Dinner with the Clear's

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𝙺𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚊 𝙿𝚘𝚟

We made our way to the restaurant where we're having dinner at when we walked in there was no one in here ..... I kinda expected that we walked through two big tall brown doors which looked like they were heavy anyways when we walked in there were a big black table it was long and had probably 50 chairs on both sides there were people already seated we sat close to them Eamé sat across from me with Ada next to her and Amaranth sat next to me the small girl sat on the other side of me 'could I use this time to get to know her' I thought to myself but brushed it off as the table began to fill even more we all started to make conversation but the small quiet girl sat there not saying a word which was kind of weird

"Amaranth would you like to introduce us to beautiful lady sitting next to you" a fine man said lord have mercy help me anyways the small girl face lit up for a second

"Sure this is Kimia our mate" and with that the small girl face went back to a frown 'why was that?' I thought to myself
And with that I got a lot of attention more then I did at first I was now trying to have a conversation with 4 people at one time and it was stressing me out really I wanted to tell them all to shut up and eat but I couldn't not right now at least

Dinner finally came to an end we said our goodbyes and made our way out my mind went back to the small girl reaction earlier at dinner should I ask the three Royals about her  or just leave it alone? My head hurts this just have to wait another day


It was now probably three in the morning everyone was now in their respected rooms me I was in the room I woke up in earlier today but I couldn't sleep at all I was still thinking about that small girl I decided to get up and find her I threw on a robe which was black lace it matched my skin quite well anyways I slowly made my way out the castle was quiet as hell you could probably here a pen drop all the way from the West Wig of the castle

I made my way down the hallway looking around where would I look for a small thing like her I thought the kitchen maybe I made my way there it was dark as hell I turned on a light and made my way through the kitchen not finding anything I sigh and continued walking around until I can find something I walked around the castle I was now on the bottom level which seemed to be cells it was dark and colder down here I feel like I shouldn't be down here but I have to find her

I walked down some more and I heard soft sobs I walked towards and came up to a cell I looked through small window and saw that it was the small girl a rush of excitement came over me I opened the cell her sobbing stopped when she saw me her crying turned into what anger,sadness,hopeful it was a mix of all three

"What are you doing here..... you're not supposed to be here" she said low but loud enough for me to hear
"I wanted to ask you a few questions" I said
She grew quiet for a second and began to talk again

"Why you? Huh?!" she said
"What do you mean?" I said now fully into the cell
"You just had to come you could've stayed wherever the fuck you was at everything was perfect I was perfect but no your black ass just had to come and fuck shit up" she said now yelling at me

"Excuse me?!" I said now about to beat this bitch up
"I don't see what they see in you you're ugly over all not good enough for Royalty" she said standing up me and her was the same height

"Umm and you are? look where you are in a fucking cell down here rotten if there's anyone not fit for Royalty it's you" I said

Now I can be a bitch and tonight this mf is about see it
"You know I could kill you now right" the small girl said
"Bitch you wanna try it go ahead but let me make something very clear if I live after you "try" to kill me I swear on my life and every other life on this earth and off that I will make your life a living hell" I said stepping closer to her

"You're not gonna do shit you don't have the title of a queen they won't listen to you so yea I'll take my chances with you" she said charging at me I stepped out of the way she ran into the door I laughed a little
"Mmmh that's sad do a little better please" I said in a whining tone

She grew angry and ran towards me again but she was so weak that she fell before she even got to me which made me laugh at her I don't know what came over me but I felt very powerful in a way she laid there helpless

"Aww is that all no? Where did all that energy go" I said squeezing her cheek

"I plan on keeping my promise that I made so get ready princess this will be a very long time for you" I said closing the cell door behind me
I made my way back to my room I got in the bed and fell asleep fast.

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