
358 16 1

He just look at him with a smirk plastered on his lips. Jungkook was hoping you would come now but your still nowhere to be seen.
"What is a nerd like you doing here?" Sangjun approach him along with his friends making Jungkook feel scared that he'll do what he did to him few days ago. He gulp while looking for a way to escape but he's already being surrounded by Sangjun and his gang.
"Your pathetic I don't understand what my baby see in a nerd like you.. your no fun" Sangjun insulted him while poking his forehead with his fingers.
"Look at what your wearing...you have no sense of fashion at all..looks like garbage!" He laughed along with his friends and Jungkook feel like tears are threatening to fall. Y/n where are you? he's praying for your return. Sangjun garb his shirts collar yanking his body close to his.
"Just seeing you close to my baby makes me wanna beat you more.. haven't I told you to stay away from her!!" He pushed his body away making Jungkook land on the ground due to the harsh push.
"Yet you came with her here holding her hand like your her boyfriend! I told you your nothing to her but just a friend out of pity!" And he feels a hard kick on his stomach making him groan in pain and tears flow out the corner of his eyes.

"P-please stop it.."he beg in a feeble voice as Sangjun showed no mercy but continue to kick him more.
"How weak of you... can't even defend yourself without Y/n..such a loser you don't deserve her She's MINE!" He growl and give one last hard kick on his stomach causing blood to drip out from Jungkooks mouth. He feel like he'll pass out due to the immense pain.
"Sangjun.. enough he'll die.." one of Sangjun's friends tried to stop him but he snapped at him.
"I don't care if he dies!" He was about to throw another kick that's when you return back from the washroom feeling worried cause you took so long just in searching for it... and what you witness made your blood boil with so much anger.

You shout on top of your lungs seeing Jungkook lying on the floor with a bloody mouth. You rush towards Sangjun and push his body away harshly as you drop on your knees to see your bestfriend struggling to breathe. Your eyes became blurry as tears filled them making you regret leaving Jungkook alone.
"Koo.." you cup his cheeks and he smiled even though he's in great pain.
"Y-Y/n..." He chant your name in a feeble voice before passing out. You clenched your fist in anger and turn your head to glare at Sangjun with pure anger in your eyes along with hatred.
"What the fuck is your problem!!? Does hurting people give you what you want!!" You shout at him not caring about the crowd forming to see what's happening. You look down at Jungkook again, your heart broke seeing him in this form and you can't think of sending him home in this condition his mother will surely be heart broken too.
"Y/n... I..I just..-"
"Don't you dare talk to me again! Stay the fuck away from me and my bestfriend you fucking prick!!" You tried your best to lift Jungkooks weak body which was not easy cause he's quite heavy.
"Y/n let me help you..."

You saw Yunho approach the both of you and you smile then accepted his help. The crowd made a way for you while whispering among themselves but you could care less as now your main concern is Jungkook.
"He use to bully Jungkook too?" Yunho ask you but you didn't know because Jungkook never told you.
"I don't know...he never told me anything about being bullied..gosh I'm such a bad friend for not being there for him..."
"Hey don't say that Y/n.. he's lucky to have a great friend like you and maybe he hide it because he doesn't want you to worry..."
"I don't know the reason why he hide it but from now on I'll be by his side forever..he needs me and seeing him taking all these pain hurts me too.." Yunho look at you sadly..he could tell that you really care about Jungkook alot and even if he gets a chance to be with you ,you'll still choose your bestfriend over him.

"Thank you Yunho.. I will take care of him from here you can return to the party.." you thank him for his help in carrying Jungkook all the way to his car.
"No problem.. anyways I'll be heading home too I'm not in the mood anymore"
" Sorry I ruin your time.." you said feeling abit guilty.
"What? No you didn't! Stop thinking like that..your friend is in pain and obviously I won't leave you alone..now I think you should head home and take care of him I'll see you on Monday take care.." he pats you head softly and smile warmly..and that literally made you flustered.
"Okay then...see you" you enter the driver's side while Jungkook is still unconscious on the passengers seat. You take out your hanky and lean over to wipe the blood from his mouth. Thank goodness you reach there on time otherwise you don't know what else Sangjun must have done to hurt him. After wiping his mouth you scan his face incase there is any bruise and were a few cuts on his cheeks and near his eyes.
"Koo...why you hide all this from me..."you whisper even though he can't hear cause he's unconscious. You decided to take him to your house since no one will be there as your mom will probably be at work now along with your dad.

"Uff he's so freaking heavy!" You lay his unconscious body carefully on the bed. You don't know how hard Sangjun beat him that he's still unconscious. You took a bottle of water then sprinkle it on his face to make him conscious and it worked as you saw him slowly opening his eyes.
"Kook finally your awake! I thought you'll go into coma or something I was so worried.." you held his hand and help him sit up slowly but he groans in pain.
"Where are you hurt?!"
"M-my stomach..but I'm fine.." you cup his face and look into his eyes.
"Okay Kook can you change into these clothes first then just lie down and I'll treat all your wounds..." You gave him some of the clothes which he use to leave here when he stay over and you left him to go and take the first aid kit and some water along with a small towel.
"So I'll lift your shirt up to see the wound k? He just nod and stare at you as you lift his shirt up. A sudden feeling of embarassment rush through his body as you will know he has no abs like the other guy instead he has a small bloated tummy.

[Here in my story Jungkook is taking the role which mostly the female lead takes in other stories. And having a tummy instead of abs is cute so don't mind..I know Jungkook has delicious abs but here he's a cute baby who hates working out thus he has a smol tummy uwuu(・ัω・ั)]

"Omg! This bruise is so huge...how dare that guy do this to your cute tummy.." he's blushing so hard right now. He wants to work out and maintain his body to impress you but he hates working out.
"I've informed your mom that you'll be staying here tonight and she agreed.." he watched you as you applied some ointment on that bruise.
"Okay..you didn't tell my mom about this right?"
"No I didn't....Why didn't you tell me that Sangjun bothers you hmm?" You ask him after your done applying the ointment on his tummy and then move to treat the small wounds on his face.
"I didn't want to make you worried and think that I'm weak..."
"Jungkook don't say that your weak because you aren't if you fight back Sangjun won't even think of bothering you but I know your to kind to think of hurting someone... it's just Sangjun who likes to make you think like that so don't let him invent such things in your mind hm? Your strong remember you got black belt in taekwondo?you should use it at times to only defend yourself"He nods and don't say anything else because your right somehow. Sangjun always say those things which makes him look down at himself as he believed him.
"Done! Now you better get some sleep okay I'll be in my room if you need anything" you help him lie down but he grab your wrist not wanting you to leave.
"What happened?" He look at you with his doe eyes and you understood what he wanted.
"Can you.. stay? I want you close to me..."

You pass him a sweet smile and nod. You climb on the bed and lie down next to him.
"Hmm?" He turn to look at you and you did as well which cause both your faces to have only a small gap in between. His heart is thumping very loud right now as this is the first time he has been this close with you . One wrong move and his lips will land on your lips.
"Would it be right if I use my hidden strength to beat Sangjun too?" He ask feeling abit disappointed seeing you scooting back to increase the small gap between your faces. He knew it that you don't see him in that way..
"I wouldn't say beat because it's not good to beat someone even though that person hurt you too.. just use it only to defend and to show him that your not at all weak okay??"
"Okay.. I'll do just that"
"Good now let's sleep hmm good night.." you didn't even hug him making him feel more sad.
"Yea good night" he closes his eyes and try to drift off to sleep.

Short chapter for today
Happy Reading 💓

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