Taking care of the baby momma

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Kimia pov 
It's now been two days since I found out about Willow being pregnant the three Royals were now on a business trip a few countries over I convinced them to let me stay me and Willow was now going to go see the witch I actually got into contact with her yesterday turns out she's Willow aunt

I told the guards that I was taking Willow to help me shop they didn't question me because I'm always picking random people to go shopping with me yesterday it was Ken let's just say I have a New guy friend I decided to drive this time we were now in the middle of no where there was a small house sitting in the middle of the field we got out and walked to the house Willow knocked on the door and the beautiful women came to the door she was mid tall around 5'10 long brown hair pretty red eyes with a green outline around them she smiled at us and let us in

She told us how everything was gonna work I agreed everything she got started she put her hand on Willow stomach and them mines she started chanting words that I couldn't understand I felt kinda full as if I just ate something the red glow from her hands went away

"There it's done BUT Willow you still have the babies inside of you Kimia for right now you are just carrying their wealth meaning Kimia is making sure they are healthy and getting all the vitamins and nutrients that they need when Willow takes her last breath the babies will then physically be inside of Kimia" she said smiling

"Everything about the babies will change such as skin color and features Kimia you have the choice in the future to tell them about this or keep it a secret it's up to you" she said rubbing my hand I nodded Willow told her aunt thank you

And we left making our way back to the castle when we got there I had Miss Divine make me and Willow food while we waited for the food to be done Willow wanted to take a shower since she's not all the way healed I've been helping her shower so we went to my room and while I cut the water on she found her something to wear after I got the water right I told her to come on FF after she got dress and we made our way back to the kitchen we sat there and ate holding a conversation with each other it was now 7 and she was sleepy so she went back to her cell I went to my room took a shower and got dress in my night wear

And we left making our way back to the castle when we got there I had Miss Divine make me and Willow food while we waited for the food to be done Willow wanted to take a shower since she's not all the way healed I've been helping her shower so we ...

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But without the jacket I laid down on my back looking up at the high celling damn I just realized I miss my loves I rubbed my stomach and that same warmness I felt on Willow stomach I now felt on mines I smiled and began to close my eyes


I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach which caused me to groan out I sat up breathing very fast and heavy I got up stumbling a little I made my way to the bathroom since that's the coldest place in my room the air hit me which caused me to relax I felt the need to throw up I ran to the toilet throwing up

Is this what pregnancy feels like I was throwing up so much that I found myself dizzy I flushed the toilet and before I could even get up I passed out.

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