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The next day you went to school on your own by traveling in a cab. This is the problem since you are not allowed to drive on your own yet and you'll turn 18 till the end of June and now it's only the first week of June so you have to wait and keep on wasting money on these reserved cab. The break up was something which you never expected to happen and you would be lying if you said you didn't cry because you did. Yesterday as soon as you end things with Yunho you cried when you reached home and had a long talk with your mom about it and now your feeling much better.
"Hey Y/n.. I heard rumours that Yunho and you broke up..."
"I heard that he's leaving the country... poor Y/n"
"Yess she's finally single again i'mma take this chance now!"
"I'm sure she'll go back to that nerd and geeky Jungkook now that Yunho is gone"
You can hear all different things about you as you walk down the hallway towards the classroom but you pay attention to non of them. You stop on your track as you saw a familiar figure standing outside of the classroom.
"Y/n...is the news correct? Are you okay with all of this things spreading without you confirming it?" You stop him from saying anything further.
"Yes Jungkook it's true.. I ended things with Yunho on good terms because it's for our own good..so it's fine let them talk since rumours spread like fire even before I could do anything... I'm okay with it.."
"Okay?...are you really sure it doesn't bother you?" You shook your head and smile to assure him that you don't care about it at all.
"I'm going in first..see you" you said as your suddenly feeling awkward to be with him now.
"Yea sure see you.." He immediately step away from the entrance to give you way to enter.

He sigh and turn his head to take a glance at you. He's happy as soon as he heard the rumour about your break up but also sad because he knows he will never get a chance as you clearly said you have zero feelings for him and also there are many guys who are way better than him.
"Yo boi who are you looking at?" Namjoon appeared out of the blue from behind him scaring the whole shit out of Jungkook.
"Dude! Stop popping out of nowhere gosh!"
"Sorry... I just like to scare you... anyways what are you doing out here?"
"Waiting for your arrival duh" Jungkook answers sarcastically.
"I'm so lucky eh to get such a considerate friend like you.." Namjoon throws his arms around Jungkooks shoulder earning a loud groan from the younger one.

During lunch time you got so many offers coming from the students to have lunch with them but you ignore them because you know they just wanted to know your story so it's better to be alone. You obviously won't go with Jungkook like usual making you miss all those moments when you used to always have him whenever you got anything to talk about. So now you're sitting all alone with a tray of food infront of you which your ready to devour when suddenly someone sat infront of you without your permission.
"Hey Y/n..long time no seen huh?" Sangjun. He still has the guts to come to you after what he did last time to your bestfriend or maybe ex-best friend
"Get lost Sangjun I don't want to see your shitty face" he chuckled loudly earning the students attention who were now enjoying the scene .
"Still bitter about the fact that your boyfriend left you hm baby?" You tighten your grip on the chopsticks that they nearly broke because of how angry your feeling right now because of this fucker.
"Shut the fuck up when you know nothing at all!!" You shouted at him but he just smirk.
"Aww your mad? Should I help you calm you madness down hm?" He roam his filthy eyes on your body from head to toe making you feel disgusted.
"Disgusting pervert.. I'm just wasting my energy talking to someone like you!" You grab you tray as you lost your appetite because of him and walk away from there.

After the school ended you decided to go and get some fresh air at the rooftop before heading home in order to clear your mind when your body got yank and slammed against the wall by non other than the son of a bitch .Sangjun.
"What the fuck do you want from me you punk!?" You tried to slap him but he grabbed your wrist and pinned both your hands above your head.
"What do you think baby hm? I've wanted to fuck you since forever and I've been patient enough now shut the fuck up bitch or I'll show you no fucking mercy" he started kissing your neck and you screamed for help when he suddenly slam his lips on yours and suck your lips harshly. Your eyes start tearing up feeling disgusted and you tried to knee him in his private parts but it seems like he knew your motives and prevent you from pulling such stuns. Your a crying mess by now and just as he was about to touch your breasts he was detached from you and was soon on the ground with someone on top of him beating his disgustedly handsome face.
"How dare you touch her with your filthy hand you stupid son of a dog!!" You wipe the tears which were still flowing from your eyes as you watch Sangjun being beaten up by Jungkook  and this sight of Jungkook is what you've never seen before. His veins on his neck were popping out showing how mad he is and the way he's punching Sangjun look's like he'll kill him.
"J-jungkook... that's enough..." You said softly and immediately he stop his action. He stood up from there and rush towards you to hug your shaking body.
"Sshh it's fine I'm here now and I made sure he won't even look at your direction from now onwards.."

You stop crying and look up at him with your teary eyes. This sight broke his heart and he lift his hand up to wipe your remaining tears away. He's somehow feeling relief that he decided to go to the rooftop too if not then he wouldn't be able to save you from that jerk.
"Your fine? Did he hurt you anywhere?"he ask as he examined your face and he noticed that your lips were swollen and there's a hickey on the side of your neck which made his blood boil. If he was your boyfriend he would have kiss that spot where the jerk left his dirty mark and he would replace it with his but of course he cannot do it.
"He didn't... thank you for saving me..if you didn't come on time then h-he..he.."
"Heyy stop thinking about that disgusting jerk who even have the guts to touch girls without their consent...now let's go home and I'll treat your wounds okay.."
"Hmm okay" you smile at each other the walk away from there not even caring about what will happen to Sangjun.

Your now sitting on his bed as he's applying some ointment on your lips and neck. His parents aren't home yet so it's just the two of you. It's been awhile since you last visited his house and you surely miss all the old times when you used to come here almost every weekend for a sleepover.
"And done!" He throw the dirty cotton pad in the trash can then put the ointments back in the first aid kit.
"Thank you Jungkook...you really didn't have to these were small wounds and-" he cuts you off.
"No I really had to clean it... imagine how many germs he has on his body since he kiss thousands of girls a day so I can't let you get infected easily" you chuckle at his words which sounds weird but somehow right.
"Yes I agree with you.."

Now the room is silent making you feel slightly awkward all of a sudden. You clear your throat and decided to talk about something else.
"So.. when will your parents be back from work?" What a stupid thing you ask.
"Around 7..."
"Ohk" your trying to come up with another conversation to not feel awkward but your mind is completely blank but then he finally spoke.
"If you don't mind me asking...but may I know from you why you broke up with Yunho.. I have heard rumours but I wanna hear from you.." you sigh but decided to tell him because it's nothing bad and he's still someone who you trust alot so you have no problem to tell him.
"He's moving to London because his father got a promotion and we knew that long distance relationship is something which is difficult to maintain so...yeah we decided to end things and go on our own paths.." you told him in brief and smile sadly.
"Ohh.. I hope you're doing well after what happened..."
"Yes I'm okay with it I don't wanna be selfish by stopping him instead I'm happy that he's getting a chance to make a better future there..."
"Your an angel Y/n..you know.." his simple words made you happy. Your suddenly getting this weird feeling inside your stomach just by being close to him like this again it somehow feels different since you know he has feelings for you and you know you don't feel the same but at some point of time your confused too. Is it because you don't really feel the same or your just making yourself believe that you don't feel the same you don't really know.

Short chapter and sorry for the slow updates 😣 I'm busy with school works as my exams are approaching so I barely get to write 😔
Anyways Happy Reading 💜✨

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