves agreed to sleep in our personal rooms .... More like Ada made us I said come in to whoever was trying to bother me at this time soon my best friend Lexi and Ken

"Get up lovely it's time to go get married!!" Lexi said loudly Ken rolled  his eyes at Lexi and helped me up my belly has gotten even bigger then yesterday I got in the shower shaved the best I could and everything else I was wrapped in a robe and took somewhere else they couldn't wait for me to put clothes on damn we were now at where they wedding we'll be held I was taken into a room it was really big the makeup artist and hairstylist came in

I met Meagn(makeup artist) a few days ago she is really funny and pretty to she started on my makeup while Mark (Megan brother) did my hair my makeup was natural my hair was half up half down with flowers in them it was now time to get me into my dress

I met Meagn(makeup artist) a few days ago she is really funny and pretty to she started on my makeup while Mark (Megan brother) did my hair my makeup was natural my hair was half up half down with flowers in them it was now time to get me into my ...

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(Picture it a lavender color)
My bridesmaid dresses were the same color as mine

(Picture it a lavender color) My bridesmaid dresses were the same color as mine

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Ken was in a suit the same color we sat and talked as we waited.

Ada pov
I was already up when my mom and my little sister April came into my room at the ass crack of dawn I was already up and ready since I was the one that created the schedule

We got to the wedding venue I was taking to a room it was big Axe and Axel their twins they started on my makeup and hair my hair was in a simple up do my makeup was natural my mom helped me into my dress

I tried to get a pink wedding dress but my mom told me no that lady can be really mean when she wants to be the dress was like a very very very a hundred times very light pink in the  photos it would look more pink but in person it looks white  my...

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I tried to get a pink wedding dress but my mom told me no that lady can be really mean when she wants to be the dress was like a very very very a hundred times very light pink in the  photos it would look more pink but in person it looks white  my bridesmaid dresses were very much pink also

Amaranth pov I woke up to water being thrown on me I sat up gasping for dear life I heard the laughter of my annoying sisters " wakey wakey fuck you and your eggs and bakey" Amanda said "You really thought you ate" Amana said "Both of y'all shut t...

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Amaranth pov
I woke up to water being thrown on me I sat up gasping for dear life I heard the laughter of my annoying sisters
" wakey wakey fuck you and your eggs and bakey" Amanda said
"You really thought you ate" Amana said
"Both of y'all shut the hell up" I said
"How about you mind your business" Amana and Amanda said at the same time

I rolled my eyes and got up  and started getting ready while the twins argued about something that I could care less about after getting ready we made our way downstairs FF

I had to fight Amanda because I didn't want to wear eyelashes because the last time I did I ended up in the hospital because her stupid ass got glue in my eyes I got dress on my own because messing with them I was gonna mess my own wedding

I had to fight Amanda because I didn't want to wear eyelashes because the last time I did I ended up in the hospital because her stupid ass got glue in my eyes I got dress on my own because messing with them I was gonna mess my own wedding

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Amanda had on Ada's choice of her bridesmaid dress while Amana had on Kimia' s Amanda was my bridesmaid while Amana was Esmé since she's the only child and her parents died during a war.

Esmé pov
I was woken up by one of the maids I was left to get ready on my own today I felt awfully sad but happy at the same time because I was getting ready to marry the loves of my life but sad because I didn't have anyone to enjoy this moment with I could hear the laughter of my mates and their families

I brushed it off and got in the shower I might've cried a little but that's fine after I was finished I made my way downstairs FF
I got to the wedding venue where I met James and Charles this was my first time meeting them since I've been busy and never had the chance to
James started on my hair while Charles did my makeup we made conversation as this went on

And it kinda cheered me up a little I got dress after they finished

And it kinda cheered me up a little I got dress after they finished

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After that it was time to go marry my loves

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