32|Clingy Koo|

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-Next Morning-

Your busy packing your things with Jungkook clinging to you the whole time as he doesn't want you to leave him yet but sadly you have to return home tomorrow. He's been clingy since early morning and never left yours side except when you had to use the bathroom other than that he followed you everywhere.
"Jungkookie how am I suppose to finish packing if you're clinging to me?" You chuckle as he hug your waist from behind that you can't even move much. Jungkook place his chin on your shoulder and look at you with a cute pout on his lips.
"I don't want you to go~" he whines.
"Aw Koo even I don't want to leave yet" you turn back and pout too.

"Baby... let's do something fun today!" He suggested.
"Mm like what?"
"Let's....umm do some work out together then we can bake cookies together!" He poured out some ideas and you smile liking his Ideas.
"Ok! But once you start working out now you have to do everyday no quitting" he thinks for awhile and he wants to work out to proof to everyone that he can be fit and built too.
"Okie! I'll work out and show those jerks that I can be more fit and hot than them!" He nods his head and lift his fist up in the air.
"Yes Kook let's show them! Damn your gonna look so sexy with a ripped and toned body... though I love this cubby you but thinking about you being so built is such a turn on..."you bite your lips making him smirk.
"Then let's hurry up and start working out!" And he help you fold your clothes as he so excited to work out now.

"Come on Jungkookie just five more to go you can do it!!" He feels like his arms are giving up but on hearing you cheering for him he kept going, doing five more push up.
"And 5! Yay you did it kookie...50 push ups in one go?! Wow I'm so proud of you" he lie down flat on the ground panting hard and trying to catch his breath. This is why he hates working out but he'll do it to get that tone body. He look up on feeling you dabbing a damp towel on his sweaty forehead making him smile widely.
"I did it baby...."
"Yes Koo...come here gonna give you a reward!" You cup his cheeks and press a soft kiss on his lips as his smile never left his lips.
"If this is what I get then I'll never be tired of working out..." You both laugh.
"Okay now get up and you do 50 squats and I'll do 30... hurry if you want a kiss!" He groans on hearing the 50 squats but still gets up.
"Fine!" And like this the whole Sunday afternoon was spent with you and him doing lots of exercises

It's three pm now and you both decided to bake some cookies after the intense workout session and after taking a long relaxing bath together.
"I want chocolate chip cookies!" Jungkook said your both about to start the baking.
"Me too! Hand me the bowl please" he pass you the bowl where you pour the required amount of flour and all the other dry ingredients needed while Jungkook is mixing the wet ingredients. After he's done he came and stand behind you with the bowl of wet ingredients in his hand.
"You done babe?" He cages your body from behind and look down at you mixing the dry ingredients.
"Yup!..pour the wet ingredients in please little by little while I mix it together..." He does that and literally plants some wet kisses on your neck making you giggle at his clingy behaviour.
"Koo your gonna spill everything! Focus on your work first" he chuckled but does as you say that is pouring the wet ingredients little by little. This feels so romantic, feels like a married couple.

"And done! Now Koo add in the chocolate chip" he went to grab a packet of chocolate chip then come back from behind you and added lots of chocolate chips in the batter while you mix everything up as he continue to back hug you.
"Now let's place this in the silicon tray and bake!" While your busy pouring the right amount of batter in the trays Jungkook came up with a mischievous plan. He grab a small amount of white flour in his fist then..
"Y/n.." you look at him as you heard your name being called only to be greeted with white flour being thrown on your clean black crop top. You gasp and glare at Jungkook who was laughing his ass off.
"You brat! How dare you ruin my clean top! Take this..!"Now you grab a fistful of flour and throw directly at his face causing him to cough as some even entered his mouth. He looks like a ghost!
"Hahaha see what you get if you mess with me!" It's your turn to laugh your ass off cause he's looking so funny.
"Omg my not my face! Y/n you come here!" He wipe his flour covered face with a small towel then chase you who was running already towards the living room.

"You can't catch me!"
"Oh yeah? Your gonna regret throwing it on my face once I catch you" You both laugh and ran around the couch then you let out a squeal as Jungkook caught you from behind lifting you up from the ground like you weight nothing.
"Ahh leave meeeee..."
"Not so easily my baby..." He throw you on the couch and hover your body then starts poking your side with his index finger tickling you causing you to laugh out loudly and beg him to stop.
"N-no haha! Stoppp... kookie please... hahahaha st-stop please I can't-"
"Told you you'll regret it.." he's so merciless and continue to tickle you.
"No I'm sorry hahaha..p-please I'm sorry!" He finally stop and you wipe the tears which came out as you laugh too much. Jungkook just stare at you for awhile then lean in to kiss you. You kiss him back and cup his cheeks caressing it with your thumb softly. He pull out slowly and smile down at you causing you to smile back and pull him into a hug.

"Umm the cookies still have to be baked.."

"Jungkook seriously? Don't you know what personal space is?" You chuckle at him who is clinging to you again as your now doing your night routine before sleeping. Today he has really been too clingy he refused to ever leave your side the whole day but you aren't complaining either. You like clingy Koo.
"No I don't... your my girlfriend and there's no such thing as personal space in our relationship"
"Your so cute....I don't know how some people find being clingy annoying... it's so cute makes me feel loved and wanted by you" he grin and suddenly lift you up bridal style and carried you towards his bed placing you on it gently.
"Tonight is the last night I'll have you here...gosh I'll miss you so much"
"Jungkook it's not like we won't see each other anymore...and we'll do more sleepovers later both in mine and your place okay?"
"But still.. I'm used to having you around now I'll feel lonely without you once you go back home..." He pouts.
"I know Koo I'll feel lonely without you too"

He rub his nose with yours making you feel alot of butterflies again whenever he does this.. it's too cute and sweet.
"I can't wait for the day to come when we'll move in together and have each other around forever..." He said and hold your hand interwining your fingers together. You smile as you want that too. Your so in love with each other that you are already planning your future together.
"I can't wait either... wanna have you around me everytime.."

"Baby.... let's make love... I don't know when we'll get the chance again so let's do it now... I want you so bad..." Oh well how to say no to that?
"Sure kookie... I want you too so badly..."

Double updates ✌️😋
Happy Reading 💜✨

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