Im scared

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Ada pov

It's been 3 months and Kimia is now 4 months pregnant and to say we are scared is a understatement yesterday was the most craziest day ever so Kimia didn't come down for breakfast which was kinda out of the normal since she's usually the first one down here out of all of us

So I told one of the guards to go check on her and he never came back which was weird so we went to go see if anything was wrong she said that she just didn't feel hungry at the moment and that the guard left a long time ago

We brushed it off and asked her if she wanted to watch a movie with us which she agreed to we all cuddled as we watched the movie no more than 39 minutes into the movie Kimia fell asleep on Eamé lap

We all chuckled at her cute snores a few minutes later and we all fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night I looked around and Kimia was no where to be found she probably just got up and went into her room I got up and walked out of the movie room

As I walked past Kimia's room I heard chewing noise which was weird I slowly opened the door to see the missing guard from earlier laying on the ground dead and his leg was missing I opened the door a little more to see Kimia sitting on the floor covers in blood eating on his leg his arms were missing

I wanted to scream but I didn't I slowly closed the door and speed walked my ass back
To the movie room I got back in there and started panicking which made Eamé and Amaranth wake up

"What's wrong" Eamé said while rubbing her eyes
"I think Kimia a cannibal" I said in one breath
They looked at me and laid back down

"Y'all stop playing I'm so serious I just saw the guard we was looking for in her room dead missing his arms and legs and she was sitting on the floor eating on of them" I said as serious as possible they heard the seriousness in my voice

I got them to go see for themselves they came back panicking just like I was
"We can't have her eating all the guards now"Eamé said

We couldn't go to sleep at all that night now to the present day it's the next day and we came downstairs to see Kimia sitting at the island talking to Divine while eating strawberries she saw us and smiled
We sat next to her giving her the daily kisses and hugs because we don't need and pregnant cannibal mad at us

"Are you a cannibal?" Amaranth said is she trying to get us killed?!

"What no" Kimia said laughing
"You know it's ok if you are you know" Eamé said
Now why is she lying?

Kimia looked down at the table we saw tears falling on the table
"I don't know what's wrong with me this didn't start until a week ago it's like I was craving it and my stomach wouldn't stop hurting until I did but it's not me that wants it I believe it's the babies..."

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