The funeral

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Kimia pov

I was now getting ready for the funeral it's been real ride I'll tell you that Ada and Esmé we were downstairs feeding the twins after I was done I went downstairs the living room was full of people telling Amaranth's parents and her sisters what happened was horrible her mother started screaming at us saying that it was our fault and that she should've stayed with Marry and this wouldn't have happened

To say I started bawling my eyes out is a understatement but I understood how she felt because I knew if someone came and told me and one of my girls were died I'll probably flip the whole world inside out

Once everyone was here we made our way to the family gravesite as we were going there I felt me and Amaranth connection drop I felt a slight pain in my chest I tear rolled down my face but I quickly wiped it awayFF

The service was quick and sweet we all said our goodbyes I was now ready to go I didn't want to stay or talk to people I didn't know and that I had zero intentions to get to know I wanted to be home with my kids and my wives.

Author comments

Once again horrible

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