4|Is It Love?|

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His mood brightens up as he saw you entering the classroom but the scene he saw earlier is still making him feel dull. What if she forgets about me because of him? He thought. But you won't do that right? since you always say that you'll choose him over anyone else.
"Jungkook!" Your voice interrupted him and his negative thoughts. He looks up and saw you smiling widely as you took a seat beside him. Did you have so much fun with that guy that your smiling like this?.
"You look happy.." he said and he already knows that you'll talk about the date with that guy.
"Yes I am happy! Yunho is such a nice person can't wait to introduce you to him.. I'm sure you'll get along well!" He smiles bitterly as you praise that boy. How can they even get along later when he's already hating him so much now for trying to steal his bestfriend away from him.
"We'll see about that..." He replies plainly making you feel like something is off.
"You don't sound so happy. Why? You don't want me to like someone??" You ask him. He turns to look at you.
"I want but.... I'm scared if you start forgetting about me since you have someone else.." he gives you a sad smile causing you to feel bad since he's thinking like that.
"No kookie.. I'll never forget you okay even if I'm with someone I'll always have time for you.. remember that hmm?" You hold his hand and caressed his knuckles softly. He nods sadly as he gets it that you already like that guy alot.

He doesn't like it.

He doesn't like the thought of you being with someone else but he's no one to stop you. He's just your longtime bestfriend and he doesn't have the right to sulk over this matter. He's still trying to figure out why he feels like this everytime you mentioned about liking someone. He loves you but as a bestfriend only...or maybe more.. he's literally confused cause he's clueless about how it feels to love someone since he's never been in love nor ever like anyone. Thus he still doesn't know whether he's in love with you or not.
"Kook I feel like you should start looking at other girls too..who knows you might be interested in someone.." Nah. Pass. He doesn't want that. Well he can use that word Intrested to know how he feels towards you. Yes! He's interested in you just like how your interested in that guy. He's interested in his own bestfriend who isn't interested in him but someone else. Wow how more messy can this get?
"No. I don't like other girls except you."
" Yeah keep saying that and you'll for sure stay single forever" you said but he doesn't care.
"I'm fine with being single forever as long as I have you I don't need anyone else." Your not satisfied with his answer
"But kook you need someone else besides me.. someone else to take care and be with you incase I'm not near you" he looks at you with a serious expression plastered on his face
"NO. That's my answer end of discussion." You sigh knowing how stubborn he is you decided to drop the topic since it's useless cause he won't listen to you anyways.
"Fine then do as you like I won't say anything about this matter anymore."
"Good.. I like it that way.." you roll your eyes and face infront as the teacher entered the class.

"Ughhh not him again..." You let out a sigh full of frustration on hearing that person calling your name in a cute way but for you it's the most cringey thing you've ever heard.
"Hi how are you doing pretty??" Sangjun wrap his arms around your shoulder as your eating your food peacefully but he now totally ruin the peacefulness. Jungkook on the other hand felt like throwing hands at him. How can this guy come out of nowhere and touch his precious bestie like that!
"Good until you show up" you threw him a fake smile.
"Aww don't say that I guess it's because the food your eating is not tasty.." you really wish he would disappear and let you finish the last bit of food in peace but no.
"Thanks for saying the food I made is not tasty" you gather the left overs and stand up pushing Sangjuns hand off your shoulders.
"N-no I didn't-" you cut him off
"Kookie your done right can we go now?" He glared at Jungkook and he just smirked at him.
"Yup let's go" he extend his hand for you to hold and you don't even need to think twice to hold it making Sangjun turn red because of jealousy seeing the two of you holding hands and walking away from his sight.

LoveLorn {J.JK FF}✔️Where stories live. Discover now