Can you not?

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𝙺𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚊 𝙿𝚘𝚟*

I woke up to a very cold room I opened my eyes and looked around I wasn't in the meeting room nor my room or Lexi and I sure as hell wasn't in a hospital (picture of the room above) I debated if I should get up or not I decided to get up I wobbled a little before I got my balance I walked to one of the windows and looked around everything seemed so beautiful from up here

I turned around and explored the room some more there were too many doors I gave up I finally went out one door that happened to be the way out I walked out into a dark hallway the hallway color was black and a dark blue there were little gold pieces on the walls which was so cute

I made my way to some stairs well it was a lot of stairs I walked down them which lead me to a free space I heard some voices so I followed them I came to what it looks like a kitchen

"OH great there she is now you two can stop arguing about what to make for her we can ask her" the brown haired woman said while walking towards me

"How'd did you sleep pumpkin"she said while pinching my cheeks softly
"I slept good thx for asking" I said feeling very little
"What would you like for breakfast love" The brown haired woman asked
"pancakes and strawberries ?"
"Sure anything else" she asked me
"No thank you" I said while sitting next to The black haired woman she looked down at me I was swinging my legs back and forth she put her hand  on my thigh as if telling me to stop so I did

No more then 15 minutes later the maid brought out our breakfast each of us had something different the brown haired woman had waffles and blue Berries with a smooth that was blue so I'm guessing it was blue berries and bananas probably I'm not sure the black haired woman had a bagel how basic of her anyways she had a bagel with normal cream cheese and strawberries on the ends of both bagels which made up for her basic -ness  and she had orange juice disgusting anyways the blonde haired woman had cereal it was fruity pebble's I giggled a little they all looked at me for a minute and went back to eating anyways she also had milk anyways I had pancakes aside of Strawberries and apple juice

After eating I offered to take the dishes to one of the maids they all said no but I did it anyways it's the least I can do after that I went back into the kitchen area where the three were waiting on me

"So we have 2 meetings and we have to go see Main about that building in town and we have dinner with the Clear Family at 6" The black haired woman said reading something off her phone mmmh I find that crazy I don't know their names

"Can I ask a question?" I said they nodded their heads as for me to continue
"What are y'all names if I may ask" I asked not know if I was gonna get a answer or not
"Ada" the Brown haired woman said
"Eamé" The black haired woman said
"Amaranth" The blonde haired woman said
I nodded and Ada grabbed my hand following Eamé & Amaranth upstairs a few minutes later we were now in I'm guessing their room I sat in a chair facing the wardrobe as they went in and got dress a few moments later they came out all dressed different Ada held a dress in her hands she gave it to me it was pink ..... no ma'am

"Miss Ada-"
"Just call me Ada no need for the Miss but carry on" she said with a smile I smile back
"You have wonderful taste in fashion I'm sure you do but umm I don't necessarily want to wear this "  When I said that both Eamé and Amaranth busted out laughing

"I don't see anything funny" Ada said angrily
"It's ok I'll wear it" I said not wanting her to be angry
She looked at me and calmed down
"It's ok love wear what you want" she said smiling she lead me to where everything was I thanked her and she went out to wait with the others I it took me probably 30 minutes to find something to wear I could hear how impatient they were which made me giggle a little I got dress

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