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Jungkook loved this alot. Having you on top of him kissing his lips alot makes him want to remain like this with you forever.
"Y/n.. can I ask you something?" He speaks between the kiss and tuck your hair behind your ears so that he could see your pretty face.
"Yes Koo? Tell me what's in your mind.." his cheeks lightly heat up because of something that he used to see and that is couples using their tongues while kissing. It just came to his mind while he's kissing you and he wants to know whether you will ever do that or whether you'll be disgusted to feel his tongue.
"It's just that I often see couple kissing and using their tongues so.. I wanna know whether it's appropriate or disgusting.." his innocence is really making you melt. How could he even think that using tongue would be disgusting when it's actually quite hot.
"That type of kiss is called French kiss and why would you think it'll be disgusting?"
"B-because you'll feel my tongue and saliva! Won't you feel-" you peck his lips to shut him up.
"No Koo I'll never feel like that... infact it's hot to use tongue while kissing just imagine my tongue colliding with yours then exploring each other's mouths and-" he's getting a weird feeling on hearing you explaining how it'll feel to French kiss.
"I want that please! French kiss me!" He begs looking like a total subby baby underneath you. You smirk then decided to give him what he ask for.
"Sure Koo anything for you..."

You smash your lips on his red ones and start kissing him roughly this time and he kiss you back with the same roughness as his hands tighten their grip around your waist. You ran your fingers through his hair earning a cute moan from him then you glide your tongue against his lower lips making him gasp and that gave your tongue entrance to his mouth and you swirl it with his which is driving him insane. So now he knows how to make out and why people love it so much because damn it feels good. You pull out to see his reaction and saw him immediately opening his closed eyes to stare at you intensely. He's breathing heavily, his hair is messy and lips swollen since you sucked on them and if this isn't the hottest visual you've seen then what?
"That was awesome..but I wanna be the one who pamper you now" he grabbed your hips and push you to the side gently so that your now lying down while he hover over your small body. He cups your cheeks with both his big hands then press his lips on yours, first kissing you slow with lot's of love. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him more closer to you if still possible. Jungkook now glide his tongue across your bottom lips and you gladly part your lips giving him way to explore your mouth and swirl his tongue with yours filling his room with wet sounds coming from both your lips.

He's getting a foreign feeling down his lower part and he knows it's because of the hot make out session with you but he's trying to control cause he doesn't want to rush things for now even though he wants to know how it feels to make love with you since he has zero experience but he'll wait for a more special time to give his virginity only to you.
"Mm... I love this.. kissing you like this is what I've always dream of and I'm living my dream now..." He smiles then bury his face in your neck inhaling your sweet scent which he'll next be addicted to after your lips. He lays down next to you hugging your waist and clinging to you like a baby. You smile then push his bangs back to peck his forehead and rest your heat on his chest so you could hear his heartbeat.
"Let's take a small nap then we'll eat some snacks later" he suggested.
"Yea I miss napping and cuddling with you so let's do that!" You replied then take his one of his hand in yours interwining your fingers together the drift off to sleep in each other's embrace after making out on his bed.

Jungkook's eyes flutter open and he's greeted with a view of you still peacefully napping beside him making him smile automatically. He stare at your sleeping figure with the wide smile never leaving his face. This feels surreal, he's finally your boyfriend ,he can kiss you whenever he wants to, he can call you his. He's so fucking in love with you.
"I love you my Y/nie~" he whispered then kiss your parted lips causing you to wake up from your slumber on feeling the soft touch on your lips. You slowly open your eyes and saw Jungkook kissing you so you kiss him back without hesitation.
"What a great way to wake me up.." you said once the kiss ended making Jungkook chuckle.
"Gonna have to kiss you from now on to wake you up sleepy head.." he kiss your forehead then gets off the bed and fix his clothes.
"Come on let's go eat something I'm quite hungry.." he held his hand out for you to hold.
"Yea me too I'm starving!" You hold his hand then get off the bed and head downstairs.

"What do you crave for?" He ask you as he's scrolling through his phone and you thought for awhile.
"I crave for chicken nuggets!" You exclaimed and Jungkook nod his head and place the order. He set his phone aside then puts his attention back to you.
"So Kook when are your parents leaving for the business trip?" You start the conversation.
"This Saturday.. they'll be gone for a whole week so I'm gonna be all alone in the house... I'll feel so lonely.."
"Awe I feel bad for you kookie.." you say and he looks at you with a funny expression because your not even offering to stay over with him after telling you how lonely he'll feel in this huge house.
"I'll be lonely!" He whine wanting you to say that you'll stay with him.
"You have your gaming station so spend your time with it.." he can't believe this! Your not even saying that you'll give him company!
"No.. I want someone to give me company.." he looks at you with puppy eyes.
"The maids will be there so you got a company.." your trying to hold your laughter on seeing him becoming annoyed. You know that he want you to stay with him but you want him to say it directly to you.
"Your so mean! I want you here with me not the maids!"
"You could have just said it directly why making your request this long??" He pouts making you laugh seeing him acting like a baby.
"Alright I'll give you company now stop pouting or else your lips will feel sour and then you won't be able to kiss me anymore"and he immediately stop pouting cause he can't even think about not kissing you cause he needs it. Kissing you is his addiction and he'll go crazy or even worst die if he won't get to kiss you. Sounds exaggerated but whatever!

"You'll stay with me the whole week!!?" He asked excitedly cause he can't wait to have you here with him the whole week.
"If you want me to..."
"Of course I want!"
"Well then I'll ask my parents first even though I'm sure they'll allow since it's you..."
"Yeppie!! Now I can't wait for Saturday to come!" You smile on seeing him being so excited.

"Here we are!" He stops his car outside your gate. The lights are on in your house indicating that your parents are already home.
"Thanks Koo..." you place a long kiss on his cheeks then retracted but he cups your jaw and pull you towards him so your kneeling and trapping his body as your legs are placed on with side of his body and he pushed the seat back so that there would be some space and he quickly kiss your lips. You both share a soft kiss when you suddenly bite his bottom lip causing him to moan and giving you way to taste his mouth. Breaking the kiss you nibble on his lips before kissing his cheeks then his jaw line then his neck.
"Ahh y/n-ah.." he moaned as he feels you sucking on the skin of his neck while his hand tighten their grip on your waist. You retracted from his neck after leaving your mark there and smirk then rub the red spot softly with your thumb.
"You look irresistible so I can't help but mark you..." Your looking so hot right now above him and he can feel his cock getting hard by feeling you sucking his damn neck and giving him a love bite.He's relief that you aren't fully seated on his lap otherwise you would have felt his boner and now he can't wait to get home and calm his semi hard dick down.
"Your so hot.. wish I could mark you too..but you need to go before your mom says something..." He peck your forehead and stare at you who looks sad at the thought of leaving his car. You get off his lap and before exiting the car you turn to tell him something.
"Okay..and cover that hickey-"
"Why should I? My parents already knows about us so don't worry... I would like to show that I'm yours..." His words made you chuckle.
"Well then your wish... anyways I'll get going bye see you tomorrow and drive safely..."
"Bye...have a goodnight!" You wave at him then enter the house. He waited till your inside then look down at his still semi hard cock.

"Maybe a cold shower would calm it down..."

Short fluffy chapter for today 😊
Happy Reading 💜✨

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