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"Jungkook are you sure you'll be okay?" You asked him through the phone feeling worried about him cause he wants to attend school though his bruise stomach is not properly healed.
"Yes I'm fine don't worry.."
"But what if something happens and then you-"
"Heyhey trust me y/n I'm really fine and I won't miss school just because of this reason...now no more argument I'm coming that's it."
"Okay...then I'll see you at school take care..."
"Yea see you.."
He hang up and you slip your phone inside your blazers pocket. You exit your room and head downstairs only to see your parents being lovey dovey early in the morning in the kitchen. You clear your throat and immediately your mom tried to push your dad but he didn't move instead he continued to hug his wife more.
"Yes dear?" Your dad ask you while your mom is literally blushing. You chuckle, seeing them like this is common. It's cute tho how your parents never hide their affection even if your there this shows that they really love each other alot.
"Sorry to disturbe your moment.. I just wanted to say I'm going to school" you walk over to them to give a peck on both their cheeks.
"Bye mum bye dad love ya!"
"Love you too honey!"


"Hey Y/n!" You smile and your stomach was filled with butterflies seeing Yunho waving at you from the school gate so you hasten your footsteps.
"Hey Yunho good morning.." he greets you back and the both of you enter the school campus together where you saw Jungkook standing at the entrance of the school building.
"Um Yunho I'll see you later kook is waiting for me" Yunho smile bitterly and nod
"Yea sure..see you"you left him and rush towards your bestfriend. His smile widen as he sees you running towards him.
"Kook! Morning!" You hug him but carefully because of the bruise.
"Morning to you too"
"How are you feeling?"
"Yaa I told you I'm okay it's not even hurting anymore so stop worrying too much" he ruffle your hair earning a groan from you.
"Yah! Don't do that!" He laughed
"Now you know how it feels when you do it to me?" You roll your eyes at him
"Whatever let's go" you grab his hand and enter the school building together as always.

School is over already and surprisingly Sangjun didn't bother you nor Jungkook today which is good. You also apologize to Yoongi for what happened at the party but he said it's fine and not to feel bad cause it's Sangjun who started everything.
"Hey y/n what chu thinking about hmm?" You snap out of your thoughts and smile at Jungkook assuring him that it's just school stuff.
"Do you want to-" someone shouting your name cut him off. And that person is Yunho.
"Y/n I want to ask you if free this Saturday?" He said as a tint of red starts growing on his cheeks. Cute.
"Yes I guess I am why?" Now Jungkook is not liking this. He wanted to go and hangout with you and this guy pop out of nowhere.
"So I umm will you go out with me?" He ask with alot of nervousness in his voice making your heart beat fast out of a sudden. Your crush is asking you out on a date! How more lucky can you get?
"Yes! I will" you replied with excitement making Yunho relief that you didn't reject his offer. While Jungkook beside you is burning with jealousy. You going out on a date with someone else? No way.
"Okay I'm relief....oh Jungkook how are you now?" He finally acknowledge my presence. He thought. Jungkook just pass him an obvious fake smile.
"I'm fine" he replied shortly. Yunho return to him a fake smile too. Both the guys despise each other for sure.
"Glad to hear that...you both seem so close at first I thought you're a couple"

You've heard this alot. Many people assume that you both are dating even your parents but that's not the case and you'd never think about dating Jungkook you bet he doesn't either.
"What? us a couple!? Oh no he's like my brother Yunho I already told you that" A brother? So he's just a brother to you. Jungkooks heart shattered into pieces on hearing that. Yes at first when he was younger he did love you as sister but now as he's grown up he realised his feelings for you were more than a friend or sister. He just knew it that you would never see him the way he sees you but what can he do? Even though he hates to admit it, Yunho is much better than him. He's more handsome and hotter than himself that's why your attracted to this guy since Jungkook knows the type of guy you like and Yunho is exactly what you like in a guy while him the total opposite. He doesn't stand a chance at all.
"Okay I was just saying what I thought" he laughs and his laugh made your heart skip a beat.
"So then I'll get going see you tomorrow and y/n about saturday I'll text you later bye!" You bid him goodbye and he walks away.
"So Koo shall we also get going?" He just nods his head.

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