1|Ironman socks|

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Checking yourself out in the mirror for one last time your ready for school.Swinging your bagpack over your shoulder your about to exit the room when suddenly your phone starts buzzing.
"What does this idiot want early in the morning"you accept the call and the first thing you hear is a long whine from the other side of the phone.
"Y/nnnn-ahh I'm saddd"heaving a sigh you answer
"What happened now Jungkook?"
"I lost my Ironman socks..."is he being serious!?
"You called only to tell me that! Are you even ready for school!?"
"Well I wanted to wear those socks but can't find them maybe you can come to my house now we'll search together..."you massage your temples and thinking whether this guy is okay or not like does he even know what time it is now?
"Kook we'll be late if I come there..are you even dress up for school??"
"I am just need to put my socks on but I can't find them..." You can hear the sadness in his voice...he really like those socks so much which was gifted by no one else but you yourself.
"Look just wear another pair of socks okay I'll come over later then we'll search for it together...is that fine kookie..?"
"Hmmm okay..."
"So I'll see you at school hurry up or you'll be late"
"Yes bye bye"you cut the call and slip your phone inside your blazers pocket. Jungkook is really a kid but you don't mind he's your childhood bestfriend and he has been like that since forever instead you fine it adorable that he is still like a baby though he's older than you...
"Y/nieeeee! Good morning" your bestie greets you with a bear hug and you hug him back as tight as he is hugging you.
" Morning to you too kook" he release you from his hug and you have to look up since he's tall.
"How come you reach before me I thought you were busy searching for your socks?"he giggles cutely making your heart melt with that cute sound he made
"I lied to you that I was searching for it....that time when I called you I was already at school" what the hell?! He's such a brat.
"You brat! How could you lie to your Bestfriend like that!!" You hit his arm lightly
"Sorry I reached school early so I was bored I wanted you to come fast that's why I lied sorry but I didn't lie about losing my socks I really don't know where I kept them..." He pouts feeling sad about lying to you and also that he lost his favourite pair of socks...
"It's fine I can never be mad at you anyways and about your socks I'll help you search for it as I promised okay? Now let's go in" he nods his head and flashes his cute bunny smile and you of course smile back how to not when he's such a cutie.
As you both were heading towards your locker to purchase the required books you were greeted by someone who you despise the most. Just hearing his voice your morning is ruin.
"Good morning baby!!" You roll your eyes on hearing that petname come out of that jerks mouth.
"Ugh not him again" Jungkook murmured softly and clenched his hands into a fist on hearing that guy calling you baby
"Sangjun l told you to leave me alone don't you understand" you spat rudely but you don't care since he's always cross the limit. Sure he's handsome and hot but his personality is the worst. He bully the students who are weaker than him, flirt with almost every girl in the school bet he's a fuck boy too who's trying hard to gain your attention. And yes who wouldn't want your attention? You are quite popular around your school since you got the looks, body and brain but you don't go around asking for attention instead people are the ones that beg for your attention but sadly you dgaf and Sangjun is one of the many boys running after you but you know your worth and you won't just throw yourself on anyone who comes after you.
"No babygirl I won't leave you no matter what...you know I genuinely like you" you just stare at him with an expression showing that your tired of his nonsense.
"Well sorry to break you but I don't like you and you for sure don't like me you just like my body so fuck off come on kookie we'll be late because of him" you grab Jungkooks wrist and pull him to walk pass the now angry Sangjun who became more angry on seeing your bestfriend smirking at him.
"You wait Y/n one day you'll be mine and that nerdy bestfriend of yours won't dare to come between us" an evil grin appears on his lips as he look at the figures disappearing from his sight before he walks away.
"Okay class settle down please" the teacher open the register and starts calling out the names of the students to mark the attendance while the students were back to talking and gossiping
"Y/n..." The boy sitting in front of you and Jungkook turns back wanting to ask something from you
"Yes??" You replied and look at him straight in the eye causing his cheeks to slightly turned red out of the blue
"Umm I... I want do you make notes for history??"
"Yes I do..why? You want notes??" He nodded as the red colour didn't leave his cheeks yet
"Y-yes I just I don't really know how to frame questions sometimes I miss out the important portion..sooo can I borrow yours just to refer???"he nibbles on his lips hoping you won't decline.
"Yeah sure.. I'll give my notebook to you after this class ends since I need to note down the lecture..is it fine??or you need it now?"
"No you can give whenever you want.."
"Okay then.."
"Thanks Y/n...and by the way y-you look pr-pretty as always.." he complimented you suddenly as his cheeks grew more red in shade.. Aww why so cute..you thought
"Your welcome and thanks for the compliment" you threw him a smile which he returned before turning in front as the class started
"He looks like he's in love with you" your bestfriend spoke causing you to roll your eyes on hearing that sentence
"Jungkook please he's just a shy boy like you...you were like him too when we first met does that mean you were in love with me huh??" Jungkook felt his heart pounding hard as soon as he heard you
"N-no! I'm not in love with you!" He denied it quickly
"Then stop saying boy's like me just because they blush okay"
"Whatever..."he puts an end to this conversation and listen to what the teacher is teaching and you also focus not wanting to get caught talking.
"Thanks Y/n I'll return it to you after lunch okay..?" San, the guy who ask for notes earlier grins widely as you hand him your notebook
"Yeah sure" you smile then walk away from him and head to the cafeteria where Jungkook is probably waiting for you. You notice his round coconut head from far so you quickly walk over to him. Some guys asked you to join them for launch but you decline,you can't leave your bestfriend alone since he's an introvert person and don't have friends apart from you. He's says he rather be a loner than involving with peers that will influence him in doing stuff which he doesn't want. Anyways you'd rather eat with him all alone than having to eat with a huge group of people it's more peaceful not that you don't have other friends,you do have alot but again Jungkook is more important than anyone. He's like a brother to you.
"Hey kook!" You ruffle his fluffy brown hair before taking a seat opposite to him. He lets out a groan and fixed his hair
"Why you do that to my hair!" He pouts as he's still fixing it.
"I love your soft hair and to annoy you"
"Yeah whatever let's eat I'm starving because you took so much time just to give your notebook to that shy guy!"he complaints
"Yah! I'm just helping my classmate why are you so worked up..you jealous humm?" You narrow your eyes at him and he shook his head from left to right like a kid who has been caught doing mischief
"N-no haha why would I be jealous I'm not jealous? I'm just hungry if you don't wanna eat I'll eat yours too" he changes the subject quickly and pushed the tray of food he ordered towards you. You decided to drop the topic too and both of you start digging in talking about random stuff
"Babygirl!" You nearly choke on the water your drinking once you heard that voice. That guy will never give up seriously.
"Hey are you okay? Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.." Sangjun rubs your back as you continue to cough but you slap his hands away
"Don't touch me Sangjun and please stop disturbing me! I already made it clear enough that I don't have any interest in you so just stop making these stupid attempts and also stop calling me with those stupid names!! Go call those other girls who are willing to submit to you....your just making yourself look desperate!" You snap at him again hoping that whatever you said will enter his thick skull
"Y/n... please don't hurt me like this...when I say I like you I really mean it! Have you seen me flirting with other girls since I said I like you?no right? I'm trying my best to change since I wanna be with you alot please I know that I was a jerk and I bully others but I am really trying to change..for you so please give me a chance..." He pleaded. Even though he looks sincere you can't trust him and you aren't interested in starting a relationship with anyone.
"I'm sorry Sangjun but even though you sound sincere I can't return those feelings. I'm not interested and I can't trust you at all so no just try and move on or find someone else.. I bet all the other girls are dying to be in my place right now so just go to them alright? Bye.. come on kookie sorry you had to witness all these" you stand up and your bestfriend followed feeling so happy that no matter how hard Sangjun tried to convince you, you still reject his desperate ass. He really wants to speak up for you, to keep Sangjun away from you and be manly but he can't... he's weak and pathetic that's how he thinks he is. He just have to keep quiet and watch you fight for yourself. When will I be manly like other guys? He thought as he walk beside you...

