Chapter 10

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Ariel Pov

I've heard the stories and jokes of me possibly being the chosen one because I was stronger than what mom was, but it was all just a joke. I never thought about it being 100 percent the truth. I mean this is insane. Right, what possible good reason is there for this to be the truth? 

"Because the big man said so, besides what's so bad about that?" My wolf stated, while smiling in my head. "Because this isn't a joke anymore, this is serious and more concerning! That would explain why Aamon wants me now. He more than likely knows the truth about me. If that is the case then we can't let him win, he won't have me because I rather me rotting in the ground then be married to that man. I won't spend my life running like mom did. I mean look where that got her." I told my wolf, and in the process, I turned my attention back to my grandparents who were calling me. 

"That is not all Ariel. We also just learned once you turn 18 you will get the extent of the chosen's one's powers. It is your destiny to carry this with you throughout your years. It is going to be over whelming at first, and hard to control the first week. During that process, I would like you to be with us, so you won't be able to cause any harm over there." Grandma was going through pages in a book trying to get more answers and she had this worry look on her face and I hate that I feel like she's hiding something from me? 

"Grandma what aren't you telling me?" I asked. She didn't look up just paused what she was doing, scared to say a word. "Ariel, when and if you have children, they will inherit your powers and it will be passed on from generation to generation. Before you say that's not a bad thing, it is a very bad thing. Inheriting just your simple wizard side is one thing, but they will be inheriting your entire chosen magic as well. You will be the family that is unstoppable, and a threat to every kind there is. Our family right now is the only family to exist because my parents were mates a full-blooded wizard and a full-blooded werewolf. And strangely enough your grandmothers' parents were also a full-blooded wizard mated to a full-blooded werewolf. Both mated to an alpha, only two to ever be mated to a wizard. You were always destined for this baby girl; all of this was for a reason. It is not a coincidence that you are also mated to an alpha one of the strongest alphas there is. Your children are meant to do great things, especially that first born. The downside of it all though, they will have the powers when they are born just the same way you and your siblings did. The difference is they will have trouble controlling their powers, there will be a lot of mishaps and losing control. They won't have a normal life Ariel, it will be hard on them, and they will not understand, but you and James will have to keep them isolated for a while until they are able to control that kind of power. I'm sorry baby girl, that is one of the main reasons we do not have siblings because of something similar."

I stared at my grandfather once he finished, and I couldn't accept that. I just can't, what kind of life will I be giving James and my children one day. It doesn't sound like a pleasant life to live, my parents never had to keep us hidden and as children growing up, we never had to worry about our powers losing control none of that happened. Life isn't fair I know that. But can this feel all like a mistake but a blessing at the same time. I felt tears streaming down my face, and I never realized I started crying. I quickly wiped away the tears and stalked off upstairs, before I could even get up the first step a set of hands stopped me grabbing my arm pulling me outside. "Dad STOP!" I yelled yanking my arm away. 

"You will not give up or drown in your anger do you understand me!" he yelled running his hands in his hair. 

"Dad just stop, this isn't a life I want for my future, this isn't what I planned...."

"Well, that's too damn bad now, isn't it! Life isn't all about what you want Ariel, you don't always get what you wish for. Life isn't fair it never has been, you should know that by now with how you were raised. You were raised to be a warrior and a warrior you will be young lady! I don't want to hear any buts or no's, you will train harder, and you will stay alive. Because I will NOT lose my baby girl."

"DAD, what is the god damn point! If we don't succeed, its over!" 

"Then I guess that's not an option for you now, is it?"

"It's not." I turned around to see Troy standing in the doorway leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. "Dads right Ariel." He said walking over to me and grabbed my hand, but I pulled away from him.  I shook my head and turned my back from him letting out a very frustrating scream. "This doesn't affect just you anymore, so many family lives are at stake here sis. Losing is not an option, we owe it to them to try. You may be the chosen one, but you don't have to go all about this on your own. I am here, your mate, and your family is here. let us at least try to help, before all of this it has always been you and me. That doesn't have to change Ariel, so what your stronger now, I can still take you down in a combat fight." He laughed trying to cheer me up a bit. 

I turned around with my eyes puffy and tears streaming down my face, and I wondered. 

"You used to say a saying growing up 'The two of us are destined...'" 

"For great things beyond our space and time." he finished, I smiled at him and ran to give him a hug and he embraced me wrapping his arms around me tight. I let all the tears and sobbing out because I knew in that brief moment I was in a safe space. 

"Every time I was down or just needed you, that was the saying you always told me in every moment. I thought you forgot." I managed to choke out pushing my head into his neck trying to stop crying but him holding me just made me want to just let it all out. 

"Never." Was the only thing he said. I had to have faith for now and maybe just maybe we can do this. James will show me how to work as a team, so that's set. Me and Troy can do it together to get us prepared on understanding each other a little more when it comes to a battle situation. I have to trust in the process, and we got time. At least I hope we do. 

"For the time being Ariel, you will be staying with James at the pack house. We believe that is the safest place for you with everything going on." I pulled away from Troy and whipped my nose looking up to see Uncle Jeff, my mate, and my mother standing on the porch together. 

"I already packed a bag for you sweat heart." My mother told me grabbing a bag from inside for me. I smiled gently and walked up the steps and grabbed the bag from her draping it over my shoulders. She cupped my face and wiped the tears away and just gave me a genuine smile. 

"My darling girl, I know you never asked for any of this. You were born into this family not knowing what you were getting yourself into and I understand the confusion and worry. Trust me when I say I know what you are going through. Despite what the future holds just focus on the now. That is all that matters at the moment baby. I love you and I hope you never forget that." She pulled me into a hug, and I embraced her while she kissed my forehead. 

"I love you too mom." 

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