Princess Jade

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Eamé pov
Today was the day that Princess Jade comes
back and everything have been so tense Kimia  have been very distant lately Ada told me that she think she over heard her conversation with her mother which would be bad if she did. We still don't know how demons work for real we've been reading on it and still  nothing. Me and Amaranth were in my office talking when Miss Divine knocked on the door I mind linked her to come in she came in and told us that Princess Jade was here.

I took a deep breath and got up and held Amaranth hand we made our way downstairs where we saw Ada greeting our guests I didn't see Kimia  no where in sight.
(Where's Kimia ?) I said through me and my mates mind link
(I have no idea I haven't seen her since yesterday) Ada said
(I think I saw her this morning in the kitchen with Ken) Amaranth

I nodded and greeted everyone we made eye contact with Jade and all those memories started to come back a strong wave of heat came over me I could tell the same happened to everyone in the room to I looked behind me to see a angry Kimia no one else was looking at her but as soon as they did all the anger went away with quickness she replaced her glare with a beautiful smile

She walked over to us and introduced herself
"I'm sorry for my lateness Queen Kimia" she said while shaking hands with Jade mother jades mother smiled

"Oh dear you look beautiful and- oh my Lordy lord you're pregnant" Queen Issa said with some much joy which caused all of us except Jade to laughed

"Yes I am" Kimia said smiling they talked for a minute we still haven't said anything to Jade but she was just glaring at us which started to piss me off a little

I saw Kimia look over at Jade who did the same they looked at each for a second before looking away

Oh Lordy lord


Kimia pov
"That bitch!" I screamed Lexi sat on the bed while eating sometimes I wish I wasn't pregnant because if I wasn't I would've been beaten my mates asses I took a deep breath to calm myself I've been distancing myself from everyone instead of Lexi and Ken I've been making a plan I feel a need to get rid of Jade and it's eating me alive the longer she's here

For my plan to work I need my loves to not worry about me but right now I'm pissed off with them so it's gonna take a lot anyways I got in the shower after my shower I got dress

I did my hair and made my way downstairs I waved to everyone I saw flashing them with my lovely smile I got to the kitchen to see Miss Divine waiting on me yes I decided to make dinner for everyone FF it took over an hour or so to finish everyone ...

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I did my hair and made my way downstairs I waved to everyone I saw flashing them with my lovely smile I got to the kitchen to see Miss Divine waiting on me yes I decided to make dinner for everyone FF it took over an hour or so to finish everyone came downstairs and sat down

"Tonight is a little different we had a little help for Queen Kimia herself so if anything burnt blame her" Miss Divine said jokingly which made everyone laugh just not Jade she was to business eye fucking my loves I went and sat down next to Eamé she kissed me and I kissed her back I heard a soft growl I didn't pay it no mind I will deal with her later FF after everyone finished Me and Queen Issa helped with the dishes

After Ada wanted to watch a movie so that's what we did they literally had me doing crazy shit Amaranth know I don't like feet but I did it I swear when I drop this babies my loves better fuck the shit out of me anyways we were now all laying down my mates were fast asleep I waited maybe an hour before I got up I changed out of my night wear and threw on something I made my way to Jades room which was on the lower level I saw Ken standing at her door waiting on me I nodded and we walked in she was in there reading a book she saw me a smirked

"Well well well if it's not the fat bitch I've been waiting to see" Jade said walking towards me and Ken
I just giggled at her rudeness
"To be a princess you sure have a potty mouth let's see if we can fix that" I said

Before she could say anything Ken snapped her neck we tied her up and Ken threw her over his shoulder and we made our way out we were now making our way to the dark woods which is 3 hours away from the castle.

We got out the car Ken dragged Jade by her arm to the middle of the woods there stood Willow I smiled at her she did also I went and gave her a hug I've missed her a lot and if you're wondering Willow is dead but she's one of my demons Ken put Jade in the middle of the pentagram with a circle around it Willow's aunt the witch started chanting some words Jade shot up with blood shot eyes I looked at her with a devilish smile I walked towards and she let out a painful scream I was now in my true form

I stood at 6'10 now jet black skin my hair was long and black I had a white ripped up dress that hugged my body tightly my eyes were pure black with drops of blood going down I was truly scary but beautiful in a way Jade got up and started running

I walked slowly after her I knew where she was I could feel her fear and it made my body run hot I was really amused I felt a tingling sensation between my legs I couldn't hold it anymore I wanted her now I closed my eyes and thought of her and I popped up in front of Jade before she could run away I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to me I pulled her head back and started to attack her neck she screamed in pain blood my now all over my face I pulled back and looked into her eyes.

"Ple- please p- please I-I'm sorry" Jade said chocking on her blood
"Awww it's to late for apologies darling" I said smiling I took my hand and pushed it through her stomach hearing her painful screams were so amusing to me I let out a loud moan I felt my hand on her heart I looked into her eyes

Sleep well love.........

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