"Sooo let's start searching for your Ironman socks now shall we?" You said as soon as you both arrived at his house. His parents aren't at home yet so it's just you and him.
"Yup let's go to my room I really miss them I hope we'll find them" you chuckle at his cute behaviour..he misses his socks...how cute
"Kook why your so cute!" You pinch his chubby cheeks lightly but he slap your hands away gently
"Nooo I'm not cute! I wanna be manly!" He said as he crossed his arms against his chest
"Your cute that's how you naturally are no need to try and be someone else okay? I like cute Jungkook more" he stare at you with his wide doe eyes
"Really?? you like cute Jungkook more? You don't want me to be manly and protect you from bad boys???" He ask. If you like it when he's cute then he'll be a baby he doesn't care as long as you like it.
"Yes I like it when you are like a baby it makes my heart melt and I wanna squeeze your puffy cheeks so badly so no need to act manly I can protect myself from bad boys you just need to be there with me and be cute that's all" he makes your heart melt by being cute...?? oh boy now he won't even think about being manly..you like it when he's cute so he'll be cute forever!
"Okie I'll do just that! Now let's go and find my Ironman socks please~" he whine. There... he's back to being a baby...just the way you like him to be.


Hello my beautiful readers sooo here is the first chapter of LoveLorn and I hope you like it(fingers crossed)🤞. Please drop a comment if you're liking this book and I will start updating more chapters. Thanks for reading I love you all😘💜

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