Baby shopping!

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Kimia pov

I woke up to someone on top of me asleep with it still being dark out I couldn't tell who it was but I didn't mind. I laid there thinking I only have two more months before I'm a mother my life has changed a lot in these past few months years actually I never seen myself being engaged which we're getting married next month

I never seen myself living in a big ass castle I never seen myself being pregnant with twins or pregnant at all I really went from being this scared little girl who was getting abused by her family to something very beautiful

Yea I didn't physically make these babies myself but I will do everything in my power to make sure  they have any and everything they could ask for to make sure they are loved and cared for equally I will be everything that my parents wasn't I know there will be mistakes along the the way but I'm ready for whatever is ahead of me

Anyways I looked at the time it read 7:02 am this gotta be the latest I've woken up I pushed whoever was on me softly so I won't awake them I went into the bathroom and got in the shower after my shower I got dress

My hair were in twists so I was good I did light make up I texted Lexi and told her I was on the way I made it back into me and my loves room they were still asleep I kissed all of them and made my way downstairs I saw Miss Divine she was sitting ...

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My hair were in twists so I was good I did light make up I texted Lexi and told her I was on the way I made it back into me and my loves room they were still asleep I kissed all of them and made my way downstairs I saw Miss Divine she was sitting at the table drinking coffee

"Good morning Miss Divine" I said walking towards her she turned around and her face lit up so bright
"Oh my goodness Kimia you're getting so big" she said while rubbing my belly I smiled we talked for a moment then I left me and Lexi went shopping for the babies me and my loves have been thinking about baby names and we can't agree on one which is really stressful anyways it was now 4 in the afternoon

Since I've been pregnant a lot of things about my body change like my boobs gotten bigger same for my ass as if my already curvy body wasn't enough my feet are swollen which hurts a lot

Me and Lexi was talking about the wedding and I totally forgot to invite them
"Shit I forgot Lexi would you like to be my bridesmaid" I said while eating
" I would love to" Lexi said smiling
I also told her that I wanted her and the rest of the family to come and if they don't feel comfortable being around supernaturals they can leave right after she said yes we did some more shopping

We had to leave because the babies started to kick and it caused me a lot of pain I wasn't ready for Lexi to go home so I invited her to come back with me which she agreed with

We got back to the castle there were many people running around as if they were rushing I shook my head and got out the car Ken was near by so he came and got everything out the car even though I told him I could do it he still didn't care anyways we walked in and there were servants everywhere

"What in the hell is going on" I said Miss Divine came over to me
"Oh nothing dear princess Jade is coming" Miss Divine said but I could hear the worry I'm her voice I raised my eyebrow and she looked down

"Miss Divine?" I said lowly knowing she was gonna give in
"Ok fine so the Queens might have dated Princess Jade for some time before Willow" Miss Divine said

I rolled my eyes damn who haven't they dated I looked at Lexi who was looking at Miss Divine like she was the most beautiful woman on this world I smirked and went to find my loves I found Ada who was in the wardrobe looking for something to wear I don't think she knew I was there I sat down in the chair that was placed in front of the wardrobe

I could hear her talking to someone my intentions were to scare her so I got up and walked into the wardrobe and I heard her on the phone

" yes I know but I'm scared what if all those feelings we had for Jade comes back then what are we gonna do about Kimia ?" I heard Ada say

" well do you still love Jade" I heard the person say it sounded like a woman
"I don't know mom" Ada said

I felt my heart break into two I stepped away and walked out I held my tears in until I got back to my old room where Lexi was and I let them all fall  the fuck she means she doesn't know we are literally getting married next month and I'm pregnant with their children

I felt a rush of darkness come over me I felt the room start to heat up I was angry I knew what the problem was and I made it my business to get raid of the problem

Princess Jade.....

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