chapter 7

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Ariel Pov

"Grandma what happened?" I asked starting to pull wires off me and ripping needles out leaving a terrible sting behind.

"The King he's trying to reach this world. He's at the last barrier, I don't know how he's doing it but he is. I need you both to get here NOW! Your grandfather is holding him off as best as he can but he's stronger a lot stronger and we can't hold for long. "

I got up and ran to the bathroom and put my clothes on as fast as my body let me. Getting down I ran out putting my hair up in a tight ponytail when James stopped me.

"Ariel, you just drained yourself do you think it's wise to do a spell again so soon?" He asked worried.

ignoring him I mind linked my brother. "TROY HOSPITAL NOW!" Before he could respond I went back to my mate pushing him aside to grab my boots to put them on.

"This is not your choice boy. If that man gets in here its over for us, he will know every strong spell there is and will know exactly how to end us. Those two are the only strong ones to get this barrier back up to stop him from entering again. STAND ASIDE!" My grandfather yelled.

"James, we need to do this, we need to cast a magical circle spell first to expel him out then we would have to rebuild the barrier its easy magic it doesn't take a lot out of me when it's both of us. I will be fine. "

"Ariel my worry is you, I don't care about Brad or anyone else JUST YOU! You need rest this can wait." I stood up looking at him in disbelief. "You said you would stand by my side."

"Yes and I meant that but I never said I would stand by and watch you kill yourself!" He said grabbing my arm.

"I'm sorry James." He looked at me and wondered why I was apologizing but I can't let him stop me. Nor can I ignore that he is half right, but it isn't his choice mate or not.

"Ariel what happened?" Troy ran into the room with mom and dad right behind him.

"Now Ariel!" Grandma yelled.

I gave her a glance and nodded my head while doing so I looked back at my mate and I wish I didn't have to do this. "Galdrabak!" My dad ran and caught James before he hit the floor. I grabbed Troy's hand and pulled him into the land of warriors to go help my grandparents.

"Fucking hell Ariel a little warning next time!" Troy yelled.

it was hard to hear him it was a mess over here. A storm broke out, with the winds going 100 miles per hr and grandpa chanting away at the gate wasn't helping him at all. He could barely hold on as it is we need to do the spell and fast.

"There's no time Troy, Brad has reached the gates we need to do the protection spell or we are doomed!" He looked at grandpa and nodded grabbing my hands.

"Elements of water and earth, I draw this sacred circle so that it is worthy to receive the Mother Goddess and the Father God so that everything that has not been called to it, will be banished. That only love can enter this circle and only love can come out of it, so I can fulfill the purpose of this ritual."

"In the name of the Father God and the Mother Goddess
I bless this incense that represents the air,
That there be no evil in him,
Therefore I bless and consecrate it. "

"With this incense, elements fire and air, I draw this sacred circle so that it is worthy to receive the Mother Goddess and the Father God so that everything that has not been called to it will be banished. That only love can enter this circle and only love can come out of it, so I can fulfill the purpose of this ritual."

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